Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today I am happy to say that the level 60 Alpha for Conquest of Azeroth is officially releasing on June 13th, I’m super excited for it, and in this video I want to talk a little bit about my journey as a developer, what’s gone down, and what to look forward to next.
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I guess this was a good time to get into CoA, looking forward to seeing everything that'll be coming out
I really hope that COA is successful and that the player base gets what it deserves. There is so much potential in it and I'm sure you guys rocked it
Are you guys scared that if CoA is a big hit that Blizzard try to stop you ? That would be unfortunate .. :/
Still on the fence about giving this a go. Anyone recommend any more videos?
I didn't really think about CoA at all before you joined the dev team, I had mostly just thought of it as a cool idea to be thrown away because of normal Private Server pitfalls and because of Ascension itself, but knowing you're on the team, being someone who knows how to build cool class ideas from Ascension, brings me a whole lot of confidence.
I'm really looking forward to seeing CoA become something great.
to be featured in this video is my greatest accomplishment
Holy shit im happy XD taken to streaming when i play this on youtube and peopel seem to kinda enjoy it. Personaly love the concept of coa
great vid man glad to hear your story and the news!
I got a feeling this isn’t gonna have much content but still it’ll be nice to feel an “endgame build” of the classes they have.
Dude I’m here for it and will give it play. Awesome content always.
That’s cool man! Glad you played a game so much you got to contribute to a game you loved.
Your authenticity and creativity will take you far sir. Good luck seems your passion and understanding of the flavor for playstyles really can take this far.
Hi mr mcdoubles firstly i would like to thank you for agreeing to do this interview. Are there any plans for custom content at level 60? What fresh twist are you putting on the classic experience other than new classes? is this going to be an experience that caps out at level 60 OR is it going to be progressive? Will there be new legendary items created with the new classes in mind? Will there be CLASS SPECIFIC tier sets?
They really need to make beta free, otherwise bugs wont be found as effectively, hope the alpha does well
How much of your work is Stoneharry's 3.3.5 spell editor? Also please don't let Taterotz touch CoA pvp, i beg you
Been looking forward to this moment for a while.. Also "Mcdoubles" Do you know anything about if there's going to be a consoleport type addon coming out to Project Ascension & Conquest of Azeroth at somepoint in the future, Since my mom's got weak wrists & playing on console instead of mouse and keyboard on our TV makes her able to game without damaging her wrists.
I've been playing Ascension for years and have been playing CoA on and off for years as well. Classless is just not it…. CoA is the future of Ascension imo and your team needs more resources and that's obvious…
I bought the alpha like 2 years ago now, and it's finally lvl 60 lmao, took them look enough.
Imagine how long it's gonna take to actually release
Logged on CoA to check my favorite spec – Displacement Chronomancer. It went from spec with great mechanics to dogshit healer. And after logging on other characters my interest went from 5 to 0.
Is it possible to remove the resource requirement for respeccing?
I love coa just haveing zero peeps to play with makes you feel like everything you do is pointless
Dude. I'm here for it.
I've been a huge fan of CoA's potential since you tested it out the first time. I really hope the game gets the focus it needs to be an immersive co op experience. small things make huge differences.
I was playing a bless unleashed private server with a buddy cause we couldn't play the actual game due to region locking. We were bale to play a bit with VPNs for a while, but ultimately couldn't afford to keep the subscriptions. The point is we were game for the private server to do some more fun co op only to find out all the dungeons we used to co op were now single player only. I dunno much about the limitations of this, but my mind instantly wondered why we couldn't keep the base difficulty dungeons for the few people that do have friends to co op with AND have extra single player versions balanced for one person instead of just one or the other. Ultimately the co op unfriendly nature of that design choice has lead us to stop playing since most of the game now means we need to play separately anyway.
I know it's a private server, but my hope for CoA is that it will be a server that allows you to choose how you play instead of railroading everyone to play and level one way (case and point Torghast) I would have loved to play Torghast to level instead of questing to level and have them be completely different ways to get to end game. The more options players have to experience the game in a way they prefer the better. what I hated was being forced to play a game mode and having that be a responsibility on the side of every other thing you want to do like dungeon or pvp.
I want a game mode like Torghast for the roguelike lovers out there, but I don't want to be forced to play it if I don't want to. Here is hoping the CoA questing and whatever else systems we get follow a design philosophy that puts the players options and immersion first, instead of taking them for granted. Best of luck sir. I look forward to the future!
Fuck yes
Team Ascension needs an answer to MOP Remix, this might be it.
All the negativity from you lately I thought you quit this game to be honest.
Sooo CoA and Ascension is two different things ? And CoA costs money?
The biggest thing I personally don't like about CoA is that it's just vanilla to wrath. Everyone has played those so many god damn times it's boring they should make custom dungeons and raids. Actual new content is a genuine reason I prefer retail to classic or Ascension most of the time.
I just said it in chat, but it's a horrible release time. Elden ring, destiny 2 dlc… I think people might be busy playing other things.
Maybe fixing sht like "invalid target" bug on season server instead of talking about thing for 10 min?
The new talent trees are great. I had the same issue in "original" COA. I got on and if i remember correctly you didn't get to do anything like talents until level 31 or something so I thought it was kind of lame and never got too far.
The War Within will release first than CoA
I can't wait. SoA rework is so dope, I am soooo gonna run blood spec, it's SICK.
only 2 more years till open beta
Biggest problem and turnoff still is that the world is same as in classless. It is ofc personal opinion but I do want the "difficulty" and progress to be similar to the vanilla WoW where pulling more than 1 mobs can lead to the grave and you have to spend a lot time leveling. However same time it prolly would be awesome to be able to play just 1 character that can swap to any class and end game have high amounts of class specific quests, stories and challenges that you can only beat on that class.
I really dislike the dungeon farming godlike OP player character meta that every WoW version and private server seem to favor.
yes yes yes
IMO the level 60 testing should be a beta and not an alpha so more people could join-in and fuel the hype train. It would be a breath of fresh air, especially considering the new "random^2" season on Ascension wasn't that good.
I haven't played COA in over a year, but when I did the one thing I really disliked was soooo many classes had some form of 30 second CD that hyper buffed yourself or allies or both. The buffs were basically mini lusts or just some form of huge power spikes. It made every class feel weird. I'm excited to give 60 alpha a try, and the changes have seemed good so far. Here's to hoping you guys have really fleshed things out
hype hype
who is that handsome tauren in that first clip he makes my mountain rise
When coa finnaly realeses it will be either judgement day for blizzard or ascension team
Niiice to hear that 🥰
Considering Ascension is thinking about doing their own take of classic+ with the original 9 classes, I have to wonder if a lot of it should be added into CoA when it makes sense.
Cant wait to see CoA becoming more popular with the 60 release.
Can you believe it guys? CoA 60! Just 2 weeks away. CoA 60 is in 2 weeks, woohoo! I am so happy about this information. CoA 60, just 2 weeks away, oh WoW. Can you believe it? CoA 60. Just in 2 weeks. It got here so fast!
Two minutes – two bots: you are definitely not falling off, lmao.
Edit: watched the whole thing now. I was one of the first who bought in to COA without having even played Ascension before. That was the reason why I found you in the first place. Im so happy that everything is finally coming into place and you being a big part of it. Im so looking forward to 60!
Got hyped when i saw the Ping on discord, AND FINALLY, also fuck those bots <.<