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We’re all familiar with Thrall, Jaina, Vol’jin, and all the other big heroes of Azeroth, but what about the little guy? What about those side character NPC’s that have awesome backstories or are just plain funny? Today we take a look at these individuals, going all the way from Kalimdor, to the Eastern Kingdoms, to Northrend, and more to track down the Top 10 Coolest WoW NPC’s You’ve Probably Never Heard Of!
Granted there are THOUSANDS of NPC’s in World of Warcraft so the ball is in your court just as much as mine. Do you know of an NPC that many people aren’t aware of that is just plain awesome? Tell us about him or her in the comments below and give that character their 15 minutes of fame! 🙂
The music used for the number 10 spot is called: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by, Kevin MacLeod. You can check it out here, along with all his other awesome music!
A Top 10 list made by, Nixxiom.
Normally I do machinima, so feel free to check out my other videos!
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I love that we give notice to these unsung awesome guys in world of Warcraft. Good stuff.
Oh my god i freaking remember that Rhak'likh quest chain! i only ever did it once in vanilla with my warlock but i loved the heck out of the finale! Oh god so many memories X*)
No Zen'kiki? 🙁
Yeah even after all these years necromancer where bad ass but noooo we got stupid monks and now evokers 🤮🤮🤮
Princess peach and myself get married next week
Who else wanted #1 to be the UGHHHHH ISHNU-ALLAHHHHHH guy
Hihi need to post new:
Hm… very memorable for me is Amal'thazad. For the fact he's a Lich (I loooove Liches) and that he is the only Character-friendly Lich in the entire Game.
And he used to be the Trainer for Frost DKs! I find that pretty cool!
There is or was an undead npc in the world of warcraft fight club that asks if you need a hug if you click on him. As a tribute to robert paulson in fight club the movie
Zuni troll
just tried to google "donky hunky delamancha" to wonder who the fuck he was talking about. Jesus Christ he said "Don Quixote de la Mancha"
If you do the quests in Ghostlands you will know about Dar'khan.I knew this NPC already.
You missed Broxigar
That ahab weathoof is my most memorable quest cuz it was such a unique NPC and a quest?Thats probably why it was so sad.I wasted so much time to do that quest to find the dog cuz it was so sad.
Does anyone remember Zuni?
5 years later still no necromancer
RAR I knew all of these and had done all quests involved with them, but I enjoyed this! I'm just a nerd. 🙂
Nixxiom ur dumb bro
Why not replace the boat and zepplin portals with captain placeholder?
I've always considered Maximillian of Northshire the Zapp Brannigan of WoW.
Are some really cool concepts for The Necromancer class the starting spell would be plagued Bolt and that level 3 you raise a zombie
I feel worse than i already did, i thought wheathoof was just the annoying npc all mmorpgs have. so now that i now his im gonna have to go back do his quest even if i dont get an xp,
Why would a Nelf ever accept a task from a Satyr anyways?
One of the most "unsung heroes" in wow in my opinion is the red dragon Rhea, the "mother" of Wrathion. You can find her as a quest giver in Badlands. She stole eggs from black dragons and tried to uncorrupt them. At the end of the quest chain she was resqueing the only uncorrupted egg (Wrathion) what unfortunatly leaded to her death by Deathwing. But she managed to exchange the uncorrupted egg with one of her own so Deathwing thought that he destroyed it. After all, Wrathion is clearly a great hero who got a lot of highlight in MoP but few remember Rhea, the one who's self-sacrifice enabled Wrathion's hatch.
Aww that’s neat for blizzard to make the NBC for the kid. I need to pay it a visit soon. ❤️
I’ll have to go find Maxamilliian.
Ohh that is sad to kill the dragon.
You and your necromancer fetish!
Me not that kind of orc
Maximillian and Zen’kiki are great. The little girl in Plaguelands who need her dolly is so sad I often skip that line.
I enjoy visiting the dwarves in the little village south of Revantusk village. They have no quests, no boats, no flight path. My understanding is that there was supposed to be some sort of connection with the Twilight Highlands, but the designer quit and they just left the village there.
I’ve always wondered why wheathoof sounded like a little kid impersonating an old person, now I know! That’s so cool that blizzard did that lol
Poor Keristraza 🙁
I rejected the quest for redemption on foulhoof. I support him!