World of Warcraft Is P2W – The Truth Behind Boosters, Carries, & the WoW Token

World of Warcraft PvP & PvE has been overrun by advertisers and boosters over the past few years, and Shadowlands 9.1 is no different. Players are surrounded by brokers advertising various carry groups for Arena, Mythic +, & Raids. Using gold purchases via the WoW token, a new player can purchase nearly any item, achievement, or title with the swipe of a credit card.

With games such as New World & Lost Ark receiving flack for their pay to win features, I believe the WoW community should start challenging the idea of the WoW token. Personally, I believe in-game purchases have no place within an MMO setting.

Live Stream (M-W-F 12pm PST):​


0:00 P2W Features & Other MMO’s
1:02 Catfished in Maplestory & Went Broke
2:05 Bought Gold in Vanilla WoW
2:27 WoW Token & Carries
3:32 Who Farms Gold?
4:08 Cost of Items & Classic WoW GDKP
6:41 WoW is P2W
8:32 Blizzard Supporting It
8:58 Cash Shops in MMO’s

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  1. i would start plaing WoW again if they remove the fucking ingame shop, but blizzard will never do this, i think maybe its becoming another shitty F2P game soon.
    Blizzard is such a shit ass company since a few years, even worser than nintendo and ubisoft, they ruined one of the best games.

  2. So basically I have to pay 60 usd for every new expansion while pay 15 usd monthly to play that game and it still has p2w ingame? Wtf is this? The worst fucking shit ive seen

  3. I remember farming motes to get my 280 flying on BC. When I got it I was euphoric, it actually meant something to make gold back then.

    Thank god I dipped before things got this bad. Old friends that still play tell me that chat is basically a bazaar now all you see is people selling stuff.

  4. I think there is a missunderstaing in the term P2W, for a guy purchasing a boosting, means that skillfull players made it first which in a P2W system you don't need to be good to get it First, for example most of EA games where you can make a purchase from the beginning and get advantage of all other players, and this P2W stuff are sold from a Store in-game, Wow does not have any in-game shop where you can buy gear in exchange of money, P2W in essence if to spend money in game to get advantage of all other players.

  5. I legit farmed over 2m gold at the start of shadowlands via leatherworking… I got to buy the latest CoD and the remaster for D2 with the gold I don't use cause I unsubbed forever ago lmao.

  6. Lol People who are triggered by spending real money in game usually loser in real life. It piss them off to see their only achievement got robbed away.

  7. There's a big difference that you have forgotten, if the system is the one that receives payment, that means there is an infinite amount of resources or gold to be sold, whereas if it is the player that sells gold or other resources it depends on this people limit amount, even if every single player has money to afford 198K gold it's impossible to the player sellers to be able to keep up with the demand. This means that a game which it's own system sells the resources have an elevated p2w / f2p ratio, and those with player-seller system is waaaaaayyyy lower, making it a lot more f2p friendly

  8. WoW isnt a Pay2Win game. ill explain. For me is P2W when u can get something what other Players cant get. like Gear or whatever. In wow u can only can buy u time. thats all. u cannot get better gear or faster mounts or be a better Player. u can get u PvP title; dosent makes u get ahead of the pack. u can get a Raid-enboss; dont makes u a better player 🙂 only thing u can buy is Time in WoW. thats not pay to win.. Most mobile Games are P2W. And btw… ill buy my Tokens ingame… and buy me shop mounts with that.. i mean 1 token is like 180'000 gold.. a WoW player should easy get this in 1 month, i even play for free lol..
    And about boosting.. whats the diffrent about Buy a Boost, or beeing boosted by Friends? I have been boosted since Vanilla yo 🙂 i know how it was back in time lol.. WoW havent changed that much to be honest.

  9. I was an officer in a mythic raiding guild and the best way to farm gold was to sell m+ carries. I got the 3 best players in the guild (tank, healer and a dps) then we sold m+ carries for 200k gold. we earned 50k a run each and we did multiple runs a day.
    we also sold mythic raid carries for the first few bosses at 70k per boss since most of the guild didn't care about the early bosses. that paid for flasks/repairs etc for the entire raid.

    I remember back when I first started playing wow, farming herbs, mining etc to earn gold… farming mobs for green items to disenchant to sell on the AH… good times…

  10. Personally fuck torghast that whole system stinks of shitty phone game. I agree that boosting is a major issue in arenas. The other issue is rbgs are just slapping people together without checking gear score. I mean shit fresh 60 can't really compete with geared 60s

  11. THANK YOU! Finally someone saying this out loud. Yes, WoW is Pay 2 Win and it has been every since the introduction of the WoW token. Yes I know gold could have been bought before without the use of the token, but that implied going to 3rd party websites and all that.
    As it stands right now, the token facilitates Pay 2 Win up to the point where it makes it accessible for everyone to buy gold, rather than a few that would go on 3rd party websites for these purchases.

  12. not defenting mtx and i have no interest in them but i genuinely dont understand how wow is pay to win. yes, theres 2-3 boes each raid tier you can buy on the ah but you havent won by wearing 3 good items and 14 world quest items. are you actually winning if you buy raid clears every id for even one patch cycle for 1+ million gold each week? skipping the insufferable levelling aids by buying boost is winning? do you actually think every gold transaction ingame comes from tokens and nobody would have gold through farming or still living off of garrison gold?

  13. Go to a non wow website and buy gold = BAD
    Go to wow website and buy gold = good.

    Wow is pay to win and has always been that way if you can afford it. With enough resiliency you can overcome your lack of skills as was teh case in Cata. As is teh case today.

    One more thing. Streamers are now abandoning the game en mass. Bring the marshmallows. The fire is getting hotter. The end is nigh.

  14. WoW is not P2W, and people who keep arguing that it is do not understand what P2W is. P2W is when more powerful items and classes are locked behind money, things that give you an advantage over someone else who cannot get those things without spending money.

    This is just another video to clickbait people with false data.
    2Millions for a legendary piece? Did you post that yourself? My server, which has a crap economy, the most expensive 263 upgrade costs less than 200k, and that's the leather one; cloth and plate cost less than 100k.

    WoWTokens did not exist in Vanilla,TBC and WoTLK, yet goldselling, boosts (both pve and pvp) and powerlevelling existed. How many thousands of people used those services? And how many got ripped off? If people have access to money and want to spend them to boost themselves, they will always find someone to do with. If you consider boosting P2W, then every single game can be P2W.
    Ever played World of Tanks? That's a P2W game, because some of the most powerful tanks in the game can only be obtained by spending money.

  15. 4:15 And this is how you make gold my dude. AH playing. There are people who made 100 million gold since patch 9.1 come out. Sit on your ass and flip legos and 230. 6:59 Boosting is not the only way – A lot of people just dont understand the economy in wow. I made 5 million in 1 month of AH playing like 2-3 hours a day of active time spend. So yea.

  16. No shit..those boosters destroyed the fame i explained it even to gm's… People pay tokens blizz get more cash and boosters get gold by millions… Ofcourse thats pay to win but none ever acceept that

  17. Yes Nexon still owns Maplestory, and yes it's still around. It transitioned from a "single target with light mobbing Classic RPG that leaned heavily into social elements" to a "Solo Action RPG with light social elements when fighting bosses". I hate how pay to win Maplestory has become. If there was a 2d MMORPG alternative that felt as good to play as maplestory without all the p2w bs I would of jumped ship as a player years ago.

  18. Couple of things here….
    In game methods of obtaining gold, do not make it "P2W".
    PLayer's trading their in game services for in game money, is not pay too win.
    I just want too clarify that, because if that's pay too win, then that means ANY game with crafting, and a method to sell said crafted items too other players, even on an in game market, should ALSO be considered pay too win, its literally no differant. The same with can be seen with running dungeons or raids, and turning around and selling the items you get, on the in game market. You are using in game methods, to earn in game money.

    The term "Pay too Win", only refers too the spending of real life money (beyond money to simply play the game, like Subs and Expansions) for an in-game advantage.
    THat does mean that the WoW token, makes WoW P2W, but again, its not because of player's trading their in-game services for in game money, its because you have a legitimate way to funnel RL money into the game.

    Same with 3rd party methods of spending RL money to earn in game advantages. In order to be "P2W" the game itself has too allow you to spend your RL money on it for a direct advantage.
    If you use the "3rd party" method to determine if a game is pay too win, then literally EVERY FREAKING GAME IS P2W…. -_-

  19. I used to play in wow private server's for the past 15 years started from eternal wow, gamer-district to firestorm , when my friends moved to retail i felt lost again and i couldn't afford SL. it will take half my rent to pay for that game at my 25th birthday 2 of my friends that moved to retail gifted me SL .its been 7 months im playing in retail grinding cloth in revendreth everyday so i can buy wow token for 250k gold in EU dreinor ,so i could spend some time with my friends and enjoy the game

  20. I guess ure 50% wrong. Pay gold for buy any item is a normal merchandise, like in rl. But pay for improve in the game, because you can't go further, that's a f shit! I mean the f raiderIO, wts in raid or don't be accepted in pvp if your cr if don't waste 100 box in boosters.

  21. I feel like if you have to buy a token on WoW to pay for a boosting service, it’s hardly a ‘win’ situation. Look at it this way, that person is paying £10 a month to then spend £17 to get x amount of gold for a boost which won’t make them any better at the game.

    Pay2win has always meant having an advantage over the over population via real means of currency. It’s not like you can go into the shop and pay for a item which gives a high chance to drop SoD items right? Yeah you’re right in saying you can pay for gear by boosting but, that’s not making the playing permanently better..

    I am being slightly biased as I still slightly enjoy WoW, but I can’t see how saying this game is suddenly pay2win when the WoW token has been in the game since 2015 and before this you could literally buy gold with real money anyway?

    There will always be a ‘pay2win’ element in every single MMO. Even if the token never existed, you could still always buy gold for real money.

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