Oblivinati 10 World of Warcraft Mage PvP 80 (HD)

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The songs and mods used are listed at the end of the video. This video contains rated 2v2 arena our fights ranged this season from 2000-2355 rating. Other than that it’s got BG fights and some random fight clips. Thanks a lot for watching and feel free to subscribe to my channel.

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  1. Your ability to persevere hate and ignorance inspires me to be a better person. 🙂 Although I think he was just a troll seeing his name. Loved the vid btw keep up the good work!

  2. So spiteful and disrespectful. I really hope you choose to surround yourself with people who love and care for you. Life is too short to let bitterness get the best of you..

  3. Because the OP is a bible thumping nutjob. Honestly, he should just stop playing wow and start boning up on science and reason, heck, I'd even advocate him reading up on his own religious bullshit, because his arguments are quite bad if you ask me.

  4. @Nirvanna18 Let's argue logic instead 😀 Kurt Godel demonstrated that no system of logic or mathematics can prove its own axioms. Every logical system relies on a priori acceptance of unprovable first principles. We all rely on faith to a degree. You have faith that all of your senses are not deluded, and you have faith that your memory is reliable. That's exactly what his theory is talking about. Unprovable first principles. That was just his theory in a nutshell. reminds me of the Matrix :O

  5. Pretty awesome stuff! Having been an Atheist and a believer I do believe faith is a necessity but that warrants no criticism. Great vids, I am going to try to get back into my mage.

  6. @andresmoreno03 mage is a good pick…since the last patch they made them so OP u wouldn't believe! my friend on his crit a 120k with a 4 stack of arcane explosion

  7. oh yea i forgot to ask…but what is that thing where u start rotating real fast in eye of the storm after u use rocket boost off the bubble?…i cant figure out what it is

  8. @Oblivinati i never said i dont believe in Jesus, that he existed, i said people dont believe hes miracle. and yes, it has been rewritten also, for example in a meeting about 500 years after Jesus, Maria's virginity was decided, or added u can say, to the bible. so it has both been re-translated and re-written

  9. @smol1995 The Bible has been re-written? I think you're mistaking that for Re-Translated. We have manuscripts that match old testament recordings of today (Yes in different languages, but as a whole still in tact.). And those copies are thousands of years old. There are more historical manuscripts (i.e dead sea scrolls) of Jesus than Alexander the Great, Plato, Shakespeare combined. So if you can't believe in Jesus even as a historical figure then i don't know what to tell you.

  10. @Oblivinati Jesus' miracles doesnt rly proove much, but thats not becaus miracles dont make people believe, its just that 1: its 2000 years ago 2: the bible has been re-written many times, and alot has been romantised (such as the virgin birth) 3: people (atleast the majority) dont believe miracles thats a) physicly impossible and b) there is NO proof that he did it (yes it stands in the bible.. but what does that proove :p) btw, im in no way asulting ur religion, i respect any religion.

  11. @SeaTownIsBad It depends on what you take literally and what context you're reading the Bible in. You can twist the Bible to say whatever you want almost. But not one contradiction (If proven to be true) takes away from the Gospel, Therefore, i don't argue about minor things. I'm not saying you can prove or disprove God on a physical level. His description would contradict all that he is if you could. There is proof on a personal level but you have to be willing to reach out in faith.

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