Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today I bring to you a look at the Pyromancer class on Conquest of Azeroth, a World of Warcraft project with 21 custom classes that I am extremely excited about. This is my own endeavor, something I want to do that Ascension is not making me do, because I am proud of the classes created and want to show them off before we kick off into the 60 phase. Let me know what you think of the Pyromancer in the comments!
The Volcanic Burst spell mentioned in the video is now called Pillar of Flame!
The clips used for this were collected over the course of the last month, and some effects/names/visuals have been amended and improved.
🤜Want more CoA Spotlights? Check out this playlist:
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0:00-1:55 – Intro
1:55-3:37 – The Basics
3:38-4:37 – Talent Trees
4:38-5:06 – Incineration Pyromancer
5:07-6:28 – Draconic Pyromancer
6:29-7:36 – Flameweaving Pyromancer
7:37-11:29 – Design Hurdles
11:30-12:18 – Conclusion
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Could a lack of strong/impactful defensive not stress the viability of the class at the higher-ends of difficult content?
The fire healing sounds fun coming from someone who raided as a pyro in retail, I wonder if a kind of "overheat"/heat management aspect like BattleTech added to the class would be a fun and interesting mechanic where you gain stacking cast speed/dmg but get a stacking dot encouraging periods of ramping and cooling down with heat management being a skill factor
As you mentioned in in the last video and here again, the classes have a high skill cap.
Are there also more casual classes in the making?
Do cos is released
Any news on when they will launch CoA?
Naaaaahhh please, not the dracthyr model
Your post-intro transition explosion is WAY too loud.
I like how the dragon form is just a Drak'thyr model (or whatever it's spelled), though understandable since an actual dragon might be overkill or silly for how small you look.
I was intrested in pyromancer, Turning into dragon sick… nvm u turn in to a lizard that was a missed oppertunity. ohh well lets see Reaper and Cultist!!
pie romancer
I hate plating casters but i won't lie. The draconic looks like a sick class. I should try it out.
Can't wait to see werewolf tank
To me pyromancer is just naturally shooting fire while fire mage needs to come up with a spell to mimic fire. Pyromancers don't need to figure out the right words or finger movements to make things like fire from arcane. Pyromancers just shoot out fire from within. So yeah lore wise and roleplay wise it is different.
you are telling me that i can fullfill my disc priest junky needs of an offensife "damage to heal" healer and a long range caster dps with just the pyromancer? i need the open beta like yesterday, I LOVE THIS
freakin LOVE CoA! cant wait for 60!
Also run that UI mcdoubles I need every detail
Flame Weaving pyro, dealing damage to heal, sounds like Chloromancer from Rift. And this concept is NEAT.
Are there any test keys, my guy? Would love to try it out.
So funny how shit retail and the war within beta look compared to this 😂😂. Blizzard is trash
W content.
In my opinion you're contradicting yourself when you say it's what fire mage wished it was and that people shouldn't compare the two because they're very different.
Very cool class, I loved the pyre mechanic.
yeah thats getting nerfed.
This looks awesome!!! Gonna try out the dragonic spec for sure ❤
these videos are getting me excited to finally use my COA access 🙂 good job Mcdoubles and the rest of the devs 🙂
i love everything about COA …. but the thing is… i hate to play alone…lvl up alone …and then you reach 50..and thats it there is nothing you can do.. and rarely get in BG…i hope they make it free so more ppl can play << and we actually get to enjoy the game
Gj blud
Classless coa when ? And add the 9 primary class in coa
"Fire-based healer" is honestly an underrated concept that's not explored in games enough.
I was the 69th upvote. nice