What did Vanilla Bring to the World of Warcraft Series?

Let’s journey back and take a look at what each expansion brough to the game – what worked and what was thrown away,
Today we discover, what did Vanilla bring to the World of Warcraft?

Music used, In order:

Legends of Azeroth (Vanilla login screen music):
Searing Gorge Classic:
Teldrassil Music Classic:
Shaping of the World:
Outro – A small track from Winterspring, “Winterspring 5”… @27min
Clips used

Everquest P99 Death Penalty – What was your worst corpse run?

Lineage II
Up Level 1/32 in Lineage 2 EU Essence / Gameplay / GameOnline

Old School Runescape
PvM Virus
Testing Death Mechanics

Blood Plague
Brain Howell
WoW Plague Video

1.9 Trailer – Opening of the Gates of AQ
World of Warcraft The Gates of Ahn_ Qirai Patch 1.9 Trailer

Scourge Invasion
Monica Jackson
Attack of the Scourge
#wowclassic #wow #warcraft #classicwow #gold #goldgrind #bestgold

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  1. Final Fantasy XI has over 40 people raids as well, and the death penalty was only xp.

    I can tell you didn't play that game 🙂

    But, most of what was in Vanilla WoW wasn't ground breaking, but by making it so casual and friendly they pouched a lot of MMO players from other MMOs. Add that with the Warcraft fans that started playing the game, and then the cultural phenomenon then it bacame, and you can see why it is still #1, even with losing a lot of people to FFXIV and GW2 over the past few years.

  2. Mid 2000s had so many great games. Wow and FFXI being an all time favorite for me. Til this day I still can not choose between vanilla wow or 75cap era FFXI. Such great games

  3. The ancient Greeks actually had a foot race with no finish line. It was called “running in armor” and involved a line of guys fully kitted in about 120lbs of bronze armor (including shield and spear) sprinting forward until only one was still able to walk. It didn’t tend to be a long race. 😎

  4. @13:57 Yes but WillE I can tell you Im a holy priest and you will assume that means I am a Healer, when I am a caster DPS.

    Cause they could do that, Ive topped DPS in T2 over a spectacular Thunderfury Rogue on a couple bosses (It was Alliance, I was Human, and had a Ret pally for the aura, I was literally set up by my guild to succeed)

    ALSO I have a big nerd boner for doing things you 'cant' do in WoW. ESPECIALLY in 'Vanilla'.

  5. The solution to the "hybrid tax" is for every class to bring unique utility. Retail rogues still can't tank or heal, but you want them in M+ for skips and chaining cc abilities, and in raids they can cheese certain mechanics with their ability to immune or avoid certain debuffs and manipulate their threat. And all that is putting aside the fact that a class with three dps specs is much less susceptible to balance changes than a hybrid class that typically only has one, sometimes two. If Windwalker is underperforming, your monk has no choice but to wait for a balance patch or new gear that might help – whereas if sub rogue is underperforming, you can bet that either assassination or outlaw will be doing well.

  6. The biggest failure of mmos are the chat channel ui. Wow has always had the cleanest and most intuitive system for this, and in my opinion is a large reason on it's shocking success.
    Many many many mmo's have a shoddy chat channel, where you have several different tabs for each thing, trade, global etc, which was just tedious and unnecessary, while blizzard gave that option, by default they combined it all into one easy to use tab.
    If you think this simple reason is nonsensical, go show me a dead mmo with a good chat system.

  7. "WoW has maintained its iron grip on the claim [of greatest MMO] for over 15 years and is still going strong…"
    You're out of touch man. FF14 has far, far surpassed WoW at this point.

  8. I've never understood the love of Vanilla. When it came out, I played it for a month and went back to DAOC. I didn't come back until TBC, when the game really became something. Before that, it was an EQ wanna be. Classic is the same. I played it a month and went back to DAOC freeshards. Now TBC classic is coming – and the REAL raiding will begin. All those vanilla pserver fuckheads can go back to their pservers and suck each other off in AQ40 every fucking weekend.

    Vanilla sucks, it did in 2006 and it does in 2020.

  9. The subscription-based method for WoW seems outdated at this point. I'm not saying it's a bad method that blizzard needs to change because obviously it's still very successful but I know dozens of people that love WoW and would love to play it a lot but can't justify how expensive it is because well it's really expensive.

  10. About the hybrid classes they could've actually develop the supportive aspect through damages meaning that you would need a feral dps or a ret paladin in your raid because they brind something.
    There was a point when the BoK was in the ret tree forcing you to have one ret in your raid because of this… then they remade the trees to something even worse.

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