[1. General – Barrens] [Cromose]: Sooooo, PLS HELP ME!!!!!!!!! WHERE TO FIND MANKRIK'S WIFE ! HELP PLS! [LocalDefense.] The Crossroads is under attack! [1. General – Barrens] [Some random lvl 20]: Allianse atre croxroadz!! (sorry Engrish) [1. General – Barrens] [Cromose]: MANKRIK'S WIFE? ANYONE? [1. General – Barrens] [Random lvl 60 ]: Go fuck yourself caps ´cunt……noobbbbbbyyyy
OH! How i miss Barrens chat!……… And my undeath mage…
I used to grind mobs for hours to get enough vendor trash to buy common quality armor and weapons from vendors, all while thinking that was the best stuff around. This music really takes me back to those days…
If I could make a time machine, and use it once, I would go back to high school, to the day I downloaded wow and leveled my tauren hunter and finally stepped into the barens. I will never experience that feeling again, being in ventrilo running across the green fields to the barrens, spotting a pink flamingo on the way and letting it live because i thought it was beautiful. walling caverns, the first group ever formed with me in it. no group finder, just barrens chat and randomly walking to the group and them needing a fifth. getting my first blue rarity item helping me dominate the barrens and any alliance that came through, then fast forward 4 expansions, cataclysm, almost if not all of the friends have moved on. you linger in realms you used to know, trying to find traces of that once feeling of livelyness and community you used to have. you log into ventrilo to find 2 or 3 people still grinding. the guilds that used to be are now not. what has happened to those people, where have they gone. will another game again be able to provide for those of us who once experienced wow at its peak. Can any game satisfy my single unimportant need for those feelings again.
[3. Local Defense] The Crossroads is under attack! [3. Local Defense] The Crossroads is under attack! [3. Local Defense] The Crossroads is under attack!
If Blizzard won't be so dumb that they makes people buy the game and still pay every month for it, I absolutely would buy it. P.S. wow is love wow is life <3
The memories leveling my troll warrior in Vanilla ;( I still play WoW but nothing beats leveling your first toon and seeing the world for the first time. Before Cataclysm split the barrens into 2 zones, you'd spend days there to get about 10 levels which was slow back in the day. Nostalgia!
All of sudden I'm in 2004 again "Where's Manrek's wife?" 😀 I remember for me she wasn't hard to find, I answered that question a lot. I used to say damn this zone is huge!
whan i listen this music i floted on the cloud's i use to listen this music whan i was tired after working , sometimes i put this background music to get quiet inside my self!!
Back when I used to play WoW I was probably the slowest and laziest leveler in the history of Wow. I didn't care too much about completing quests cause I was too busy exploring places like these and enjoying the music surrounding it. I loved it.
When I listen to this music, for a very brief moment, I feel like I’m back in 2006.
It’s late and my room is dark, save a single lamp on my computer desk. My window is open, the smooth summer breeze flowing in through my curtains. I was supposed to go to sleep hours ago, but I don’t give a shit, I’m up leveling my undead priest, and I’m in the Barrens. I ended up here by pure accident after getting a quest from the Silverpine Forest taking me here, and I loved the place so much I simply decided to stay and level.
Killing each mob takes time, and quests are slow, but I don’t care, I enjoy myself as I go about my questing peacefully. Occasionally there’s Chuck Norris jokes in the general chat, and localdefense always claims the Barrens is under attack, even though I seldom see much Alliance here.
I got 2 out of 7 plainstrider beaks, and I need to find the Stagnant Oasis, but I have no idea where it is. My inventory is filled with vendor crap and quest items, and I got no more food and water left. I see people talking about this Wailing Cavern, saying it needs a group of 5 people to explore, I think it sounds extremely epic.
A friend of mine suddenly whispers me, telling me how he went aboard a boat in Rachet, and now he is in some weird pirate town called Booty Bay. He tried going out into the jungle, but the mobs were all level ??. I remember thinking to myself “One day, I’ll be high enough level to go explore that pirate town, and that dangerous jungle."
As I kill another plainstriders, I ding level 12, and immediately I smile with joy as this means going to my trainer to learn new abilities, as well as another talent point. Leveling is the greatest feeling in the world, and each level feels rewarding.
And then I come back to 2015, feeling a little bit sad, but also smiling fondly over the great memories this game has given me. I don’t consider a single second spent in this game as wasted. This game was my childhood, and I'm glad to have experienced it!
Am I the only person on the goddamn internet who noticed 3:15 is the Overwatch theme?
thats just it
(2005, november, Eu-Al'Akir)
[1. General – Barrens] [Cromose]: Sooooo, PLS HELP ME!!!!!!!!! WHERE TO FIND MANKRIK'S WIFE ! HELP PLS!
[LocalDefense.] The Crossroads is under attack!
[1. General – Barrens] [Some random lvl 20]: Allianse atre croxroadz!! (sorry Engrish)
[1. General – Barrens] [Cromose]: MANKRIK'S WIFE? ANYONE?
[1. General – Barrens] [Random lvl 60 ]: Go fuck yourself caps ´cunt……noobbbbbbyyyy
OH! How i miss Barrens chat!……… And my undeath mage…
3:00 is a moment you're searching for.
This music is so perfect for this area.
We're going home boys.
2:52 YO
I used to grind mobs for hours to get enough vendor trash to buy common quality armor and weapons from vendors, all while thinking that was the best stuff around. This music really takes me back to those days…
If I could make a time machine, and use it once, I would go back to high school, to the day I downloaded wow and leveled my tauren hunter and finally stepped into the barens. I will never experience that feeling again, being in ventrilo running across the green fields to the barrens, spotting a pink flamingo on the way and letting it live because i thought it was beautiful. walling caverns, the first group ever formed with me in it. no group finder, just barrens chat and randomly walking to the group and them needing a fifth. getting my first blue rarity item helping me dominate the barrens and any alliance that came through, then fast forward 4 expansions, cataclysm, almost if not all of the friends have moved on. you linger in realms you used to know, trying to find traces of that once feeling of livelyness and community you used to have. you log into ventrilo to find 2 or 3 people still grinding. the guilds that used to be are now not. what has happened to those people, where have they gone. will another game again be able to provide for those of us who once experienced wow at its peak. Can any game satisfy my single unimportant need for those feelings again.
[3. Local Defense] The Crossroads is under attack!
[3. Local Defense] The Crossroads is under attack!
[3. Local Defense] The Crossroads is under attack!
The best part of when you were first playing WoW was being a noob and leveling.
Barrens music but I only associate it with, Strictly desolace. What's Up?
Chuck Norris jokes in chat.
those barrens lions kept killing my warrior in 2005….
yeah, wow back then
There was so much culture and community.
/1 who wanna join ma party for wailing cavern im warrior(22) and preist hunter waiting for u.(im sorry thief and shamon )
I just want to go back. Please.
this hit me like a truck
such nostalgia
3:15 – 3:26 really captures the theme of the Barrens for me.
Godamnit Blizzard, i want to be a noob again! I want to not be the king or commander of everything.
If Blizzard won't be so dumb that they makes people buy the game and still pay every month for it, I absolutely would buy it. P.S. wow is love wow is life <3
The memories leveling my troll warrior in Vanilla ;( I still play WoW but nothing beats leveling your first toon and seeing the world for the first time. Before Cataclysm split the barrens into 2 zones, you'd spend days there to get about 10 levels which was slow back in the day. Nostalgia!
I know it's just a game, but the feeling I get listening to this song has never been replicated ever, and I doubt it ever will.
im 12. I love world of Warcraft. funnest game to play when ur sad or bored.
music reminds me of relaxing on Saturday mornings lol. I just dont know why
Thumbs up if you always come here to level at level 10 on horde side.
Back in the day when I had no idea how to play WoW, I just walked around and enjoyed the scenery with the accompanying music!
All of sudden I'm in 2004 again
"Where's Manrek's wife?" 😀
I remember for me she wasn't hard to find, I answered that question a lot. I used to say damn this zone is huge!
whan i listen this music i floted on the cloud's i use to listen this music whan i was tired after working , sometimes i put this background music to get quiet inside my self!!
Must resist urge to install WoW again…. urge intensifies !!!
Back when I used to play WoW I was probably the slowest and laziest leveler in the history of Wow. I didn't care too much about completing quests cause I was too busy exploring places like these and enjoying the music surrounding it. I loved it.
Matt Uelmen's magic :(( Music in wow was one that you never turned off.
When I listen to this music, for a very brief moment, I feel like I’m back in 2006.
It’s late and my room is dark, save a single lamp on my computer desk. My window is open, the smooth summer breeze flowing in through my curtains. I was supposed to go to sleep hours ago, but I don’t give a shit, I’m up leveling my undead priest, and I’m in the Barrens. I ended up here by pure accident after getting a quest from the Silverpine Forest taking me here, and I loved the place so much I simply decided to stay and level.
Killing each mob takes time, and quests are slow, but I don’t care, I enjoy myself as I go about my questing peacefully. Occasionally there’s Chuck Norris jokes in the general chat, and localdefense always claims the Barrens is under attack, even though I seldom see much Alliance here.
I got 2 out of 7 plainstrider beaks, and I need to find the Stagnant Oasis, but I have no idea where it is. My inventory is filled with vendor crap and quest items, and I got no more food and water left. I see people talking about this Wailing Cavern, saying it needs a group of 5 people to explore, I think it sounds extremely epic.
A friend of mine suddenly whispers me, telling me how he went aboard a boat in Rachet, and now he is in some weird pirate town called Booty Bay. He tried going out into the jungle, but the mobs were all level ??. I remember thinking to myself “One day, I’ll be high enough level to go explore that pirate town, and that dangerous jungle."
As I kill another plainstriders, I ding level 12, and immediately I smile with joy as this means going to my trainer to learn new abilities, as well as another talent point. Leveling is the greatest feeling in the world, and each level feels rewarding.
And then I come back to 2015, feeling a little bit sad, but also smiling fondly over the great memories this game has given me. I don’t consider a single second spent in this game as wasted. This game was my childhood, and I'm glad to have experienced it!