all cutscenes from the horde and alliance pre patch scenario and demon hunter
all cutscenes from the horde and alliance pre patch scenario and demon hunter
all cutscenes from the horde and alliance pre patch scenario and demon hunter
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can we go back to legion please pl,./.,. hgh./,. * cries *
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For Vol'jin! For the motherfucking Horde!!!!!
Dont understand first one . Demon hunter is ILLidan right ? Why Guldan take illidan and. Warden release Demon hunter????
leave it to the horde to get btfod
Once again Horde with no Honor
WoW is the BEST honourable GAME worldwide ! no further words .. the TRUTH!
Gosh, Maiev is such a bitch.
Vol'Jin has always been my favorite character and too see him die and give the mantle to the bitchy edge lord Sylvanas makes my Horde heart cry
I'm not sure all of the Alliance or even Varian
believed that the Horde betrayed the Alliance. I think that was Genn' s opinion as he is bitter over what the Horde did to Gilneas and for the death of Liam. I find ingenious the way Blizz sets Horde and Alliance players against each other. I knew what really happened as I play both factions
tu video mostrando silvanas es malo por yo lo vi pero esperaba que que silvanas iva hacer cosas nuenas
varian went down like a fuckin boss and although i used to really hate him back in wotlk, he is honorable and he is a big dicked bastard. the horde cinematic is makin me tear up… really points to the idea that the horde needs to band together and although the races are all so different, they have been there for each other through this whole damn game and they need each other. i think sylvannas even realized it right there too… she is notorious for not trusting the horde and really only using them as an end to her means but you can tell now she has embraced the horde for what it is. a group of misfits who don't fit in with this honorable and shiny "alliance". FOR THE HORDE!!!
Why not have the cow or the Blood elf leader have say in who is next in line for war cheif
please give your feedback on my idea or thought on this matter i know someone at some time might have come up with something similar. i think if we get anuf pl to say thay would like this or not then wow mite tack it in to thout on doing it . vote yes or no. plz
Now since Illidan is back willl he end up seeing his brother again or his live interest he had before turning? Or his brother still even alive? Haven't played since MoP
I just finished reading the book Tomb of Sargaras, that was a prequel in this expansion. In it Gul'dan was agonizing that he can't can't conquer Azeroth and couldn't win in the past, because they [aliance, horde, heroes] are fighting together. One for all kind of stuff. So I wonder if it's a trap set by him, to set conflict between the horde and alliance again,,,,
Illiden <3
Why Maiv isnt a demon hunter?
Alliance you don't understand your own king Anduin don't want to fight the horde he don't want to fight 2 wars its true the Legion is the enemy not the horde
For The Horde, For our new Warcheaf Sylvanas!
They made a cutscene for Vol'jins funeral but not for Varians? Da fuck is this? Like I know they didnt have be body but at least show us something! Like how Anduin mourns his father's death and becomes the King. Like I only play horde but its still kinda.. BLERGH.