Classic World of Warcraft #NOCHANGES Confirmed!?

Here is the link to the Reddit post, as well as the Twitch stream, where the leaks have been spoken about:

If none of this stuff is true, please do not hate me. I am simply the messenger!

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  1. No changes. Can we at least have a server max pop increase? That’s a wish in any MMO that’s this old and popular.
    Some of my favorite servers were always full.

  2. I dont think they ever said there were going to be no graphical updates. Infact I think they said there would be as the easiest way to make this happen is to simply use the current game and 'patch' it so everything is like in vanilla.

  3. while I'm going to miss my huge mount and pet and toy collection, transmog, bloodelves, draenei, all the new zones from later expansions (Outland, Northrend, Pandaria, Vashj'ir), my favourite creatures (cloud serpents, arcane serpents, wyrms) and classes (DK, monk, even DH), it's worth it JUST so I can finally be rid of the insufferable eyesore that is the "modern" models and their idiotic animations. Good riddance!
    oh yea, and we're getting abilities back. Will probably end up with about 10 times the abilities than the same class on Modern, lol.

  4. I still think they should 'update' the classic wow servers each month going from patch 1.0 to 1.12… that way everyone can experience classic wow the way they remember it in a way that doesnt change anything and yet offers a different experience every month

  5. Remember when they claimed that we would be able to play Diablo1 in Diablo3 and it turned out to be just a bullshit event that was nothing like D1 at all? That's what I think is happening here. Over a small period of time, the gate usually leads to outlands is gonna lead to a parallel universe where something g slightly reminding of Vanilla is gonna happen and it's gonna be a piece of crap event that you will play through in an hour or so. That's why the teaser was of a gnome flipping a switch and changing the portal and that's why there are so few people working on classic. Cause it's just gonna be a bullshit event and nothing more.

    You have a nice day now. 🙂

  6. My only gripe about nochanges is the class balance. It's going to be one hell of a wakeup call especially today with guides and talent setups posted online. We have tools today to tell you how to do the most dps. Alot of people are going to be really disappointed when they find out they cant play their favorite specs and do raid content, or when they find out this other class can one shot you in PvP. For example, are you a class that can heal? You're healing. No questions asked. Don't like it? /gkick. Wanna tank? Prot warrior or Gtfo. Wanna be a warlock? Okay, but you're here as a healthstone bitch who needs to be ready 2 hours before raid every night, and your rotation for that 4 hour raid is pressing shadowbolt the whole time. I don't want class homogenization, or adding or removing abilities but damn at least let classes do comparable damage. If you aren't a warrior, rogue or mage (or are best friends with a guild officer or GM) you're gonna be real sad when no one lets you group up with them. Yes some guilds let the crap classes and specs come with them, but tis typically because your buddy buddy with someone, or they have enough of the OP classes that they can afford to take a waste of space like your class. But maybe, these people are the people who will stay on the servers. The mages, warriors and rogues and the people okay with being nothing but a healbot. I don't know. I'll be there on the classic servers but man I'm gonna have a secret satisfaction everytime someone bitches out.

  7. Yeah if this leak is true then it’s dead on arrival for 4million potential players, will never be much larger then any of the non sanctioned realms were.

    Literally all they would need to do is remove debuff limit (tech limitation not a game design choice) give pally a taunt (because wtf did they not have a taunt to begin with?) and have toggleable new graphics, (because sry I’m not playing on my 217p crt anymore with a 500kb connection) and boom game would be bigger then retail wow and they could milk us for years for no content updates..

    Then a few years later (pretty much exactly what OSRS did) throw 10dev at it to make some new dungeons and raids or other content BY COMMUNTY VOTE, that were scraped in original vanilla maybe make some tweaks to some of the worst class play styles and add arenas then boom another few years of milking.

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