Speed up your leveling experience
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/fezzikgg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FezzikGG
Levels 1-15: 1:33
Levels 15-50: 3:12 (SEE PINNED COMMENT)
Levels 50-62: 3:54
Levels 62-80: 5:43
Levels 80-90: 9:23
Levels 90-102: 9:56
Levels 102-110: 11:41
Levels 110-120: 13:02
Hey, everyone! I just wanted to share a comment with some updated info. First off, thank you for all of your support and the awesome feedback. I have enjoyed hearing about your experience using the guide, as well as, learning about what seemed to be the most effective for you.
So, as an update, PLEASE disregard the leveling portion based on running dungeons (15-50). At the time of making this video the queues for dps were slowest at 3 minutes per queue. This is clearly no longer the case. What I have heard from all of you is that running linear quest lines, or zones that have high density of quests, have been the most successful. This is my new recommendation. If you have questions about zones, please feel free to ask and read through the comments. I am sure you will find them there 🙂
Thank you again for all the support and best of luck leveling! 😀
Does this work on allied races
How much /played is it from 1 to 120?
i remember watching this video at like 100 views good job my dude
Wrong Fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quest till 30 go back to all the (beginning zones/start areas) for your faction and do them as they give you the same exp for any quest till 60 and you should not have to deal with being ganked by other factions. 90-102-103 do Treasure hunting in Dreanor DO NOT DO objectives till you are 102-103 then do bonus objectives with a 93+ in tow for party sync kill or collect everything but the last thing needed to complete it that's 90-111 in 3-4 hours!!!!! Then do bonus objectives left in Dreanor then in legion for 111-120 with party sync!!!!
Is there an alternative to party sync leveling from 62-80?
I find doing silverpine and hillsbrad from 1-50 ish on horde is far faster than dungeons.
Or pay $60 to boost to 120, if you hate grinding why bother. It’s like $2 a day rather then burning your entire day in a grind that you don’t even enjoy.
Then once 120 if you enjoy the entire wow experience just go back to old places and get the achievements without pressure or dying in the process
this is called exploiting. and its forbidden 🙂
Good content!
Biggest thing I don't see many people talking about…TURN ON WARMODE! You get 30% more xp.
Fastest way I found is party sync with a lvl 1-20 use exp pots.boa ect
There is a potion called Draught of the Ten Lands you can buy in BFA that gives 10% XP boost for 1 hour. They're only 5 Service Medals each, persist through death, stack with other XP buffs like DMF and Monk buffs, and the timer pauses when you are not logged in. These can be mailed to your alts.
I also just looted treasure in Draenor from 90-103 with war mode on. Not many people around and I actually got a mount from a rare that's usually dead outside war mode.
There's also the 5% XP gem you can use. Was difficult to find any gear to use it on, but the heirlooms from Siege of Org have gem slots and you can use them starting at level 90 up through 120.
With flying, full heirlooms, Draught of the Ten Lands, Winds of Wisdom buff, and the XP gem I was able to hit a new level every 15-20 mins in BFA leveling just by questing. Mining and Herbalism give XP as well for a little boost. And once you hit 118, doing the quests to open up the three zones on the other continent should get you to about 120, as well as some much needed AP for your neck, and at least 1 300 ilvl Azerite piece.
Thx, this really helps a ton, thanks a lot
Great content, but kinda boring to absorb. I recommend you put a bit more energy/excitement in your videos.
Thanks for the video I'm new and at lv 40 now, love the game so much.
I'm not familiar at all with Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion and all those expansions' mechanics and gimmicks, no idea what those treasures are, no idea where I can learn flying anymore. It's so overwhelming how much there is to learn about the game as a long time returning player. Nevertheless I'm very glad to have found a reliable method to level up a couple of alts in preparation for the upcoming expansion.
How is your channel not huge?
Your quality is great and your info (including the updated info in the comments) is really helpful.
Thanks for the great vids and I look forward to watching your channel grow in the coming months.
Been looking all week for a good leveling guide that was up to date. Just started retail this week and wanted to find the most efficient way to level, thanks for the great video!
Create Character, equip full heirlooms, war mode on, starting zone quests to lvl15, spam LFD till 120, queue as Tank/Heal will be super quick as insta queues! Boring but quick lol
I couldn't really take advantage of the starting cause I made a goblin.
Pandaria treasures give me 3k xp at lvl 81 wtf?
Thank you, for taking your time in wow and editing this video so we can level faster!
Nice guide, I didn't know about the mop treasures :0
I'm not sure the party sync method works as good because mobs scale to your level now, right? So you can't just blow through all these quests so easily.
Pandaria treasure farming is not really working for me… I have an addon that shows me the spots but 9/10 times there is nothing there.
Subbed, great video 🙂
great guide, but the syncing thing makes it a bit of a hussle for me, so i think i stick with questing and dungeoning 😀 the treasure hunting is a good advice tho