Secrets of Ulduar Remastered (World of Warcraft Cinematic)

This is last episode of BC/Wotlk remaster series , enjoy .
Fall of the lich king
Black Temple

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  1. God. Compare this to what we have in Dragonflight. Even the actual old school one is incredible compared to the bullshit we have now. This is such a good remaster.

  2. Well done. Only nit to pick for me is that, while Jaina looks better (the one used in the original cinematic looked SO different from any other Jaina, and the BfA version looks much better) her hair hadn't turned white at this point & she would have been wearing the purple & white robe at this point.

  3. Wow Garrosh was extreme and irrational, Better not make him warchief in the next expan~
    You made him warchief didn't you?….
    And there's a world war, Brilliant. Good job thrall.

  4. Jainas look is such a fail! She became her white hair from the manabomb of theramore. Ronin died from this bomb. So she couldn’t has this haircolor as long as ronin is alive…

    But it’s a great remastered version anyway

  5. No fucking lie, the visuals and the cinematogrpehy in this video are so fucking peak.
    The train scene at 2:00 minute instantly struck out to me.
    The small details like the evasive motorcycle at the start and especially at the end with the floor shattering revealing an endless night sky.

  6. The concept of the old gods used to be so good. Just an ever present nearly ethereal threat. You don't defeat an old god. You just delay them and prepare for the next time. They basically used to be written like primal fears. BFA completely obliterated a decade of lore in like a year and ruined the entire concept

    Every raid they were involved in was memorable

  7. This is so neat. I've always wondered how you make these – is it like a 3D framework you overlay with in-game models? The early machinimas (?) were just emotes & stuff cut into what they needed, but obviously this kind of stuff is more sophisticated.

  8. Looks really cool, but Jaina's model is a big trouble. She lost her hair blonde color after Theramore, and that scene was before all that.

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