Top 10 World Of Warcraft Noobs

World Of Warcraft, It’s a game with many different types of players, people and skill levels but one thing’s the same for all of us, when we started playing wow for the first time we all sucked, we we’re all massive noobs and had a lot to learn about this massive world we’d joined, In this video we take a look at the top 10 types of noob in the World of Warcraft, how many of these guys can you relate to?


Intro Music: “Toast Of The Town” – ProudAardvark:

(Music Provided By Monstercat)
Song 1: Bustre – Everything’s Different

Song 2: Nitro Fun – Cheat Codes

Song 3: Stereotronique – Quake

Song 4: Noisestorm – Sentinel

Song 5: Sound Remedy & Nitro Fun – Turbo Penguin

Song 6: Case & Point – Fugitive

Song 7: TwoThirds – Origami


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In this video we look at 10 types of noobs you’re likely to find when playing wow, from the guys that suck at raiding or pvp to the hunters who specialize in doing stupid things there’s bound to be a type of noob you can relate to on this list, I know I can relate to a few.

If you’d like to suggest a topic for a future discussion or top 10 please comment or tweet me via the links above.

—Text Spoilers—

10: The Distracted Noob
9: The Naive Noob
8: The Level Capped Noob
7: The Complaining Noob
6: The Auction House Noob
5: The Roleplaying Noob
4: The Hunter (Huntard)
3: The PVP Noob
2: The Raiding Noob
1: The Questing Noob

Legal footnotes

– All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated.
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Top 10 World Of Warcraft Noobs

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  1. My noobest moment was when I disenchanted every piece I could get my hands on thinking I am exchanging them for gold. I then found out disenchanting turns pieces into dust only after I would have sold those as well. This pattern continued for a long time. Must have thought something looks cool about the purple disenchanting icon.

  2. When I first played WoW, it was early Cata, and I was only 4. I created a Goblin Rogue, bc I heard Rogues were cool, and bc Rogue has my initials. And me, being 4, believed WoW dedicated a class to me. So, for the first few months, I destroyed the training dummies, believing they were my source of XP. Then my uncle came over, and saw I was struggling alot. So he hopped on, bc we had like 5 computers, and he created a Goblin Mage. So we start over. Me, being 4 years old, I can't read, so I DECLINE the quest Sassy gives u at the beginning, and I told my Uncle Pat that I accepted it. So we go to Foreman Dampwick, and he accepted the quests. We do the quests, and I'm wondering, how is he shocked the trolls? I keep it to myself, bc I was worried he was gonna get angry, bc I had great Pre-school friends. So we finish the quests, he levels up, but I'm still level one. I told him I accepted and completed the quests, but calling back, I pressed decline on the quest Sassy gave u. My uncle comes over and laughs a gentle laugh, and tells me I never accepted the first quest. He takes over from there. After I finish The Lost Isles, I decide that this class was stupid, and I chose DK. Ever since I did the dumb mistake, I remembered to do it right this time, and went on to do the DK quest line. After this, I got into the social aspect of WoW. I joined a PvP battleground in Warsong Gulch, and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Of course, I die about a million times, then one time I get the flag. I'm scared bc I have no idea what to do. I run into a corner, meanwhile my team is screaming at me to get back to base. Then I get destroyed. We lost that game. Then I try dungeons bc BGs were stupid. I role as a DPS, and I click the green flag, bc I had no idea what I was doing. I go into it, as a Blood DK. I'm aggroing all the mobs, without waiting for anybody, and I get kicked. I do it again. I get into a group, but this time I'm Unholy, so I do literally the same thing. I get kicked again. I don't understand it at all. So I join yet another group, and I don't move at all. They move and I lose it. I move with them, and kill the mobs, while I'm screaming at them to stop. And yes, screaming at the computer, thinking they're ignoring me. So I just gave up on dungeons, which I concluded that WoW is not very social.

    So that's my story. I still laugh at it to this day.

  3. My first ever character, I was recruited by my cousin's bf, and he almost strangled me on more than one occasion, because I refused to wear 'ugly' armour. At level 20, I was still wearing some lvl 1 gear as a dungeon tank. I'm so much better now, and I have a good transmog. But I still hate ugly armour.

  4. I used to spam fear no matter the situation. Tank got really angry when we wiped twice then I feared a third time and we wiped again in BFD

  5. Now that I look back, I never got trolled when looking for help believe it or not. This was during the WOTLK days, and there were sooo many players who genuinely tried to help me during my time playing, including giving good amount of gold after I had played a new character for a few levels, and made cool friends in the process. I miss that the most from games like WoW. And yes, thankfully I was told by a wise player early on to avoid trade chat always.

  6. I have many noob moments. When I was new, I didn’t know the proper terms or acronyms like Aoe, DPS, LFR and so on. So I was in a LFR and someone mentioned Aoe but I didn’t know what they were talking about so I ask “What’s Aoe?” and got booted XD.

    Also, when I used to play on my dad’s account I made a Night Elf Hunter and I was like 8 or something and I thought that if your pet died, they were gone forever and you had to tame a new one.

    The last one would prolly be when I was leveling my shaman to 120 and I thought that you could only do past raids in that leveling zone, example would be leveling from 60-80 aka Wrath and BC content, I thought you only had those 20 levels to do ICC or Black Temple and after that you could never do them or something like that haha. Then I learned you can just reach max level, gear, and blow through those raids.

  7. I have 2 mistakes
    so I didn't know fatigue existed and I tried going to vash'jir and I died
    I also didn't know what level range was and tried to go to the broken isles
    I thought about it and they were good ideas but don't work

  8. Here is my noob story: started playing when BC was out. I was 6 years old. Played mage, didn't do any quest's because I tought people with yellow exclamation points above their heads were giving me a warning sign not to talk with them or get close. So I killed mobs until I was lvl 30 or so. Didn't visit trainers, walked around killing everything with lvl 1 frostbolt. Didn't have a mount, walked everywhere. Talked to guard NPC's hoping next one won't be so rude and will answer me. Than I died, entering hostile area. It took me 4 hours to find my body. Than finally after 2 weeks of playing my cousin, experienced player, came to my place, saw me struggling and told me: idiot what are you doing? Where are your spells? When I explained to him my ways he laughed so hard. Ahhhh the good old days, he was my WoW teacher later on. I don't play anymore, but sometimes remember those fun simpler times when my biggest worries were how to lvl up and not get killed.

  9. When I first started playing I was climbing random mountains and trying to parkour them thinking I would reach a cool area and get some awesome rewards

  10. the fisrt time i played wow was in a pirate pandaria server (now i have the ofi) and the friend who invited me just said, "you muve with WASD" and since then, i had to learn how to stop being a melee mage

  11. Disengaging off of the Lich King's platform, wiping us repeatedly. One of my guild mates made a "ring of jumping" item description for me when we finally downed LK

  12. When i have create my night elf, i was doing the quests, i have see two npcs on mounts.
    So i try to whisper to them for know how to have these mounts.
    (6 hours.)

  13. Ima pvp noob ^^ I can pretty much do pvp now but im still crap at it unless im playing as my combat rogue XD and even then I get royally screwed nearly everytime if they focus me XD.

  14. Was heading through the gates of Org (Cataclysm), lvl 85, when some fresh-hatched noob drops a duel flag. ( O.o Really? ) I said no thanks and dismissed it. He dropped it again. I demurred. He squawked and flapped and called me a (something quite rude). I asked him "Have you even LOOKED…at my freaking LEVEL?" He spouted some rage-crack, so hey, what can you do? Fine.
    I just /say "sigh"ed and one-shotted him. Pft.

  15. I guess it depends on the age as well, I started in Cata when I was 18 and I pretty learned fast, after 3 weeks I was 60 Night Elf Mage and Rerolled with a Death Knight at 55 and continued until 85 and started tanking with my guild leader in the well of eternity dungeon and raiding tol barad raid and blackwing descent as dk frost. And today 2018 still playing DK n1 in battle of azeroth with one small change, For The HOrde!!!!!!

    Btw I remember i asked in guild chat to the leader some questions i didnt know and he replied with.

    Go look it up in wowhead, i aint telling you.

    And so I did. He told me he didnt ment to be mean but for my own good.

  16. Short sighted talent noob here, got my warrior all the way to 60 and sat there for q few good months with the strangest talent build without mortal strike or blood fury… or shield bash. Only when I started tanking for molten core was I enlightened. Most were shocked and admittedly impressed I'd gotten that far without end talent abilities haha

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