Hey Fam!
alot of you asked me about my Addons / Addon video for World of Warcraft
Project Ascension / Wotlk / 3.3.5 and here it is!
ive listed all my Favorite Addons and in my Opinion the best Addons for the Game in this video. We playing World of Warcraft on the best Private Server 2022 on Project Ascension!
Server: Alar
#Worldofwarcraft #Wotlk #addons
GoogleDrive : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13oheA-CKX29l7Dn7UxeeQn8FjkNt0spb?usp=sharing
00:00 Intro
01:33 Virtual Plates Addons 3.3.5
02:18 All Stats Addons 3.3.5
03:10 Auctionator Addons 3.3.5
04:36 Compact Raid Frame Addons 3.3.5
06:40 Details Addons 3.3.5
07:32 Gatherer / Gatherer DB Addons 3.3.5
09:25 Jpack Addons 3.3.5
10:04 Nice Damage Addons 3.3.5
10:48 Plate Buffs Addons 3.3.5
12:13 Postal Addons 3.3.5
12:42 Sexy Map Addons 3.3.5
13:47 Snowfall Keypress Addons 3.3.5
14:58 Weak Aura Addons 3.3.5
16:13 Fonts Addons 3.3.5
17:36 Move Anything Addons 3.3.5
18:34 Lorti Ui Addons 3.3.5
Subscribe, Like and Comment 🙂
Server: Alar (draft server)
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Dennis Müller
Still Alive
frederico kiko
Bryce Middlemass
Eric Gain
whats the mod you used for that armor at the start, asking for a friend
Hi, any Q for wotlk 3.3.5 about incomplete Q? Like everyquest or questie? I search but noe one doesnt work. Thx
is there an add on similar to questie?
how do u make spell glow on click ?
90% dont work i add to my addon folder and they just dont work
Please tell me how your health/mana/stamina numbers are showing. They are not showing for me and as of 3.3.5 there is no status option
How do I use Bartender4? It just bug the crap out of my UI.
How can i put my buff on the right like you?
you talk about Gatherer but you upload GatherMate on the google drive link
Some nice addons many thanks, btw what is a good addon for a returning player to wotlk 3.3.5a for pve questing.
subscribed, i like this kind of videos.
Where am I going wrong? I can't seem to find many of these on Curse Forge?
ty man!
Hey thanks for the video. İ uploaded all ur addons it looks great but Bag section is seperated its not stucked like urs. How can i fix that?
Hey why i dont see plate buffs in my addons, while i downloaded it. I see it on character selection but not ingame next to interface
@Mixow how do you get the Tracking to show up for Herbs and Minerals I can only have one tracking enabled at a time
I don't find any addons. did you download them from a particular site?
What's that addon name that copies Friends and Ignored list to all characters in the same account?
hey,can you upload the weakaura for the combo points?
Thanks for this!
Jpack dont work forme
I can't get any addon to work from outside the launcher, no idea why. Such a shame too cuz some of these addons I use on retail too. 😒
Do you ever have an error message that tells you there are to many lua errors?
Hello, ty a lot !! but i have a problem, when im login in and click on the "Addons" button i dont see any of the addons i extracted to my ascension addon folder
hello :D:D:D✌✌
miss xD
Thankss I was waiting for something like this 😍
Hey Mixow, I’ve never used auctionator but was curious if it will pull up the re on and item rather than the actual item if you’re selling res?
can we get a guide on how to make weak auras I've messed around with it but doesn't seem to work half the time
thank you alot man Love you !
i t hink you didnt upload your font btw i really like it ^^
I now see why you needed a raid invite lol.
jibletThank you so much! Awesome video! I especially love that you included a download link for everything! Super helpful. Love the videos man!