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I love seeing this especially since I made a BDK in the mop remix to bring in to TWW. I played blood in Cata and was planning on playing it in TWW. and these changes just mad me even more excited
The change to Gorefiends Grasp is going to be huge for M+!
I Hope that they Will pump rougues too 😀 i am kinda 50 : 50 between Rogue And DK main 😀 but this changes Keeps going better for dk 😀
i have to admit that the only reason i dont play blood dk is because of that dumb bone armor visual. I know its ridiculous but it just ruins it for me
What armor set is that. It looks cool
Frost death knight mortal strike effect pls blizzard . Now is the time
Wish abilities had more spectacle to them tbh
so Bonestorm does not consume all charges?
And nothing for hunter
rotate clawing shadows and epidemic when youre bursting the wounds on multiple targets.
kind of underwhelming visuals compared to a lot of other classes.
All these baddies coming back to dk
Man DK looks awesome. Going DK.
delete shaman.
I have been waiting for a reason to go back to DK, and here it is.
Looking forward to death knight and trying all of them out tbh. I also wished we had need animations
I hope dk gets a DnD aura, especially now that one of the horsemen has one.
Why Blizzard WHY!!!! rework shamans too 😭😭
BTW first ever 1st comment 🙂