How Did Legion Change World of Warcraft Part 1/3

Yes, really part 1/3! I found that much to talk about with this expansion.
Looking back at all the new features in Legion it really was a good time to be into WoW – let’s make a start on it shall we?

Legion Leak:
Music used, In order:
Intro: Kingdoms Will Burn: Starting @1.16
Suramar Music:
Aszuna Muisc:
Highmountain Music:
Outro – A small track from Winterspring, “Winterspring 5”… @27min
#legion #wow #warcraft #classicwow #TBC #TheBurningCrusade

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  1. Well, I might be biased because of dropping the game in 7.3 before last raid released and haven't touched it since, but I think it was the worst WoW expansion up to that point. Terrible AP grind. Atrociously unbalanced legendary system that could make unable to raid properly if you didn't get your BiS legendaries early on. Titanforging overcomplicating gearing, because suddenly your best trinket even towards the end of the expansion is overbudgeted world boss stat stick with at least 15 successful tf rolls. Utter stupidity of the global story. Idiotic changes to make talant changes more expensive in the expansion where you had to change talants for every boss. Locking you to one spec because of AP requirements. Tomb of Sargeras as one of the worst raids in the game. I could continue, but that alone should be enough.

  2. Wotlk hype, Wotlk hype. I can recall playing legion for about 3 weeks and stopped playing, same thing happened with Mists, although I played for a month (I skipped the expansion between those). Been playing tbc classic recently prepping for wotlk classic, time to have fun with wow again. The game might have had alot of quality of life changes over the years, but the game was easy to understand and play back then… play retail today after any kind of break and your completely lost…

  3. This expac Ruin hunters for me I was a SV hunter since wrath when they made it melee I puked if I wanted to play melee with a pet I'd play an UH DK

  4. Legion was EPIC. Apart from the acquisition of legendaries (RNG), I loved everything about it! <3 My personal best expansion, replacing WotLK in this respect at the time.

  5. Iv been playing wow since WOTLK as a little kid. But legion has been by far my favourite expac I ever played and I look back on it as my most fun times in the wow universe

  6. My absolute favorite expansion ever, followed behind by MOP. Classes felt unique, story was cohesive and players stayed excited the entire time about their character progression.

  7. Legion got me from an essential LFR raider to a Mythic Cutting Edge player by the time Antorus came around. BFA comes strolling around and now I’m a Hall of Fame player. Shadowlands comes around the only reason I’m still playing is because I’m still in the same Hall of Fame guild and I love the people. If they leave I quit.

    I want Legion classic servers though. Was the peak of fun doing any type of content you wanted to do. Especially M+.

  8. Allied races were a BFA feature, not Legion. You only had access in Legion if you pre-order BFA.

    It was always a BFA feature. But people forget, and think Blizz will carry it on to all xpacs.

  9. I've had the most fun in WoW in WotLK, when I started, and then again in Legion. Great times online. I also played through Cata and WoD with rading and social etc but them just wasn't it. Then BfA happened, and I still haven't bought Shadowlands, first time ever not giving it a go in a new expansion.

  10. In legion they also figured out how to re-use old assets effectively for new content. I like how we often go back to old zones for quests nowadays to mix things up

  11. I played wow again at the ending of wod/beginning of legions. When I saw myself scale up to people that put countless of hours of gameplay I quit. Fuck that, that wasn’t fair. That’s not what rpgs are about lol, since when is “balance” and “scaling” the main points of an rpg?

  12. Sub rogues were pretty insane on release, they could easily burst you down during a single full kidney shot, frost mages could one shot you with glacial spikes, if you ran into a fury warrior and frost dk and didn't know what you were getting into you got instantly deleted by frostwyrm's fury with the warrior doing ramp + reckless abandon + ramp + odyn's fury combo into a dragon's roar, some of the burst potential was absolutely insane even in arenas because of the way your gealed scaled on lower item levels, but honestly it was kind of hilarious seeing myself being gripped by a dk, charged by a warrior and seeing my hp go from 100-0 in literal nanoseconds as the angry warrior spins around while a giant frostwyrm runs me over with a hailstorm

  13. My impression from Legion on launch was "Oh shit demons invading the entire world, we will have to fight to survive against ovewhelming odds"
    Aaand then it turned out that demons can't be arsed to attack anywhere outside of fokken isles.
    I was also hoping that with return of the Burning Legion they'll do something with Outland, give it a little Cata-style update. Nope.

    You know, now that i think about it the reason i stopped playing WoW is because each new expansion is so completely self-contained. Unlike, say, Runescape where Jagex actually managed to integrate even the most simple and low-level of activities into endgame somehow, in addition to making the game more "wide" rather than "tall" with each new content patch.

  14. It feels strange to say it but I think Legion was one of the best if not the best expansions. One would think the later WoW expansions can't do that, but it did so many things right.

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