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Built in currency transfer will be with is when The War Within Prepatch releases, but you can start making use of it today!
00:00 Account wide everything*
00:22 Here’s it on alpha
02:29 How these changes are useful
04:37 How to prepare today!
11:43 What’s next, achievements & more!
so now we can not only spend hours figuring out and mailing money between characters, but also spend hours and hours finding out what currency we have on what characters, which is especially nice if you have like 40 60+ characters instead of just sharing all currency between all characters, how nice, time to spend 50% of my game time doing this crap
I still want Bloodelf druids.
They just can't not make systems. Here is a money system.
My personal fear is that I'm going to have to try to log into an account that was banned due to mass reporting when classic came out and I'm just not going to be able to get half of my stuff
I never played that much with alts, but these changes definitely promote playing alts.
Video starts at 2.30
7th-legion and honorbound medals, are they fungible? and by that i mean can you convert one fo the other by sending between factions on separate characters?
So basically shared currency except the currency that we really want sharable.
Okay so I have a question… I've always wanted The Twin Blades of Azzinoth transmog on my DH. But for the achievement you need to have both blades equipped on the same character. Now, one blade is on my monk the other one on my druid. Will I be able to get the transmog through warbands now or do I still need to have the two blades on one character?
when will this currency thing release? Cuz I heard when prepatch releases from the vid, but how will you be able to transfer bronze like mentioned since the event will be over?
With this I might just take my MoP Remix alt army en mass to work through grinding out SL and dump all the Anima into one at a time until I knock out each covenant.
Oh yeah, you'll be super strong in Remix at level 70 with 100k bronze, you can almost get through a heroic dungeon without dying.
I don't understand why they don't implement account-wide currencies in World of Warcraft. It would eliminate the need for transfers and provide a straightforward, quickly accessible currency system.
They need to make gold acct wide
Me here still waiting for them to make warfronts solo :'(
Hey Bellular!
Do i understand this right? Its about the Reputation, if i have before the Prepatch Launched, for example, 1000 Rep on one character and 1000 Rep on another character, i get 2000 Rep for this Fraction in the war within or does only count the "Maximum Rep" for all characters? i hope u know what i mean
"Oh you love account wide currencies? Fuck you here's Shitshow Remix, enjoy"
Well, that's just stupid. Make it account wide tab. I hope it's just a technical issue at the moment, and they will fix it eventually.
tip install Altoholic to check alts currencies
Class armour isn't account wide.
Korthia was amazing! What is this rewriting of history by the dumb vocal minority again?
WoW's code base must still be pretty guttered if they are going through the effort to do currency transfer instead of account wide currency. Or they're running out of time and needed a quick solution.
yeah this seems like a chore
How about Tol Barad commendation ?
Still waiting on them to fix my demo lock's inability to transmog a two-handed weapon into any skin I have collected for use on my demon. They provide us the glyph but block every way for us to fix up weapons to get appearances we want. So, instead, we are stuck with RNG in the hopes that we get the weapon to drop for our lock… which, when it is a weapon for latest content, means we will never get it. They really should disable the thing that cleans transmogs from heirlooms we mail between alts. I could change up a weapon on another char and ship it over to solve this… but apparently that is too much. No idea why this is even a thing. Not only that, but with the traders tendor shop, we cannot use those cosmetic skins for the purpose.
Can someone tell me what shoulder transmog he's using on his paladin in the video? It looks so cool! I NEED TO KNOW –
I cannot unsee the head turning whilst talking
So do I still need to log in on all my alts to send stuff manually to my main?
yah what I dislike about this is, that it WILL kinda force you to play more than one character to get certain things and items… not a fan of that. I dont like playing 20 different characters in the same expansion. And this would basically punish players that only want to play one character in an expansion.
Before somebody comes with that nonsense of like " then dont do it… herp derp im so smart derp". Yeh.. get lost dude. You dont know what you are talking about.
Why not crests? Tie it to an achievement and make it sendable
Why still the fee on stuff like soul ash? Get that stuff out of here man.
Great start though!