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As with any expansion theres tons to learn during the first week with you realise that perhaps if you were to do things again, you would have taken a slightly different route through the game.
Today im going to share my experiences from the first week of Cata Classic and go over all the tips that I have learned which may help you out on your journey.
This is What I WISH I Knew BEFORE Starting Cata Classic | Cataclysm Classic | Alt Leveling Tips
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You absolutely dumped on cataclysm before release, why are you even playing & how can you expect anyone to take your opinion seriously
I played Vashjir for the first time ever, and I actually enjoyed it a lot
its 18 TB dailies but yeah its alot
18 daily quest
I just did a complete rehaul on my UI, what addon is showing the auction price on items?
I got the ring on my first solve xD
ugh, can't believe they did cata classic. wish they would just do a fresh classic server that progressing thru clasic > tbc > wotlk again
I think a lot of people don’t know what “pre-nerf” and “post-nerf” means for Heroics.
Most of the original 4.0.6 – 4.1 dungeon changes were minor bug-fixes and tuning to boss mechanics.
The heroics feel easier today because it’s not 2011 anymore. If you ignore most boss mechanics, you will still wipe your group.
''Things I wish I knew before starting cata classic'', bro the game came out 12 years ago or something. Surely we all know all of this shit.
333ilvl gear is at honored, 346ilvl gear at revered, 359ilvl at exalted rep with factions. Also 12 TolBarad dailies on the Baradin Hold island
12 Dailies in Tol Barad not 11 and 6 outside in the main basecamp – TOTAL 18/25 total daily quests
Thank you for the video and your insight. Yes some things are not 100% accurate but we’re all a community trying to help each other enjoy a game. Cheers.
Huh. I didn't know cata was even out yet. Figured it was later in the year
It takes around 15-20 min to find a group for a heroic dungeon at peak times. Feels like cata is DoA compared to wrath/sod and other versions that predated it
2 minutes to start a 13 minute video. lol
Protip: since today the Heilroom Head and Cloak goes up until 85!
No timestamps? 🙁
You aer losing views this way.
Seeing Reforge Lite again brings me some memories lol. It looks exactly the same as it used to look back in 2010
really good video, but after watching it i ve completely lost interest in cata classic…why do they always bring post nerf content and latest patch talents, makes the game much more easier…they should do 1 month pre nerf then post nerf so that ppl can have a challenge and can witness the times, were heroic dungeons were truly heroic and were hc raids were really spicey, especially ragnaros 25 hc.
Sandwichlady 😂
I cant find AtlasLootClassic on Curseforge for Cataclysm Classic.
Lmao cata Classic alrdy dead after 1 week 😂 obvious but cringe
Im not seeing Atlas Loot in Curse forge. 🙁
Maybe I am missing it or something, but that got my hopes up so fast
@willie your video show atlaslootclassic alpha 4.0 curse forge has no 4.0 alpha, beta or release version. where did you get it from?
Hey can you post the link where you found the Altas Loot Cata because in Curse forge app doesnt appear and in the Curse Forge Browser its the WotlKVersion
8:15 dear lord, don't do that. all of these classes have talents that convert spirit to hitrating. If anything, reforge superfluous spirit into haste to get a haste cap, then other stats.
Cata classic. What an oxymoron, count me out! 🥱
The part about stats. I wish people would understand that 😂. Almost every other dungeon I do, there is always this one guy who needs on stuff he is not supposed to.
I used to do 25 dailies in tbc. That got annoying after a while
Revered gives 346 equip not 333.
AtlasLootClassic is not in curse forge cata
you mentioned Atlas Loot is on curse but it isn't? has something changed? if you have it please post a link
4:22 or you know you could just take the portal in SW/Org…. that brings you right to the rep vender…
8:37 No AtlasLoot is still not active on curse and it is not updated. the only update is from that one reddit post where they tell you how to change certain values in the config files.
just fished up the turtle mount. it should at the very least be as fast as the seahorse.
Quit at 82 😂
Hi Will!
You never took back your video about “pre nerf” content when the raids are not even nerfed. They’re literally pre-nerf. All of them. It’s so odd. I think you should retrace your steps a bit mate
Uhh spirit for boomkin elemental shadow don’t need to change spirit to hit via reforge they get it by taking the given talent in their tree and it changes it on a 1 to 1 spirit to spell hit
I enjoy Live Classic minus the anti-social guilds.
Lol cata