Why WotLK is World of Warcraft’s BEST Expansion

Remember when WoW hooked you? Moocluck sure does! In Wrath of the Lich King, Moocluck – a new player to World of Warcraft at the time – was just a simple adventurer, treating WoW like just another game. That is, until he experienced something incredible – an encounter that only World of Warcraft can provide to a person. In celebration of Wrath of the Lich King, Moocluck is sharing his story of how he ultimately fell in love with the game, in a frozen northland far far out of his level zone.

Huzzah! This is also Moocluck’s first ever fully narrated video on this channel, so don’t be too harsh if you have any criticisms for his narration or story telling. Going forward, look out for more videos voiced by him, as well as Nixxiom himself. Whether they be for World of Warcraft, or other MMOs. See you guys in Northrend, everyone! Be sure not to get too cold while fighting against the Lich King.



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  1. Yeah, I'm a wrath baby myself, but I started out on a private server because I couldn't afford to pay for retail, I had one hell of a good time though, my first server I got to level 40 as a mixed shammy (I didn't know what the hell I was doing so I added talents in every tree -_-') and then the server shut down, so I found another one, played there for around 10 years before I jumped to retail, now days I stick to classic due to…well, wrath (I did play through classic and TBC though) and still enjoy wrath to this day 😛

  2. i have a few. 1) the first time entering the burning crusade, my wife purposefully never let me see hellfire as soon as i entered i was blown away. i couldn't believe it, 2) when i was 70 and going to ZG with my guild for a mount farm. my wife rolled a 99 and was like yeaaah iv got the raptor, i said i wouldnt roll as id not win and she said no no go for it. and i got a 100. got my mount and i love it till this day as the memory sticks with me over voice chat going ooooooooow sifer nice roll and my wife jokingly threw a pillow at me and gave me a look that could kill lol. and 3 and 4 are in wotlk. 3 is where i got to re roll a pally tank and was in a top 3 guild on my server. running ulduar. on the iron council boss fight and pulled and got insta jibbed. on voice chat the RL said "give locien a little more healing as he is under geared" soon as he said under i got one shotted the second i pulled the boss and every one was like "WTF" in a laughing way and 4 again in ulduar on yog 1 light. the MT died when yog was on like 10% with the adds spawning (they dont die on 1light due to the keeper not helping finish them off they stay at 1%) so im tanking loads of adds and the full hp adds hitting me like a truck, popping all CDs as one runs off poping another. the RL shouts "KEEEP LOCIEN ALIVE!!!" im counting down the seconds till i die, boom im dead but as the second i die the achievement pops we killed it the second i died. was geat hearing the cheer and scream everyone did. ooh good times. good times.

  3. I was a console gamer and used to watch my stepdad play WoW when it first came out. He let me make a character and play on his account in early 2005 and I was hooked. Some months later I got a hand me down PC and my own WoW account. I quit when MOP launched and came back for vanilla classic but couldn't really rekindle those nostalgic feelings I had back in 2005-06.

  4. I’m norwegian, and I love Howling Fjord just for that reason alone – I feel at home. Man wotlk is great, and so are your content guys. Glad to hear your voice again Moocluck!

    Btw: There’s no protodrakes here.

  5. One of my favorite moments from wow was actually from a private server I played on before I moved to retail, the GMs would form groups of up to 3, transform into actual raid bosses and raid the capital cities of the alliance and horde and it was our job to prevent that n from assassinating the leaders, so you had like 40 good geared players fighting Arthas, Onyxia and some other boss but those 2 are the ones I remember, and like 60 low levels throwing themselves at the boss, missing everything and dying instantly, it was glorious and its a memory I have kept since those days, I remember lining up at the front gates of stormwind on our biggest mounts (the traveler's wooly mammoth) and waiting for them to arrive, then when they died, everyone that contributed to the fight (not the low levels obviously, but it got them pumped to level up faster) would get a currency that you could use to buy TCG stuff

  6. (english is my foreign language, I try to explain it normal. :x)
    I started WoW back then when I was 7. I had a lot of reasons to start playing and it had nothing to do with the game itself. But as soon as I saw the nightelf in the cinematic, I got exicted to play. As a kid I always wanted to have a cat and this elf literally just turned into one.

    So I was in the character creation and searched for the women I just saw, but I couldn't read properly and I never played a game with a character creation before. I played games like settler, so you didn't had to customize. Luckly my dad came and were angry, because I took so long in the creation. So I tried to explain my problem to him and he explained everything in the character creation and how to customize one.

    So I chosed ofc a nightelf female and I didn't change the class, because I srsly had no idea they would do. I saw my father a lot playing wow before and I remember that we had to start the game from a CD from newspaper ,,Computerbild". There were giant wolfes and they could kill you in an instant. So the first time I login, I paniced and looked everywhere. But nothing run forwards to me and tried to kill me.

    I played the game and a couple of days later, I discoverd that not every elf can turn into a cat. I was sad and rerolled my class to a druid. Well I made some friends later and we played with our characters doll games. Like ,,family" and stuff. Like roleplay, but just in the group chat because it would be embarissing if someone had seen us.

    Well until TBC release I didn't played wow like a normal player and in TBC I tried to go into raids but nobody wanted a child and as soon as they find out I'm, they kicked me. So I found myself a home in bgs.

    Anyways … This is my story, how I became addicted and thanks to wow I had motivation to learn in school. Because I wanted to understand the quest better and I wanted to talk to people on my own and not with the help from my father. Its a lade story, I know. I mean the addiction only started because I saw a women turn into a cat and I figured out how to do the same.

  7. Moocluck how r u doing buddy? It is so nice to hear from u after all this time. I could tell that this was YOU and not the character talking. That was a very beautiful story that woke up many fond memories. We all have fond memories from WOTLK, wheetheer we were fledglings or veterans, i am sure. Be well friend.. Hope to hear from u again soon

  8. I am happy for the players but I hate how current Blizzard is successfully by abusing nostalgia while prior spitting on customers.. other games deserve their player numbers and investment.. just wait a while and they will monetise wow Classic the same they did with Diablo Immortal and Overwatch. If it isn’t in development already I bet you all I have that they will put in a microtransaction extravaganza into wow retail. Every little dragon perk you can pay 5€ instead of farming 1000 hours. I bet you they come up with monetisation schemes that make it impossible to get the content during normal sub because by the time you get can get the “free” content there is already the next expansion…

  9. Another Wrath baby here. I loved that boat trip as well. So wonderful! I bought the recent expansion just for that reason. Hope to see you there!

  10. Yay storyline with Uncle Moocluck! Also grateful on the blue proto drake, I remember I wanted that so bad when I started doing heroics

  11. Man, I missed Moocluck! Great to see our favorite warlock again! I remember starting WoW during Cataclysm, at the ripe age of 10. My first character was a night elf hunter. Of course, I never had the luxury of buying the sub at that young age, so I remember making a character of every available race, and getting every class to level 20. I did that for years until Legion came out, when I was able to buy the sub. 12 years now, and WoW is still my favorite MMO to play. Hyped for Dragonflight next month!

  12. I am currently playing WotlK for the first time since i was only 4 years old when it arrived and im currently experiencing the same feeling of adventure Moocluck does

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