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5tthey should have built on this aundin..
Ты блять когда показываешь девушке, пожалуйста не пизди и не спойлери
The guy, he's wrong. You can use magic on Mak'gora, if no one said that you can't before the duel started. The rules are told before the duel starts.
It is a common mistake to think that you can't use magic or elements, or any kind of shit on mak'gora 'cause thrall vs garrosh, but they said no elements on that fight before it started. Is not the same situation, so she didn't did anything wrong.
I honestly like how Sylvanas fights. Apart from her being capable of parrying extremely heavy blows, the style she uses is very fitting when fighting orcs. See, she is fighting defensive, rather throwing out attacks, she's using her enemies attacks against them. Utilizing her speed compared to the much slower Saurfang and always waiting for him to strike, so that while he is swinging his weapon she can act.
It's kind of hard to change the direction of an attack mid-swing, the heavier the weapon the worse it gets, so her daggers, her undead nature, natural elven speed (or whatever is left of it through undeath) and the possible benefits from her unknown magic make it almost impossible for Saurfang to actually even hit her. He did hit her, because he was able to split the sword in two mid-swing, which she obviously didn't expect.
So in short, she is pulling the Obi-Wan technique (Soresu, for those who know). Utilizing defensive techniques to a maximum to use the openings the opponent(s) are forced to create when attacking her.
The only way to oppose this, is to force her to attack, by not attacking her. Usually the assumption is, that the advantage lies with the one attacking and striking first. This is true, if the defensive one is not prepared. If prepared, the defensive one is actually usually the one with the advantage.
On a sidenot, Saurfang never wanted to survive this fight. His whole theme has become about being denied the warriors death, and here he got not only his warriors death, he also got an honorable death, as he prevented the deaths of thousands of soldiers and the second sacking of Orgrimmar. Saurfang is not the Hero because he exposed Sylvanas, he is the hero because he saved both the Horde and the Alliance this day by preventing the battle that could have cost them everything.
(Remember, Anduin said that he had just enough men left for one last attack. Though the Alliance won more battles throughout BfA, the Alliance was far from being well or overly superior in military power. An actual battle at this point would have been at best a pyrrhic victory.)
Love ya guys
People really don't get Sylvanas and her plan.
She's too smart.
Only few know '' overpower'' when you raided OG.
Taliesin of "Taliesin and Evitel" does an amazing breakdown of this cinematic, finding all the nuggets of lore nerd payoffs. For example Saurfang begins the duel with the line "Let it be finished" which his son proclaimed before changing the Lich King and dying.
You 2 are such a cute couple.
Great reactions. I can tell you two actually love the WoW universe.
I love how open she is to watching and getting involved with WoW.
какая красивая)
Typical – two shammies and a priest and no bres?
He got the warriors death he wanted.
Мое уважение девушке, эти искренние эмоции)
The traitor Saurfang got what he deserved and i was so happy when he died 🙂
All the traitors deserve to be punished no matter if is a game or IRL. 🙂
Yup totally worth it, loved seeing it again thru both of your eyes. Thank you for the upload 🙂 more to come.
I love how when Sylvanas shouts, "THE HORDE IS NOTHING," that the undead guard has that look of, "uh oh, she said the inside voice thing with her outside voice…"
Using magic on Mak'gora is not forbidden. What it is punishable is not accept the duel (So when Sylvannas asks Saurfang "Why should I accept your challenge?". It's basically becouse she can't just refuse a duel, otherwise she's going to be dismissed from her charge. However, from an orckish perspective (Horde's perspective at this point) it is considered cheating as a dishonorable way to fight in a duel. You might win, but from Horde's perspective using dark magics, or any magic on this kind of duel brings a disagreement about leader's honor on this case. This same thing happened when Durotan challenged Guldan and the horde splited up.
One of the best cinematics i have seen it is so epic.
In my opinion when Sylvanas is calling everyone nothing I think that she’s comparing them to N’zoth I may play both horde and alliance but Sylvanas will always be my queen 😎👍
SYLVANAS MY QUEEN!!! She makes an amazing villain.
Actually, unless there are rules set about the battle, anything can be done in Mak'Gora. You can't claim Sylvanas 'cheated' by killing Saurfang with magic, because the original laws of Mak'Gora are no armor, no clothing, just a loin cloth and one weapon of choice. Saurfang is wearing almost full armor, and wielding two weapons.
What matters is, they didn't set any rules. They didn't say "No magic, no armor" or anything. That means, it's each against the other in whatever way they see fit to win.
why still dying orcs?
Глазастая ты че творишь, я аж прослезился. От меня лайк за твои глаза)
if larry says "finale " its finale oki ! ^^
why the hell do you look so familiar, ahhhh yes, Jess from new girl 😀
did you guys drop the warcraft reactions after this one??? there's still couple cut scenes and the shadowlands cinematic. i been checking back few times but seems like you've moved to other games now
Remember the good old days when nobody cheated in a Mak'Gora, even Garrosh cheated by accident lmao.
5:25 she's not supposed to have any magic at all and it shocked the spellcaster leaders and became the subject of mystery at the time. how and when did she get magic and what kind of magic this is?
Акцент как у русских. чет не оч приятно слушать
Need reactions^ World Of Warcraft Shadowlands Cinematic
There actually was no restriction saying she couldn't do that in the duel.
Finally, the old senile remembered the honor at the end of the addon and did what was supposed to happen back in Lordaeron. To do this, he needed only to betray the leader and to force a bunch of representatives of the Horde to become traitors. And what did we get as a result of such an absurd ending? Horde is nothing. I'm not sure that Blizzard was fully aware of the possible subtext of this phrase, but as a result, the Horde really turned into nothing. A strong paramilitary faction, which its representatives were proud of, turned into an absurd parody of democracy. Did Saurfang want this Horde back? Congratulations, he achieved this. However, for many Horde players, this phrase has become sacred. Our Horde is dead. The Horde is now nothing.
warhammer40k dawn of war 3 trailer
Apex season 4 trailer
hell blade 2 trailer
Diablo 4 trailer
Those all good trailers to watch !!! Maybe playing some games will be good idea 🙂
The magic shes using is unknown even for Lor'themar the leader of the Blood Elves who knows A LOT about magic. Also I love the look the Undead lady next to Sylvanas give when she screams "the horde is nothing" like "you shouldnt have said that now youre screwed"
Next Shadowlands i guess ?
Just want to say one thing, they never said magic is not allowed. But everyone have their own opinion about mak'gora.