World of Warcraft: Fastest Powerleveling Method for Battlepets!

Using this power leveling method, I was able to quickly get the “Tamer” title, and I got it within a few hours of figuring this method out.

****ATTENTION****— if you are having trouble at 18, use your first 2 pets until they die, and just finish the battle with one pet alive. That way the living pet gets all the XP!********

this is a great grinding spot at ALL levels, so keep it in mind. If its crowded, it doesn’t work as well, but there are still other skeletons in the area, just not as close.

I have yet to run into anyone here, but I got some good use of this for the first week, so I figure time to make it public.

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  1. Is the safari hat achievement from defeating 40 different trainers or just winning 40 trainer battles in total (meaning i could just keep doing dailies)?

  2. I prefer just using any pet with devour at 25 to level any other pet. They can keep going like there is no tomorrow. If you find a devour pet with speed, you're set.

  3. this is not the fastest way. here it is; when you fight with the grand master pet battlers in pandaria kill first 2 pet and when 3th turn make it low healt, drop a bomb or something that blows after 3-5 round, after putting the bomb die after 3 round, swicth the 1 lvl pet, then bomb blows, battle over, and your 1 lvl pet become 14 lvl.
    there you go.

  4. I found it easier to just stay near the condors and que for raid or dungeon to break up the monotony. Getting ready for that celestial tournament with this method otherwise. Pretty good at leveling them fast. under 2 hours I've obtained about 4 25's

  5. I power level my pets by beating cataclysm trainers in a similar way that u fight the farmer-trainer in this video. The thing is that for some u are gonna need an OP or specific level 25 pet in your possesion. Just get the pet that should be power leveled out first, do something and then switch it.

  6. Get Chrominicus (Bite, Ancient Blessing, Ravage) and fight Marsh Fiddler in Four Winds at the farms around Lucky Yi elite pet. Chrominicus will kill all pets w/o losing HP. There are no pets that do AoE so easy to lvl 1-25.

  7. Instead of using a Spawn of Onyxia I'd suggest to use a Nether Faerie Dragon, wich is a dragonkin, so resistant to flying, with magic attacks and those do extra damage against flying pets.

  8. I was able to do a very similar strategy, except that I used any Spider pet with Brittle Webbing and Leech Life. This allowed a healthy uptime and extreme dps of the Cockroach Spawn in Icecrown. Every Cockroach only spawns with 2 other Cockroaches, giving the spider type advantage against the entire team, and with leech life there is almost no need to heal more than once every 8 minutes ish.

  9. I prefer the Paoquan Hollow in the north west corner of Valley of the four winds to level from 1-25 its fast spawn, allways start agains a critter. got 1-25 in about 1hour with the safari hat (10%+ pet battle exp)

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