10 Types of Raiders in World of Warcraft

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Raiders in World of Warcraft are smelly and so today I’m going to tell you all about them. Enjoy!

Written by, Nixxiom
Edited by, Lawrencium

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  1. I feel like the awkward guy in the Russian private server I play… They always write in Russian and I can't even understand what they're saying, so I just do my role as tank

  2. You forgot one which is my type of raiding lol.. The Alt-Tab Raider: This raider will usually die every single time on the very first very very avoidable 1 shot mechanic just so he can Alt-Tab and watch youtube videos while the rest of the raid does all the work once the boss is dead he collects the loot rinse and repeat on the rest of the bosses and if he gets kicked he says oh well que for another pug and the cycle continues.

    My record in my raid was I think 30k overall damage and was never kicked for some reason and made it to the end of Castle Nath and got 4 upgrades on that single run I was so happy to have worked so hard to earn those beauties I truly earned it!

  3. Definitely in the no add on catagory. I hate having to manage them and check for regular updates. If it were up to me, we wouldn't need them. But I would begrudgingly accept to use add-ons such as Bigwigs and whatever we use now instead of Recount these days, and one RP mod cuz it's a thing the entire server uses basically. I'm usually the top healer, so nobody bugs me too too much unless I royally screw up. (Holy Priest for Life!)

  4. Might I add, "The guy who gets lost, all the time, no matter how often he's been there". We've all seen him, this guy would get lost in Brill let alone AQ40 or Ulduar. He's geared, he knows his rotations and probably great at fighting but without a leash, he'll take a wrong turn and get lost in a heartbeat. 🙂

  5. you forgot the Non elite elitist. the guy who thinks he plays on an elite level and brags that everyone else on the dps sucks when in reality he is dog shit and getting carried. Or parsing high on meters because it favors his class/spec on that particular fight but on other fights will make an excuse on why his dps is so low.

  6. I have not experienced the overly friendly raid leaders. 90% don't acknowledge I'm there, which suits me fine, and the other 10% are assholes who complain if I don't pull my weight more… Even if I'm carrying the team.

  7. Love the vids idk if I'm any of these though I'm the player that will get geared from raid finder then to normal then to heroic and well of course mythic well I try to get there but new raids pop out

  8. Funny enough, my raid guild doesn't seem to have ANY of these players in it. And I don't feel like I fit the bill for any of them, either. I show up, talk somewhat, do my dps, try to learn as best I can, get loots (Sometimes…) and, yeah. I dunno.

  9. I'm the 'female' and my boyfriend is one of the tanks 😀 used to stand in shit during fights and be the first to die but I slowly got better at it, trying not to be the last DPS in our guild is my goal lol

  10. Im the one thats never raids because one time I couldn't find where the raid ran off to
    (There darted in a different direction but were still in the same room lol)
    And im dying because healer isn't healing me (I'm tank btw and it was my first time tanking)
    So I died and got scolded and im like but why did you run off-
    Nowadays im the chill girl just trying to have a good time =)
    Or maybe im the female-

  11. This brought back memories of guild leading in TBC, always making sure everyone was doing fine, and farming additional gold for pots for a few members who didn't really have the time to raid and farm. So I guess I'm feeling a little called out right now lmao.

  12. As a female raider in WoW, I can say

    Literally everything was wrong, at least in my case. Maybe, just MAYBE I’m not playing because my (non existent) boyfriend is leader, or I’m looking for attention. It might just actually be because I like, playing, a, game.

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