Pointless Top 10 Cats in World of Warcraft
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I just found Mr. and mrs. Fuzzles in stormwind. Made me think you should do a top 10 on cats. Welp ya already did. But damn a little cat wedding is so cute!
Disappointed that Chance the Cat, Grandma Wahl's cat in Gilneas, that she sends you out to rescue before she will consider evacuating isn't on the list.
Where is Broken Tooth?
To be honest number 10 doesn't apear in Alien breefly … like on screen yes BUT you acctually cheer for the cat to get out on that spaceship with her 😀 😀 😀 WHOLE MOVIE 😀 AND WHEN IT ENDS YOU ARE EXTREMLY SCARED FOR HI TO BE NOT INFECTED 😀
I havent seen a Xena episode in decades, but i did have a crush on gabrielle. Any episode with the jack of all trades or hercules should be decent, maybe..
Pointless Top 10 Cats bonus fact:
On my vanilla server I would often fight with an alliance rogue named Marble (Agamaggan US)
Almost 20 years later I have a cat named Marble (my exgf named her :O)
Had to add you missed the rarest one, no other one in the game like it, the ghost saber cat in Darkshore. I always tame one as a hunter pet. You find them by opening cat figurines in the naga ruins to the north. It's a ghost and stays a ghost as your pet.
My favorite cat from wow was the white cat pet you can buy from some boy vendor that randomly spawns in SW.
Should have had the discontinumed white kitten vanity pet. It was one of the first pets you could get.
Twinkles chasing a woman turned into a mouse is definitely a reference to Chinese empress Wu Zetian
Yea so King Bangalash had the best stats. In classic and stuff before they revamped hunter pets it was basically the best hunter pet (at least that was the claim anyways). I know I had him as my pet as a result back then. There was also a weird thing where u tamed pets to "learn" a pets moves and then you could teach it to other pets. Its possible he learned more moves or something as well….i cant remember specifically tho as its been like 18 years lol
Surprised that Jen-afur didn't make it on the list. 💔
Pop Culture I think is what you were looking for with the Mr. Bigglesworth part
10:08 This why I chose Ella to be my assistant on my farm in Mop! She loves cats as much as I do! 😻
once upon a time i lost the roll for the tiger by 1. the end.
I think the cats who are named Ashley Virgil is a Reference to capcom from davil may cry and resident evil 4 but thats just my guess
Kinda similar (not really) to the tiger mount story. A buddy of mine wanted Garrosh's shoulders from Siege of Orgrimmar. I also wanted them but not nearly as bad. So I would run with him from time to time between characters and such. It finally dropped and I got them! But because I know he wanted them more I handed them over. He quite playing that week and hasn't logged in since. That was like 2 years ago now. Shoulda kept the damn shoulders lmao.
A little sad Feline Familiar wasn't on here. It's a little bombay in a witch hat, and when you get on a flying mount it summons broom to ride on after you. Just a little guy 🥺
I literally got my tiger a few weeks before the change as well, so happy
Hunters got bangolash because he started out with 2 skills at higher ranks than you could normally get untill much later.
What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? 😅
im surprised the cat house in boralas isnt on here, there like 20 cats there
This video is so funny to watch because I never knew about the cat named Rowdy and my actual name is Rowdy so hearing RIP Rowdy go pet Rowdy etc my brain was like !??
when I think of cats in wow I think of night elves snd their mounts. I also think of potm from wc3 / dota / dota2
i got my tiger the last day u could and it was the only attempt i made ever. i went with my buddy who thankfully had it already, but it dropped! and its my favorite mount for that reason. even worth some good money.
Why isn't Kimbol on this list, he's a big fluffy furball
#1 has a weapon cause shes protecting her cats form those bad guys that walk around that area.
top 10 well dressed NPCs in disgusting places
This video series is either curing or exacerbating my ADHD
rip Jenafur my love 🥲
also for 2 Ella gives you Luna on your Halfhill farm if you befriend her!
The bangalash jump was a special moment
Thanks Buddy, perhaps we could get some love for dogs as well, hmm? 🙂
this video is iconic, as someone who spent a long time getting the Crazy Cat Lady title i appreciate this thank you
Dont forget that poor cat in BFA Drustvar zone who was sacrif8ed at a bloody tea party by a crazy little girl to summon a void monster
You cud have included the mrs.norris cat from azuna in the academy, which is a reference to harry potter
I did the winterspring rep grind on my warrior back in the day….then they made it easier.
I thought one of the slime cats in Maldraxus would have been on here
“The cat was in Alien, and it was also in Aliens….. wow.” – I felt one of my brain cells die.
theyre not pointless if they spark joy
wait wait… mr bigglesworth causes naxx hard mode? BLIZZARD!!!!!!! that should have happened. something like all the other bosses are rezzed and attack you between phases 1 and 2 on KT fight.
I like cats
What about the semi translucent cat pet that has a chance to spawn by looting cat statues in the Naga area in north Darkshore pre-cataclysm?