History of Human Racials in World of Warcraft

In this video we will be talking about the various racials of the humans in Wow, from vanilla all the way to Shadowlands.

Script by Selty
Video edited by The Flying Buttress
(Reviewed and double checked by meeeee)

[Every Man for Himself]
[The Human Spirit]
Removed in Cata:

Removed in WoD:

[Mace Specialization]
[Sword Specialization]

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  1. And we back to horde dominating the racials war.
    I hate how in wrath human had Best pvp racial but Nerfing it in 7.0 with also giving flat 0.5 to all secondary stats was good.
    Still orcs are superior compared to human thanks to dps trinket and stun lower duration.

  2. We have a 80% imbalance of horde playerbase over the Alliance, what can we do to solve this?
    How about nerfing the Alliance racials?

    Fucking genius

  3. You can see a trend across all racials and expansions. From vanilla – Mop, blizzard fine-tuning them for their intended purposes. Mop – current retail decreasing each expanion, racials function and relevance. Sorta like other aspects of the game that followed a similar path.

  4. They "fixed" the racial problem after they ruined it and Horde became super dominate. Then nerfed Alliance racials super hard without nerfing Horde ones. Feelsbadman

  5. Humans in Warhammer fantasy at least have a uquie Holy roman empire steampunk thing going. Humans In fantasty arent boring devs just have lazy imaginations.

  6. I hope you make this into a mini-series, with one video for each playable race.
    If you do, I can't wait to see the Blood Elf one, since I'm sure there are a ton of people that don't know how the original Mana Tap and Arcane Torrent racials actually worked.

  7. so how are the cooldown calculated with the trinket? i dont know which one to press first or should i just use trinket no mater what and ignore the racial? because when i use the trinket the trinket will be off cd before the racial.

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