The Sun Cleric | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft

Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we hop on the Sun Cleric and showcase all of the awesome stuff it brings to Conquest of Azeroth. This is a true Sunwalker class, and its use of both holy and fire magic intertwined into one cohesive class lends it to a completely different feeling from a traditional Paladin archetype. Let me know what you think in the comments!

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0:00-1:20 – Intro
1:21-3:33 – The Basics
3:34-4:15 – Talent Trees
4:16-5:26 – Piety Sun Cleric
5:27-6:55 – Blessings Sun Cleric
6:56-8:35 – Valkyrie Sun Cleric
8:36-9:41 – Seraphim Sun Cleric
9:42-14:22 – Design Hurdles
14:23-15:07 – Conclusion

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  1. Healing throw rage. Now I can not picture the heal not using and chants to cast their healing spells. They just sit there cursing you out that you got hit. With these angry curse words, your body start to nit wounds and regrow limbs.

  2. To me lore wise sun cleric is more personal connection with what gives you light powers, while paladin is more community and is about your faith in what you are doing for the light. Sun cleric is something directly giving you power. Paladin is vasically star wars the force with your belief and confidence in your actions using it is why you are able to. Basically I see it as if you are doubling if smiting down some enemy is wrong then the light won't give you it's power. That is why the light may leave someone trying to help but unsure of themselves but is widely used by the scarlet crusade. it isn't because what the scarlet crusade is doing is good but they fully believe in their actions. and obviously having a community to help you stay in the right mentality helps. Because someone outside the scarlet crusade may question if all undead are really so bad? But in the scarlet crusade you are constantly assured they are and need to be slained by hands of people like yourself. So yeah lore wise they are different even though they seen similar with both being plate wielders using the light

  3. To my understanding this really captures the holy warrior aspect of paladins and that's a thing I really like.

    I am very much interested in how complex the tank rotation is here. Having many active mitigation skills and having to use many active mitigation skills isn't quite the same and I couldn't figure out, if most if not all abilities are supposed to be used on cooldown or not.

  4. It would be so cool to get a melee/caster hybrid spec that uses only a single 1h and an offhand caster item, there's never been anything like it before. I would also love to see dual wield shields somehow. But this class is super fun, I'll probably main this or cultist. Great work man

  5. I'm interested in CoA, and these videos are a nice extra dive into mechanics and ideas, but I can't shake how every breakdown in these videos seems heavily PvP focused. When discussing what makes a class unique, or what makes a class "balanced", it focuses on mobility, CC, or resistances to interrupts. I wish there was more focus on the rotations, and what really differentiates the roles from other specs of the same role in PvE content.

  6. Did you guys play around with Valkyrie's Grip and make it even more unique so they may use one 2h weapon or even more specific like polearm/sword combo?

  7. Yet another plate wearer 4 spec class. Are all the classes 4 specs? There seems to be ultimately no difference between any of the classes, I know each class has a bit different play style. But not every class needs to be Melee/ranged DPS, Tank and healer. its ok to have a pure DPS class with 2 or 3 specs, or hell a class that follows like DH, 1 DPS and 1 tank spec. I dont have access to COA and the only info I get is from these videos, but I am not sold on this just yet, hopefully as more of these Class Spotlights come out that will change, but you are currently 1/4 of the way thru all the classes and what you have shown is ok, but 3 out of the 5 so far are plate wearing 4 spec classes (I know cultist uses cloth for their healing/ranged DPS if I heard right in the video) but its still there.

  8. This game is looking amazing. Honestly, I didn't like the idea of Ascension WoW, but the fact that you are making classes that look incredibly fun and in-depth is making me reconsider. I was only really considering DuskHaven, but we have another worthy contender. Also, is CoA vanilla or vanilla+? Great job so far, looking forward to more videos!

  9. Quick question Mcdoubles, is it worth leveling a character in CoA to 50 before the level cap gets increased to 60, or is it gonna be a fresh wipe this time around? I bought CoA a couple of years ago but I haven't played with it as much as I've wanted to, but if I can tinker with it a bit before the 13th I'd like to for sure!

  10. Hey McDoubles, I appreciate your videos. You got me into Ascension wow a long time ago. I have taken a decently long break but all of these CoA videos got me wanting to play again.
    When will CoA be accessible to play?

  11. Cool videos so far. I like watching the spotlights for the classes. They help me understand what the team is going for with these classes.

    Just a quick question, when level 60 drops, are you able to play existing chars or do you need to make new ones?

  12. I love clerics, they are my favorite class in DnD fantasy. A cleric with the Sun and War domains blasting everything on their way is just how I build them. Guess I already know wich class is my main !

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