Has Final Fantasy 14 Killed World of Warcraft?



‘No king rules forever, my son’
Terenas Menethil

Has World of Warcraft been beaten by Final Fantasy 14?


Has World of Warcraft been so badly handles, mislead and broken over the last few years, players are leaving to look for a higher quality MMO, and FF14 just happens to be there when they need it?

Either way, the reign of King WoW, may be coming to a close.

Thanks as usual to all the Patreon supporters, and Twitch subs, for keeping the channel alive.

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  1. the WoW andys are so locked in that WoW could devolve to only a small room with a black void outside the window and nothing else to do other than sit in that room and they would still play it

  2. Haven't played since the beginning of shadowbringers, watching this makes me want to get back into it.
    Lots of emotions and feelings attached to this title. Maybe it's time to come back

  3. Wow always has and always will suck. I can think of a bunch of mmo's far superior to that crap. My 5 year old can draw better character models and environments.

  4. Meh. Wow was just the first one on my radar. I always thought the story and game cycle was superficial at best and without alternatives it was good enough. FF14 has all the parts I liked about WoW but had a much better story, content, challenges, music… it literally does everything better in every way and it doesn’t torture you for wanting to play its most challenging content with ridiculous farms and unrelated shit. The clear needs to be the challenge, not the door into the raid.

  5. Bit late but man. I tried FFXIV during shadowlands, like most people desperate for for something better, and just kind of found it gray. The feeling, the graphics everything. I ended up going back to WoW after with a greater appreciation for it. It's a game with a lot of pretty things to look at and funny stories to tell if you're just willing to stop and read.

  6. I wouldn't say that FF14 can ever hope to kill WoW tbh, people will always go play WoW, and I tried both. WoW is very easy to play on your own, FF14 is hard to play on your own. I didn't like Ff14 and would never play it again unless they fix what they fucked up.

  7. I had tried playing WoW a while back, around when time travel was released I think, and I just couldn't understand what was happening at all. When I joined FFXIV, I had one button. I press button, damage happens. Then, I level, get a new button, and do more damage. The cycle repeats throughout the levels.
    I feel FFXIV is a lot more beginner friendly, since it keeps things simple, and gives you time to understand your abilities before throwing you a new one to test and try.
    It also allows players to come in and experience the whole story, start to finish, on their own time, unlike Destiny 2 and WoW (from what I remember). You don't get to see the game world during "x" expansion. In FFXIV, you move into NEW areas in the world to continue the story. You don't change the current areas, just add onto them.

  8. Frankly wow is dying because of attrition of new players. New players don't stay because the entire story of wow is so disjointed and broken that practically has 0 story hooks that the player can get.. well.. hooked on.. You get an A+ starting experience, then the story takes you out of exiles reach and just dumps you in a main city with a battle for azeroth starting quest, and very little direction once in the bfa zone and because all the story conclusions are locked behind raids you literally can't get a conclusion for any of the plotlines it opens. WOW assumes all people playing are mechanical players and because of that for the devs, old stories are an afterthought.

  9. Well, a year later WoW Dragonflight is running about 3 times the players that FFXIV. It flows back and forth depending on the expansion. Maybe FF15 brings them back, but the next WoW expansion could swing it all back.

  10. It's just a big ad for FFXIV. Matematically speaking you can't kill WoW. Microtransactions? They are not mandatory, therefore they are not hurting your gameplay and can be ignored. Mount/pet shop isn't that abusive to be a problem. And i'm not agree about Classic. You're just continuing this blatant nostalgia fuled charade about old wow being great. No it's not, and even peeps who play says so. It just that game that they used to play and they are comfortable in it. Many who are playing classic now just want to experience that game that went out in 2005. Plus-minus ofc, bc time changed. FFXIV is a good game, i have no doubt in it, but 80% of newcomers won't stick with it bc they are constantly told by infulencers that wow being bad but techically speaking it's a same fucking game. Same mechanics, better graphics. People bitching about plot and plot only in a nutshell. Of course there are problems with bots, toxic 1% (and i want to point on one of them, for example one of the biggest influencers in wow Asmongold being so icredibly moronic that his actions made /spit reworked and this dude praising another game to become once again that toxic 1% that he used to be in wow). I'm not obligated to speak maybe for it, BUT all my friends play wow either for pvp or pve, but everytime it's a plot a problem not even balance that make them drop wow for a couple of months.
    Fightings? They are hell interesting, but strongest fights are been seen only by hardcore audience.

    From my experience with cafe/restaurants — if something survives for 5+ years it WILL survive fucking anything unless its killing itself on purpose, i can asssume you can apply this for pretty much anything.

    This vid already a year old, but man if that is a bite for commenting you did good job. Great channle, thanks for another vids

  11. i will post this on every video that features your ff14 gameplay if i must, PLEASE NOT THE DEFAULT HUD/CONTROLS?! tip: you can put abilities you haven't got yet onto your hotbar anyway, its super convenient and helps set-up jobs with similar keys for ease of use, it also means new abilities automatically go into where you are expecting and ready for them.

  12. Nope. Misogynistic and generally incompetent writers, incompetent game designers, and a morally bankrupt company, seriously, a woman committed suicide due the sexual harassment going on at Blizzard, they don’t deserve a fucking penny until they sack everyone responsible and start fresh. Yeah WoW is dying if not dead, but it’s not Final Fantasy’s doing.

  13. I quit WoW many years ago because WoW ceased to be the game I loved and became something else. I absolutely ADORE FFXIV. But to set the record straight, it is for VERY DIFFERENT reasons to why I loved WoW in it's heyday. WoW was an often oppressive, obscure and mysterious world with little plot, few to no cutscenes, and a punishing level of difficulty that forced likeminded players to collaborate and forged lasting bonds. As you can probably tell by that description, I played during the early days, beginning in Burning Crusade in mid 2007 with my consistent play coming to an end shortly after Cataclysm launched. WotLK was both a fantastic expansion with awesome content and the harbinger of WoW's demise. While it was arguably the best content Blizzard ever produced for the game, it was also the expansion which set the stage for many of the things which have led us to the disappointing awful experience WoW is today. FFXIV as an MMO is nothing particularly amazing. It's by the numbers, the best and worst of WoW for all that's worth. But FFXIV offers things WoW does not. For one, WoW's story (which only really began to exist in WotLK for all intents) is fanfiction tier on a good day, and ruins everything about the Warcraft universe and lore. It's so incredibly and awfully dire. Meanwhile FFXIV has one of the finest stories in video gaming history. Now to be clear, yes, the base game is awful at times. And I have a hard time excusing it. If a game gets good 50 hours in, it should get good sooner, enough said. But FFXIV is the one exception for me, simply because it gets so damn good with such incredible consistency over years and years worth of content. It stands head and shoulders above even massively acclaimed stories like that of The WItcher 3. Genuinely outstanding. In addition, the game has an absolute wealth of content and can be almost played as a sandbox MMO. While combat is the core game, there's so, so, SO much to do outside of that at your own pace that it can genuinely be enjoyed as a sandbox experience to some degree if that's what you're looking for. At the very least, you'll never want for things to do. On top of that, the soundtrack… holy shit. Masayoshi Soken is the Nobuo Uematsu for a new generation, no joke. FFXIV was clearly plagued by budgetary limitations during it's early days and to a point even now, and the relative inexperience of the team during the earlier stages shows. But by god, every single damn person on that team has outdone themselves and made something genuinely incredible. And all that from an MMO which tanked on launch back in 2010. FFXIV isn't perfect and it has many problems, that much is for sure. But Yoshi-P and his team genuinely care about the game they're making and break their backs to deliver something incredible time after time after time. Meanwhile WoW has been treated with apathy, avarice and a genuine lack of understanding or care for what made it so beloved in the first place. Again, FFXIV doesn't replace early WoW. But neither does current WoW. And with that in mind, putting those two products side by side, only one of them is still doing genuinely amazing feats and is beloved by their fanbase. And let me tell you as a longtime player of both… it's not the one developed by Blizzard.

  14. I tried to play 14, but couldn't for the same reason I never played 11: it won't LET me.

    I cannot create an account unless I do X, but I cannot do X UNTIL I CREATE AN ACCOUNT. Fuck them. Absolute waste of time and bandwidth.

  15. What community says and what's reality isn't always the same, each year TF2 community is saying TF2 is dying, they have been saying that for years but it's still going strong. And people saying "majority of 'players' are bots" haven't really played they just say that

  16. I know I'm late to this video, but I want to say thank you, not because of the quality content, but because of your explanation about how we are emotional beings that get attached to things or people far beyond what we should. I'm having a long-term relationship breakup right now and that explanation was very… comforting? I don't know, it makes me realize that my pain is normal and reasonable, and I'll get over it in time. Thanks again.

  17. "Hoping it will be as good as it use to be. Hoping it will be the experience they remember." This explains exactly my feeling currently with Warframe. I used to love the game, i have over a thousand hours in it, but it just isnt what it used to be. The new expansions always seem to stray from the core gameplay until the most recent expansion Veilbreaker, where your not even playing Warframe anymore. I want to be excited about the newest updates, but i just cant anymore.

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