How You Play World of Warcraft Says This About You

What your way of playing World of Warcraft says about you. Do you Raid? PvP? Roleplay? How do you play World of Warcraft? And most importantly, what does your playstyle of approaching World of Warcraft say about you as a player and as a person to the outside world?

Well, today we’re here to discuss just that – in this video, we’re going to go over all the different ways to play World of Warcraft, ranging from the Raider to the 58 Death Knight Trade Chat City Troll. Whether you’re playing WoW Dragonflight or plan to indulge in World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King, I think this video will be able to perfectly describe you as a person, regardless of what version of World of Warcraft you play.

0:00 Introduction
0:25 Plays Pretend
1:22 Ban this Player
2:09 Sucks at PvP
3:07 Malding Guaranteed
4:20 Pays to Win
5:39 Is a Guy iRL
6:59 Loves Drama
8:16 Needs Validation
8:57 Commitment Issues
10:11 The Monster

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  1. I never do PVP after I tried some because I learnt that PVP players don't feel accomplished when they win like how PVE players would feel after beating a raid or a dungeon, but they feel now they have a right to insult their opponent and tell them how worthless human being they are.

  2. I resemble altoholic, (as I’m looking at my login screen and see two lvl 70s, 3 lvl 60s, 4 lvl 50s, and 3 sub lvl 30s, with more to scroll down too, and other realms with more toons), but I identify more as one who was not mentioned: the collector. The reason I have multiple alts. To run old raids solo multiple times a week in an attempt to collect the pets, mounts, and mogs. In order to collect the mogs, the collector must have at least four different classes to have access to all Armour types. I do, however, strongly favour Deathknight Druid, and Evoker.

    I will say I do enjoy leveling, though. And although I don’t pvp, I do occasionally stream on twitch to 0-3 viewers (usually 0), although I rarely ever advertise it, and never in trade chat (which I actually ignore). And I fully admit my content isn’t really good.

  3. LMFAO i fucking love it hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!👍👍🖕#BigShmuckChuckleFuck man fuck you really being a number 3 my self you fucking asshole the rest of the player base is already making fun of us then you come along and do a even better job at making fun of us

  4. You forgot the Soloist – introverts/loners/shut-ins whether inside or outside the game… they avoid guilds, if in a guild they rarely speak or participate in anything, avoiding people. They can be polite, even helpful to others, almost randomly, but then flee any entanglement that might turn permanent. They learn to solo dungeons and elites, and only very-very reluctantly ever join a pug… The philosophy is simple – succeed or fail, they answer only to themselves, no responsibility other than to themselves. Free, but painfully lonely, shy/social-phobics, they want to find acceptance and belonging, but flee (even change names and realms) when they start to find it – knowing that to be known, is to be rejected or fail to meet expectations (again, rejected).

  5. Allow me to add the Collectionator: he's set out to collect every mount, pet, transmog, toy and rep you can collect in game (but hardly ever uses any of these). He mostly plays alone with the only exception if some collectible requires a group. The constant fomo and addition of new content he has to farm drives him insane as he has to run old raids and dungeons on 10 alts, do old dailys for some old rep faction and log into 20 different servers to finally get voidtalon. What a sad player

  6. im they player who takes the game as it is, enjoying all aspects of the game till the end, be it pvp, pve, collecting you name it. Not the worst not the best but somewhere in between at everything i do

  7. I made a Tauren Druid called Mudds. He has the shaggy hair over eyes face with a little flower and has Guardian spec.
    Roleplaying him as a gentle giant bro!

  8. Guilty as charged: l role play. I’ve read every book and make up a story for every character and love to dress them up and play act.

    I don’t raid or group up for quests unless absolutely necessary and play like l am in a first person game. Oh yeah…l suck at playing and my kids laugh at me but l enjoy it so l don’t care.😂

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