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The End Of EA Sports…? (They Lost FIFA)

EA Sports and FIFA have announced that they couldn’t come to a deal, meaning that the flagship FIFA franchise will likely be renamed to EA Sports FC.
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  1. I started on World Cup Italia 93 😂..
    Camera facing down on the players, like the first ever GTA😝.
    From the likes of games like that, all the way to what they are now! Is absolutely crazy at how far they've come and developed 🙌🏼…

    Sad to see the back of (FIFA "FOOTBALL") 😂 Games…

    But as explained? It's clear they've monopolised the industry for too long now.. Bee good to see what new can come of it..
    Woukd also be good to see the partnership carry on! But? In a more competitive and productive manor

  2. I can't decide who I despise more, EA Sports or FIFA (the football association). But the model EA created is used also by Konami and their E-football. It is not fun any more. I play smoke patch old version of PES and it is great for offline play, which is all i want.

  3. Yall ever remember pes existed also the fact everyone thinks its the fifa name that rakes in the cash is insane in reality the draw is the premier league the mls bundes league la liga eirtricity leauge etc

  4. Feel like a lot of you aren’t getting the point here. Fifa lost ea sports, that should be the title. Ea sports will take literally everything except those 4 letters to their new games. Fifa got too greedy and was asking for hundreds of millions from ea sports. It’s fifa who will be missing out on a new game. It’s like y’all forget who is the video game developer out of the two.

  5. you speaking madness, u don't know the game enough to say its bland. ea will not suffer from this split, its the same game just a new name everyone will still play it 😂

  6. Wait this happened last year?! I just saw the first FC commercial and thought it had just happened.

    Honestly FIFA is a super popular game worldwide. If every fan didn't buy it this year that would really send a message to Electronic Farts. They are a plague of mediocre and thrive on microtransactions.

    You know it's bad when South Park takes a shot at you lol

    Edit: Just realized I typed all that out while playing NHL in the background 😂😂😂

  7. Next I hope they lose the UFC license as well. Sadly they signed a 5 year contract extension last year 😢. Come on Dana. I'd like to see Yukes get the license back.

  8. EA is disgusting, the store in madden alone has two thousand dollars worth of transactions marketed in every players game. The fact that the option is even there is disgusting. Things are out of hand.

  9. I have this nagging suspicion that EA believes that the brand loyalty from fans lies in the "EA" name, when in reality it's the "FIFA" branding. Without FUT, the EA FIFA franchise is basically nothing. FUT is where the money is. I honestly hope EA's arrogance leads them to thinking that "we can do this just as well without FIFA", and that it smacks them in the face. Next year…Perhaps they'll lose NFL. Then NHL…and so on. This first loss is for Westwood Studios. The next one, is for Bullfrog ^^

  10. Careful son… they have access to the servers. They could switch off battlefront 2 and garden warfare 1 with the flick of a switch. I lose sleep at night thinking about it.

  11. Finally. As soon as they introduced that new weird engine for FIFA 21, the game slowly, but surely died. It's so broken. I did not even buy FIFA 23. I'm happy EA can't scam players anymore. I hope they get no licensing for any time and leave.

  12. Lol dude stop dreaming, there are no other company than EA at the moment that can even dream to pay 1 Billion dollars to license FIFA. FIFA is a joke of an association.

  13. From my understanding most of the leagues and sponsors announced they’re sticking with EA Sports and I could be wrong but I think FIFA can only make World and Euro cup type games. EA sports also sponsors Sky Sports which covers the premier league.

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