Call of Duty

It’s official: Call of Duty is TERRIFIED of XDefiant. Black Ops 6 is a COMPLETE LIE.


0:00 Intro / Black Ops 6 is NOT Black Ops 6…
1:55 Black Ops Cold War theory
3:19 “Black Ops 6” COINCIDENTALLY is now a thing after XDefiant’s release announcement / success
7:12 Call of Duty 2025 will be ANOTHER DLC
9:27 One thing EVERYONE is missing here… the pro scene
12:45 XDefiant is hopefully here to stay
14:38 How bad is Call of Duty multiplayer actually doing? It’s worse than you think

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  1. XDefiant's release has Activision changing everything from their title to their casino matchmaking. Who knows the scummy shit they are going to pull this year if sales are lower than anticipated and it fails to move the Gamepass needle.

  2. If cod made there game free and have the store. Then maybe they might actually win. They need to make one last call of duty game and update that one game. Cause this shit is getting old i have been playing since waw and if they dont pull something out there ass im officially done with it

  3. BT so true for saying MW2 was the breaking point for so many players, it definitely was for me… Xdefiant reminds me of the OG CoD feeling, just a simple fluid and natural feeling 1st person shooter. Hope they keep this up wouldn’t mind spending a year or few playing this game

  4. It is crazy people are mad about Activision trying to figure out the best way for people to enjoy their games. I have never had complaints about the match making since MW2 days.

  5. I don’t always Agree with BT, but this video is sooooooo real bro, I’ve been playing cod since cod 1 (unfortunately lmfao) and my god they genuinely have competition now and their response shows it. I hope this competition from XDefiant actually pushes CoD into make the necessary changes man

  6. I watched your video on why X doesn’t need killstreaks and you went through the list of all the complaints that people were saying about this game and I found out that people just suck at the game. They need crutches in order to be good so when they don’t have those crutches the games bad
    Edit my Kd is low 1.0 maybe not even 1.0and I still have games where I drop 30-40 kills

  7. At least modern warfare 2 had a great campaign we haven't had in a long time, that where all of the development went 😂 MW3 is good sbmm ruins it campaign was shit, but then again I think it's the old maps that makes it great that's my opinion, have no hope for this Black Ops "6" but I will say usually when I think a cod is gonna be trash and I'm not one bit excited for it it's when they actually come out decent (WW2) for example had a bit of a bumpy launch but I had a lot of fun with that title specially because it was a back to reality after all the jetpack nonsense

  8. I have one question: how much space does X defiant take up because I’m definitely getting it. I’m not waiting for call of duty to take up another 40 gb on my pc so they can add 2 new guns and a single skin or whatever they’re doing. I’m tired of this shit. I’m downloading X defiant

  9. Im sad that MW III is a better game than II because i never got it, i quit the new cods for good after they lied to me and everyone about the 2 year life for MWII
    Shame 🖕activision blizzard and cod
    Maybe ill get it when its on sale soley for the campaign

  10. Xdefient is high key a cod killer . Literally my only complaint is I wish they’d add a TDM mode but it’s still the pre-season so I’m sure at some point it will be added . Other than that hands down a super awesome game play. The only call of duty games I play are WaW , Black ops 1 and OG MW2 cause those games were made when cod didn’t suck and have skin bundles they want you to pay to win with and you can find more games on multiplayer with people having fun of those games then the newest one 😂. Xdefiant I think is here to stay . They toke everything that was good about cod and toke out everything we hated about it out . It’s a solid plan. I have found very very few glitch’s in the game . all the game modes are fun as hell , the game it self is all around solid . Smooth gameplay Awesome graphics , gunplay is kick ass too ! As an ex cod player it checks all my boxes

  11. I will NEVER support Ubisoft ever again. If there was a way I could singlehandedly bring down Ubisoft for good so they no longer even exist I would do it in a heartbeat. They are scum. Now with that being said, I dont support Activision. Havent bought an Activision game in at least 4-5 years. My hatred for Ubisoft stems from long before this recent friction with Activision over XDefiant. I mean Activision is definitely competing with Ubisoft with who can be the biggest scummiest game publisher of all time. Ubisoft and Activision are both irredeemable and unforgivable companies.

  12. I'm happy to see you getting better views on XDefiant, sometimes speaking truth can feel pointless, when interest is low. Apathy is death

  13. I only buy COD games for zombies. I didn't buy the latest games since the Vanguard disappointment. I don't play MP that much. Unless Zombies is an absolute banger, BO6 will not be in my Library. They lost zombies players since BO4 and I don't think more than 20% of players buy COD games for zombies nowadays. It's sad. COD is a shell of it's former self. I know this game is about MP, but they will not fix anything. The zombies situation is an example of what MP will become if Activision will not step up their game.

  14. I don't know about you guys but I maybe way more casual than this audience, I haven't bought a cod game since I had a 360. I started playing warzone in 2020 after not playing for years and it was free to play, nearly 4 years later I've bought like 2 battle passes cause they roll over, and such I never understood why people bought the full game every year, especially when warzone is what we all play anyway…m yet while I've been playing warzone my various mates who o play with have also paid for every single game that's released alongside wz….for what? Especially baffling they're cashing in on nostalgia simply releasing the same games and maps from years ago.. it's been fun playing finals and now xdef been very refreshing to leave cod behind. As much as I hated wz2 we had loads of fun on DMZ but that got left behind and it's been back to good ol' rebirth island again. It's literally come full circle since I used to play rebirth island back in 2020 I'm back there sweating my ass of 3?5 years later and haven't bought a single cod game…

  15. No one wants to play arena shooters anymore. It's a dead genre fully explored. The only reason for the current player count is because there's literally nothing else to play… and it's free.

  16. Not a COD or Xdefiant player but why does this game seem like a drama farm on youtube? The only content I see of this game is in the context of COD [insert clickbait lingo]. I feel like comp/pvp FPS fans are just too lost in the sauce now a days. If ones truly better let time tell who is the winner. If I was a betting man (im not) my money would be on the MASSIVE IP not a clone/look a like from none other than Ubisoft. My gut tells me people will barely remember X a year from now and that like most videos of this nature its about that SWEET SWEET drama $$$$.

  17. Going back to when you mentioned that COD ONLY wants to make poor quality games that don't last long. MW2 (2022), bought that game for 70 dollars only for it to last a year maybe a little more. Not only was it more or less unrememberable, if you try to go back and play the game its riddle with hackers and the game is basically dead since the release of MW3 (2023) or the players have simply lost interest. The company is making money while we the consumers keep spending for poor quality products.

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