Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft Edition | Warcraft Voice Changer & More!

🎙 Special Thanks to Blue for Providing this Microphone!

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🎵 Outro: Unity – TheFatRat (



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  1. hey there i got a question : when i watch a youtube video while on headphone and mice with the yeti x sometimes the discord records the you tube video anyone know wher to fix this=?

  2. Micro USB and the absolute worst single page instructions on Earth. Talk about a great 'steal' in 2020 from Logitech😂😂
    They Reskinned the normal Yeti X models to get rid of old inventory, because who the hell uses micro USB anymore… Very Clever Logitech.

  3. I can hear myself regularly on microphone but it won’t let me access the wow effects and hear them while I’m talking … I have to record myself in order to hear it… how can I use the voice effects without having to record?

  4. sorry but those effects are all obtainable through software like voicemod, they dont sound anything like an orc for example, it sounds like a robot. its ok if u dont have a mic and want to buy one with voice mod built in, but as i have a mic, im not going to buy this just for the effects that i already can make with voicemod..

  5. I can use the effects of the app while recording but I am struggling listening to my own voice while playing the effects with my Mac book pro. Can you help me?

  6. The only thing I see as a positive in this software is the voice equaliser. Blue has always made solid microphones. Considering the software, the voice effects and the samples just seem really tacky… It sounds like a cheap/free software, at least from listening through this video. If youre a voice actor then perhaps there's a slight chance you could make the effects sound decent, but in general it doesn't sound that good… If you're looking for a really nice microphone, at this price point or as a starter-mic, that allows regular usb-A connection then buy the regular blue yeti. If youre going to move the microphone a lot then buy a microphone that's got an XLR input. Any mini or micro-usb cable will simply break the input if the cable or microphone is moved a lot. My blue yeti of 7 years has had its mini-usb input bent two times over the span of 5 years until I replaced it with a Shure sm7b. It's as simple as resoldering a new mini-usb and you've saved 100 bucks, but it's an annoying issue that could be fixed if they moved away from using old outdated inputs. A usb-c would be probably a hundred times better.

  7. I purchased this microphone to put very close to my piano so that, during my Skype lessons with my teacher who lives in another city, the quality of the sound would be better than that of just the computer microphone. She said the sound quality was much better on her end. Also, the recordings I’ve done of my students playing piano or singing are of higher quality. This kicks it up a notch! I read a lot of other reviews to decide on how much money I needed to spend to achieve my objectives and am glad I went with this, as a lot of other less expensive choices seemed to emphasize spoken voice recording.

  8. I was thinking of buying this, but the small selections of wow voices is disappointing, I was hoping they'd throw Arthas and bolvar in there, and not just as clips to play. So unless you can import/export profiles (and someone has made the profiles for me)it's a no from me dog. Cool concept tho

  9. I just got this mic and it won’t let me customize the voice settings in G Hub, shows the microphone but it’s like blurred away so I can’t access it, can anyone help?

  10. I just picked up the mic today & im super pleased w the aesthetic & actual microphone usage, but how tf do I play the preset voicelines to my friends in disc? Do I have to get a logitech keyboard or smthn? If u could help that’d be baller 🤩

  11. So the voice change is a software not the mic? Kinda like you dont actually need to pay expensive for the MIC if they realized the software per se?

  12. Oh wow, they really dropped the ball with creativity for the mods, lol! All they did was pre-set a different pitch on each one. You can honestly save money and download a high quality voice changer program

  13. Worst voice mods ever plus I have the yeti x. Just in case anyone was wondering, No the normal yeti x does not work with these features. Samples is not even a tab unless you have the WoW yeti. Really trying to push that product lol.

  14. this mic looked and sounded so cool but after hearing those voice mod effects… wow, was I wrong. I actually was going to buy it, I’m glad I found this video before I did lol

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