Here’s 13 Secrets and Tips you NEED to Know About Creating Class Setups & Loadouts in Call of Duty WARZONE!
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In this video, we’re breaking down a handful of Secrets and Tips regarding Loadouts and Class setups in Call of Duty WARZONE! Thanks to the Cold War integration, creating the Best Loaoduts in COD WARZONE has become a bit trickier, primarily because a lot of attachments in game aren’t functioning correctly. Some Cold War attachments don’t work as intended, while Modern Warfare attachments are pretty straightforward, so this video explains what you need to do be doing in order to create the best loadouts possible in WARZONE!
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#Warzone #ModernWarfare #CallOfDuty
Hopefully we get an update soon where the attachments are accurate on the menu and in game 😂 Thanks for watching!
I only spawn in with a pistol then die go to jail
Did these ever get fixed?
Unpopular opinion, the ever-changing attachment meta for CW guns keep things fun
Hellos, Hows your day?
I’m a fan of the kobra sight on the CW weapons.
Just got my Elite 2 controller with the paddles in the back (I'm new to them).. What do you recommend as far as button layout? Thanks WhosImmortal!
what happened to hyping the hawksmoore sight?
It’s actually funny because all the suppressors do the same thing and don’t actually ruin damage range like they say they do in MW
Some attachments don't even exist in CW that the game says you've unlocked. Warzone is being turned into a shitshow because of a highly-inferior game being linked to it. I can't even look at COD anymore. But you always make a great video worth watching.
Whats that purple gun you using bro..
Fully loaded is a goated perk to have in a ghost loadout for those clutch end games that can happen lol
Hey imortal if you see this pls reply with the best attachments for the stoner plsssssss @WhosImortal
Hmmm. Maybe I can compete with the DMR now😂 Probably not
Great vid! These loadout type guides are super helpful! Thank you so much
Eh i disagree on some. some attributes of the CW weapons like the one barrel that says "+damage" when playing warzone. its not a lie per say but just doesn't show the correct terminology. i.e, if you go build that same barrel on cw it is "+vehicle damage". the terminology just does not cross over to mw/wz correctly
Hopefully they find the attachments so that they do what they are supposed to.
Raven and any black ops games a terrible from graphics to functionality of weapons. Infinity Ward is a million times better, even if they are a little slow at getting patches out and stuff. They get a lot of little things right and their games just look and function better within call of duty. Black Ops is trash, can’t wait until another Modern Warfare.
Idk why but i think the stomers the new meta try it out
What I got from this video: MW attachments act correctly and make sense how to build weapons out. CW attachments don’t work correctly and don’t have a very clear way to effectively build your load out
Pls do a cw mp5 vid plsssss
my guy immortal u think they’ll add zombies camos into wz today for the mid season update?
I am on Xbox and when I start a game it crashes anyone else have this problem
No one:
Literally no one:
Immortal: DiAmEti SpAgEti 😀
im grining for the blue dot in warzone bc im broke XD wish me luck guys
Am I the only person who never uses a stippled grip??
Im hate when the toilet seat is cold and i have to poop
Hello WhosImmortal i am back after 2-4 month’s
They actually confirmed through testing that the task force barrel is the best option for Cold War smg’s
Can we just remove Cold War from Warzone altogether?
All it has done is ruin and break the game.
Go to guns that cannot be beaten, operator challenges you cant progress, slower progression, attachments that don't do anything… the list goes on.
Let's go back to how it was with MW alone.
Love the double uploads man! Double Hey, Hi, How you doings are always welcome. Keep up the great work!
Day 18 of saying zack is the goat