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In this video I teach you how to deny transitions in the most common positions in UFC 4. I also share some tips on how to get better at consistently denying transitions against online opponents.

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  1. I often get no transition wheel/options when I get taken down they immediately transition into top Mount while I didn’t even get the option to deny or transition is this a glitch or wtf is going on??? Also I had one dude transition from armbar to RNC back and forth wasting my stamina just by transition I never got the option to do anything he did this for an entire round? Is this a glitch or just shitty job by EA?

  2. I consider myself a good wrestler in this game, i am currently ranked 2494 in ufc 4 but I simply cannot deny posture up transitions in this f**** game, the game absolutely sucks to be honest I am starting to feel sick of playing it because of this problems.
    Sometimes the game doesn't allow me to do the takedowns as well and I can't understand why, sometimes I try to do it 4 or 5 times repeatedly and the fighter simply doesn't went for the takedown.

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