Call of Duty

I can’t believe it. XDefiant has secret SBMM like Call of Duty. 😔


0:00 Intro
0:30 The evidence
4:18 It’s IMPOSSIBLE for this game to have SBMM with mm this fast
5:58 How the matchmaking actually works
7:04 The truth hurts
8:37 It is up to you to get better and stop making excuses
10:11 Outro

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  1. SBMM is a damn lie. Even if you get SBMM at first until a certain level, and you’re still ass at the game after you lose access to it, what’s the point of even has SBMM if you don’t get better at the game? Just drop everyone into games without SBMM off rip, you’ll get the same result either way. SBMM doesn’t HELP new players, it just gives them hope that they could actually have fun and win more games because they think they’re actually good, then are crushed after getting constantly destroyed. Just get rid of “SBMM”.

  2. I normally agree with this dude. But I too feel as tho theirs alil sbmm going on too. As a solo player I go against teams often & have to try my hardest a lot to hold at least a 2 kd each match if I’m lucky

  3. Truth someone please tell me why I’m always being cued into EU lobbies my regular ping is 30-40 but I’m being cued into EU lobbies with 130+ ping every game in EAST US and it’s not every lobby but it’s every two too three lobbies and the other lobbies have some of the worst connection I’ve ever seen I’ll have low ping but hit detection is off and I rubberband and it’s only xdefiant im so confused

  4. There is no way that secure base matchmaking is in the game me and my buddies went on a 15 game win streak on escort playing a full team of shield operators there is no way SBMM game

  5. I have a 2 kd and average 50 kills a game rushing non stop. I still think there is absolutely sbmm. Almost every player in every lobby is holding angles and jump shotting once you peek those angles. Sorry to break it to you, but bad players make up a large majority of playerbases. And i promise you, bad players do not play this way. So i am exclusively finding sweaty people. I also dont think you should be talking much about skill while you have a gameplay playing in the background of you camping in one corner of the map holding angles all game.

  6. the only thing i hate about this game is that i keep getting put in ASIA server when im closer to middle east . I get about 40 to 50 ms on middle east but i keep getting put in ASIA with 150+ ms

  7. Its crazy to me because Gears of War is objectively the most rewarding game EVER and it EMBODYS the term "GET GOOD". The SBBM was better than any game ever and the skill ceilings is one of the highest out there…the only reason its not regarded as the greatest competitive shooter EVER is because most ppl literally could not "GET GOOD" its the most balanced competitive shooter ever created, and in terms of battle strategy/ IQ it is UNMATCHED. For perspective when you guys die you blame some facet of the game, when the average gears player dies, youll hear some variation of "Dam ( I ) f*** up i should've" we are built different 😂

  8. I will tell you right now, I'm ass at the game. I apologize to anyone I end up on a team with. That being said the main reason why I love it so much is because I can actually feel when I'm getting better. I will let you know I have 2 kids, a 40 hour a week warehouse job, and no time to myself. Plus I went on an arena FPS hiatus because MWII hit an update and shat on my frames to where it was unplayable. So now I'm trying to get my muscle memory back and it's been "painful" but I'm learning. Just from me playing and feeling how the matches are going I'm loving it and I think this is going to be the main FPS I go to because I want to get better at it. Will I get future CoDs? Maybe when I upgrade but anytime soon? No…

  9. I can only agree. I was extremely good at Black Ops 3 and always dominated the lobby. In the newer cods it wasn't like that anymore because I had to play against the worst sweaters. Now I'm extremely good at xdefaint again and currently have a 15 win streak

  10. I have input matchmaking on and whatever the other 1 is on, both on, and it takes me easily 30 seconds to a minute to get a match on ps5 lol idk how yall are getting in in a few seconds. Ive never gotten into a game that quick. Someone explain that to me please 😂 (p.s im not saying its because of sbmm) but curious as to why it takes me so long.

  11. I love you to death but right now all this game has going for it is the lack of sbmm cant compare this tiny ass game to a juggernaut like the COD survive nowadays a game in this lane will have to have a good BR period..people are already not saying its a bad game either ..just needs WAY bigger nuts then this im sorry but its true

  12. I know that they say that XDEFIANT doesn't have SBMM, but it just feels like it does for some reason. It feels like most of the games I play, my team just ignores all obj's and it's a steamroll on my side. Idk, I thoroughly enjoy the game waaaaayyyyyy more than any COD, but maybe I'm just unlucky with my teammates

  13. The system makes sense cause the majority are near the middle of the bell curve, so if you just grab a group of 12 at random and then put them on teams at random, you'll naturally get a balanced match with ocasssional encounters with players above and below the average skill level

  14. blah blah blah my name is blametruth and i hate anything >:( cod isnt hot it was back in the day boomer, its okay to finally acknowledge that you dont play said game anymore, rather than making 15+ videos about it.

  15. What I like about X definition is that it’s more difficult to level up and just needs more unique Ui effects it needs to find its own identity less clone like Ubisoft is finally learning make it less look less battlefield 3

  16. No sbmm is nice now if only people could space out a little bit and stop clinging to each other like it’s overwatch and they’re hiding behind the tank.

    You’re a bit of a spaz ain’t ya bud? What are you screaming for? STRAIGHT UP! You’ve been doing this since what ww2? I swear you get more emotional every year.

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