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0:00 – Intro
1:13 – Structure Of Software Companies
2:22 – How Bugs Are Identified
4:15 – How Bugs Are Fixed
5:20 – Engineers Work On Multiple Games At Once
6:40 – Software Language Barriers
8:27 – PvP Bugs
9:36 – Class Balance
11:09 – What Can We Do?
12:08 – Outro
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I ran into blizzard/activision worker on tiktok few months ago , i asked him why they aint fixing bugs, he replied and i quote, we just dont give a shit. I cant find him since then on tiktok.
Mc disconnect are horrible
Great crash course in Scrum/Agile!
Almost like someone you guys follow said this to you a week or so ago. Your welcome for the content… again
Can someone tell the QA that there is a bug with starfall not stacking the whole xpac? Ty 😀
Wonderful job! I have 20 years as a software dev. This is by far the best explanation of agile and ancillary considerations for the Software Development Release Cycle. (I am going to borrow this). FYI, I'm not a fan of agile… Personal experience is almost all fingers point to developers, and very little visible accountability anywhere else, but I digress.. and everywhere is different…
Why do I have to play green men to compete in pvp?
priest mind control has been causing random disconnects this entire expansion , FIX FFS PLS
"L.U.A" lol
Awsome video. But it's not rocket science to tune fury damage. This doesn't even need to be reproduced, just play arena at any rating lol.
I provided a bug once with every information to reproduce it 100%. That bug wasn't fixed ever, it only went away because after YEARS the talent trees were killed off in favor of the current talents we have. The bug was about a Disc priest talent that needed like 5 points and when you only used less than 5 in it, your weapon auto attack got disabled and there was no way to re-enable it on your own, you had to call a GM to look at it and "reset" whatever. So, they never cared to fix this and just said "fuck it, not worth it". That is why I never report any bugs anymore, at least not in WoW. because it is a waste of my own time, when at the end of the day not even the Developer cares about it and never gonna fix it anyway.
From the software development perspective, I would say that receiving 1000 low-quality bug reports about a defect is far less helpful and more destructive than receiving 50 high-quality bug reports. Low-quality bugs can often be dismissed as non-reproducible and spam, High-quality bugs will be grouped together to build the case for the specific issues, and the Quality team will use those to create their testing scenarios and scripts.
The actual priority of the bug will be determined by severity (impact on the integrity of the game/number of affected people) and complexity (complexity will often include the complexity of the actual code fix (code language, # of impacted modules and etc) and reproduction) of the fix.
If you want to be heard: go to forums/Twitter, if you want defects to be fixed: write high-quality bug reports.
If Blizzard actually wants to make a difference, they will dedicate a specific team of developers for balance and code changes for PVP only (this can be spread across all of their wow titles). This would cost ~500k a year for them(Based on their glassdoor salaries + additional cost of employment (health insurance and etc..)): 2 senior developers + .5 of a business project manager.
I need a job where I can tell my boss “naw, that sounds tough to fix”.
shout out to all the hunters crashing during disengage !
1:54 thats me!
IMO The biggest problem the bug fixing operation has is that they have no individuals who play the game on a regular basis. This is very obvious in the largely nonsenical and unworkable fixes that they do come up with which often makes things far worse than they were to begin with.
Short answer, its Blizzturd so expect this bullshit.
It takes the riot team 2 weeks or less to fix a bug, I don't understand how the MC bug has been around for 2 years and still hasn't been fixed, there isn't an excuse for a game breaking bug to be around for 2 years
Pvp community is small?? That line convinced me ya work for or with blizzard to create a narrative you want players to believe. Mythic dungeon live streaming from blizzard have a fraction of ppl watching it compared to pvp rated arena being live streamed by blizzard. And you want these kids to believe that this game has more pve players doing dungeons then there are pvp'ers… like look at the statistics alone ya can't be this blind!
good vid!
"If you have a job, chances are you've used project management software." What a silly statement. Also, L-U-A. 🤣
Ww monk was a low priority during shadowlands
I believe MC bug is actually a client side cheat detection that blizzard has tuned up and accepted the trade off in the form of MC bug. You can trigger the same thing by just spinning really fast.
I really enjoyed this vid Skill Capped. It was nice for someone in the same business to finally put it out there for all the people who don't understand. Like you said, its right to be frustrated as a player, but shit posting or just complaining without giving Blizz the info its engineers need to fix and the volume of reports the business side needs to make it a priority isn't the way to do it. Very well guided information that made it as simple as it could be so as many people could understand. Thank you Skill Capped.
People have very short memories, I'd like to see how many of these bugs (even just the wow PvP ones) would be fixed if they lay hundreds and hundreds of staff off. I can guarantee some of them would be people working on such things
Mind Control still triggers disconnect. They are streaming pvp tournaments live. Its not top priority? Its gets embarrassing. For first time Im not excited about new expansion, atm feels like I wont even buy it.
Rextroy needs to take a salary
The reason why bugs return is because Blizzard doesn't have a good enough automated regression testing system for complicated game scenarios. I'm sure they automate (regression) unit tests, but most likely nothing beyond that – which they should, given the size of the game. I've even seen private servers with advanced ingame regression testing.
Reproduced a bug that was reported by players/QA? Set up an automated regression test scenario for it. Never re-introduce it again. Same bug appears in a similar but different scenario? Make a new automated regression test scenario. Never re-introduce it again. And that's how you keep going. Easy.
Had Blizzard implemented it we would've had waaay fewer bugs, especially in PvP which is mainly just old ability interactions.
As a software PM with close to 20 years exp I can tell you that this is very accurate description of what happens. One thing to add as well is that a corporate company like Blizzard will have people at the top constantly pressuring the teams to ensure they are delivering "value" or RoI for the time they put in. This plays a large part in how things are prioritised or given the go ahead.
Oh so you want to fix the mind control bug? What's the return on investment (developer time) on that? Very hard to quantify (normally in terms of revenue). You could tie it player satisfaction and therefore subscription numbers etc but that isn't always clear and can definitely be challenged when on a long list of things.
Now take something like a store mount. The return on investment for developer time is very easy to map out. Last time is took 2 devs 1 week to create a new mount. That cost us X. Last time we made a mount like this we made Y. If X is less than Y (which it 100% will be) that will go to the top of the to do list. You can think of everything on that list being thought of like this.
This is also the reason why Blizzard has a record of rapidly hotfixing "fun" out of the game vs long standing issues because normally that "fun" has a value (or reduction of value) associated with it. There's a bug allowing players to earn too much XYZ for a short period of time? Well Blizzards current thinking has them trying to string out content as long because they believe it keeps players around (it doesn't). So in this thinking, quicker completion of XYZ = less players sticking around = reduction in value (subs) = Fix now. That might be a bad example but you can probably see what I'm getting at.
Not all companies are like this though. Smaller companies/start ups tend to value customer satisfaction more because they believe that a good product will lead to returns they need. They also need good customer satisfaction to grow (see early Blizz or many of your other beloved small indie devs). However as they gain success, this normally comes with investors who chase that value more and more.
wow is only a pve game because they're catering to a dead genre, pve. catering to pve is clearly not gaining them any subscribers. how much longer will this last before they want to become money enjoyers?
This is were you are wrong. As an dev myself i know how it goes, and i have submitted bug with video link to show EXACTLY how to reproduce the bug. Additionally i have added counter to the video so i will know when blizz staff see the video. Six months later noone saw the video, so yea keep reporting lol.
This was a surprisingly realistic take on this issue. Well put together video by your team! While I'm going to assume it wont be as well received by the general viewership, its the truth. All anyone can do in life is try to improve the things we can actually influence 🙂
I quit s1 due to MC bug. didn't touch it till S3. Another company would have these fixed in hours or 1 day.
Putting in some extra work 😅 good way of summing up sl.
Wow this video was awesome! Good to know bug reports with detail really matter.
But there are popular bugs that exist for many years, and they never get fixed anyways.
This was very unexpected video, however i really liked it! I actually thought the majority of players was PVP players 😀
“If you have a job” huge assumption when you’re speaking to the wow community.
Since the MC/Felblade/Heroic Leap bugs all result in a disconnect, and all of those abilities change the player's position without input from the player, my guess is that they're sometimes running afoul of some sort of anti-cheat condition.
This video is way too overthought. The reality is, flavor of the month classes are a thing to keep people on the never-ending treadmill. Bugs don't get fixed for the same reason. If you can keep things the same while feeling fresh to players you have to do little to nothing to keep their subscriptions. If you keep the OP classes and specs on rotation people have no choice but to switch mains eventually keeping those sub dollars coming in. Why do you think the new classes are always crazy OP? Literally, name an expansion where the new class wasn't OP for the first 3-6 months.
It's just Lua (loo-uh) my man. Great vid! Working in software myself, I can say you hit the nail directly on the head.