World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria brings with it an absurd amount of cosmetic rewards, including a chunk of fully unique items to this event. In this video we go over how to get all of these unique items, how much they’re gonna cost, and what content you need to complete or farm.
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#worldofwarcraft #remix #cosmetics
22 29 1 minute read
You can also use the "All The Things" addon to see everything available and everything you have already collected from remix.
If you're going to run alts, consider waiting for that until after you've unlocked the Infinite Power VII achievement along with your ring and trinket slots (Heroic scenarios, heroic dungeons, and 2 other achievements I can't remember right now). It's not that hard to do and makes your alts seriously powerful through leveling. Getting the class ensemble through alts will save your bronze and score you some easy bronze form just leveling. Personally, I'm just filling in class gaps I have and will pick up w/e class tmogs I have left after via the vendor.
What armor set is your character wearing in the video; the white/silver colored armor
230k is nothing. I just hit 556 yesterday and I farmed all that bronze without killing a single frog or anything over and over and im pretty sure it was around 530k to do that.
Yeah, the expensive mounts are obtainable at 0.01% or 1% lol
Some of the transmogs are still bugged. Im able to buy it but not able to use it. Plate for example vestment of wing triumph all the way down to Plate of the lost catacomb does not work.
cool, nearly done buying mounts and these will be next
Its worth noting that even though blizz lifted the restriction on obtaining class specific mogs on the wrong class, I don't believe they've lifted the class restrictions on using the mogs on the wrong class. Every raid tier set on the vendors is usable on any class that shares the same armor class. Most of those sets were already fully obtainable without class restrictions, but a few pieces like the T14 priest helm were only usable on a priest. Other pieces didn't exist at all until later like the LFR T14 druid belt which was added as a green boe in island expedition boxes. But currently that belt costs 108k on the AH so buying the set with bronze might be better for you. The tier set enbembles do seem to include every possible version of the mogs including every separate spec version and non class restricted versions. So if you've bought everything else, you should definitely check what you're missing.
Would have been good for the visuals to be a bit more systematic and matching what you were talking about so we could see an example of each unique collectible. Also your UI meant we couldn’t always see clearly the mog you were wearing.
Short: He is explaining all vendors ….no special info
Just a tip: World apparel's Are the ones you get when you start a pandaren of each Armor type: I.e: Plate and recolors (starting gear and progess thru the wandering isle history line), and so On
The tier sets from vendors are not class bound, only armor type bound. So you can mog a full dk set on a paladin. If you are a transmog fan you should buy these too.
People want to waste 30-40k on the raid mounts, but I'm perfectly fine with the superior colored ones for only 4000-6000 bronze.
1:50 that's wrong, at least for dk we got the correct color combination in the trading post, and now in remix again we got the other correct color combination
Did you see if you run the Theramore scenario at level 35 (have to complete it at 35) you will get the mana bomb toy (horde) or Theramore tabard (alliance)? Saw someone else mention it and it is true. Didn't work for toons not level 35 though so I rolled 2 more and both got their rewards.
This event, surprisingly, turned quickly into a bore fest. Some marketing made me believe I’d be able to farm solo and be crazy powerful. Refarming by grouping is just boring. I did my time farming soo on lock during mop, I don’t want to farm casually again, I want to be able to solo and run through it.
Side note, you used to be able to solo last expac raids, and now you can’t. Just terrible
Sorry if mentioned and I missed it, but their are world drop remix-only tints as well so you'll want to be farming zones for those too
what dressing room addon do you use to make it bigger?
I don't see the Chen Stormstout mog anywhere in the vendors, think its just the hat and keg through the achievements
I have been waiting for Shen stormstout’s Appearance forever
So the cosmetics are not to keep??
Great video! Would be very helpful if you made a video for all the items that are difficult to farm in retail as well