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Nobbel Reacts to: Shadow and Fury Official Trailer – The War Within

Blizzard released a new trailer called Shadow and Fury which has Xal’atath smirk at us. That’s it. That’s all you really need to know.. In this video I give my initial reaction and a bit of background information. I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^

Want More Lore?!
The Story of Varok Saurfang:
The Story of Nathanos Blightcaller:
The Light (and Shadow) in World of Warcraft
The Story of Sylvanas Windrunner:

The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)

Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®


#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW

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  1. I heard that the ritual Magni used had nothing to do with his ability to communicate with Azeroth. The ritual Magni used was what the Earthen used to beat the curse of flesh. He used a ritual he wasn't supposed to use.

  2. Three things, first off I honestly thought that was Vereesa as her hair is exactly how Valeera always keeps hers and the armor is 100% Vereesa's, like she's looking for Aleeria. Second, as for "you revel in power yada yada" the whole quest line of Illidan in the past in Legion shows that arcane and regular magic in general, has a VERY finite amount of power. There is a power cap where you can't breach the ceiling without sacrificing mages to fuel the spells. Even someone that was born with special gifts that was considered to be one of the strongest magi ever sacrificed everyone under him to gain enough power to fight the fel.. Jaina with her magic has fallen time and time again to stronger powers, fel, death magic in the shadowlands etc.. Magic in Warcraft is weak and limited with a hard end point to the amount of damage you can do unless you change what powers it which steps out of being a mage an into the shoes of a warlock or shaman.. the fel, the elements, and the dark powers of death/pestulence are FAR stronger than magic.
    Thirdly.. anyone else notice the fel color in the Earth element line while Thrall is trying to commune with the elements? Like the fel that's a part of him may be interfering somehow?

  3. I hope we get a short story of Thrall, before War Within. It'd be interesting as a horde player to read into his approach to the Radiant Song, his motivations, and learn a bit more of what he's been up to. Maybe he can get DOOMHAMMER back?! It is a weapon that was prophecied to HIM alone. He's the iconic LEADER of the Horde, (standalone Council is not working out at all), its very soul and ambition of unity. Even Gazlowe's short story mentions what a great leader he was during his time and how compassionate he is.

  4. I don’t know if it’s just me, but the animation feels.. weird?? Im assuming it’s because it’s not the fully polished cinematic look and more of the in-game style, but it just feels strange. I’m an artist so I may just notice it more.

  5. Air is air, but shouldn't Thrall be seeing element of spirit too? Or they retconned that? Still – you may be on to something with storms disappearing. Raszageth gone, Azshara gone, Kul Tiran tidespeakers hearing stuff. Future expansions other side of Azeroth and Arathi hiding on the other side of the storm

  6. Why is it that all these characters are so co-dependent. I find it hard to believe that any if them can go on a journey of self discovery because they're characters are so intertwined at this point where one thing can't happen to another character without the others reacting in some way shape or form. What reason does thrall really have to play dad #3 to anduin? Because they happen to meet a couple of times? They don't know each other like that and we are seeing thrall walk through portals halfway across the world just for the sake of pep talks with anduin.

  7. Personally I really hope this isn't the art direction they'll be going with for future cinematics. Much prefer the WoD -> ones. This more minimalistic style works for a hype trailer, but I don't like looking at it.

  8. Since you've already watched the video a couple of times before, i wouldn't say "Nobbel reacts to". Cause you didn't make a video out of your original reaction. This is a Nobbel analyzes, or talks about the trailer video.

  9. What is the consequence of cheating during a Mak' gora ? Nothing !

    Gul' dan (movie), Thrall (maybe), Sylvannas. They all used magic in a mak'gora.

    How fair it is if a Mage fight a Warrior and you take the mage's weapon ? Mak'gora is only a plot device badly used.

  10. I believe the war within for jaina will stem from the loss of (spoiler)

    the two most powerful mages of azeroth are khadgar and Jaina, former being the current ruler and the latter being the former ruler ( during mop and wod) for jaina the loss of Dalaran, the city of mages, it will be the loss of another place she called home and another group of people who were to her close friends and colleagues. It will be another theramore and she will again feel powerless to stop it. And i sense xalatath may guide Jaina's Wrath and greif in a way that benefits her machinations if her monologue is too be taken at face value

  11. Hiya Nobbel, this might have been already seen and discussed but when it comes to Thrall, if you watch the cinematic where he finishes Garrosh in WoD, right before he uses the elements there is a shot where his eyes glow red, very similar to the description of the text when you talk to young Saurfang back in TBC in Nagrand where he talks about how he fought off the invaders, a little text at the bottom state that a faint red glow appeared in his eyes. I have always wondered if Thrall's loss of control of the element came from the fact that he got into a "bloodlust" and forced the elements to do his bidding to kill Garrosh or not

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