Thank you once again to Chris for machinimating yet another WoW parody!
Please show him your gratitude and check out his channel 🙂
Video: Chris of
Lyrics: Dudeadin and Sharm
Original Song: The A Team by Ed Sheeran
The song is a spin off from Why Can’t I Raid? Check out that video here!
I am a passionate singer, songwriter and content creator here on YT. Each of my videos provide significant creative value in the form of my singing, composing or entertainment via vlogging. Many hours go into my videos and none of my content is reused. I will always put 100% into creatively adapting any footage, cover or parody to allow my creative value to show.
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Vlogging Camera
Colourless headphones
Microphone Shure SM7B
Vocal Booth with Pop Shield
Audient iD14
Mixcraft 9 Pro Studio
World Of Warcraft
Products I use (UK)!
Vlogging Camera
Colourless headphones
Microphone Shure SM7B
Vocal Booth
Pop Shield and Shock Mount
Audient iD14
Mixcraft 9 Pro Studio (this links to 8 Pro Studio)
World Of Warcraft
#worldofwarcraft #parody #bteam
still a banger
Welp! This still gives me call backs to 2005/06 my raiding days. Beautiful rendition and cover Sharmie. Man I missed your voice.
My old comment must’ve disappeared.
wonder how many dont know what vent is lol
This feels like my classic, they were kind about it, but my DMG was just crap. Never got better, I then rerolled and ppl needed me more
Still hits.
This song always makes me cry, such a good job. <3
Godddddd I still remember this era so happy to come across your videos again
Who is from 2020? Shadowlands is coming!
I wish your songs were on Spotify!
They totally would be in my all day playlist!
Love your songs ❤️
very awesome
shout out to interstellar bum pirates of doomhammer for being a shit guild XD
yours Aavah of Turylon (essence of mercy)
2018 like it
History of wow…
This is a fucking great parody, It actually made me look up Ed Sheeran to see how he sounded, THANKS SHARM!
marry me
LOL at the lyrics : its too cold outside , to not raid tonight ♥ awesome
I really like this video and Cataclysm =(
My confidences in pve was shot since BC. I remember the abuse from all the PUGS. I don't really take abuse well. I don't think it matters if it's dungeons or raids. I think people use pve, to mentally mind fuck with people. I won't put up with it. I'll take my ball and go home. I had to put up with a mentally abusive person in real life. Abusive people have a way of making it seem like it's your fault. I have such bad anxiety from doing dungeons or raids. This is what burned me. I hate that I fell in love with this game, only to have it hurt me. This is why Skyrim will always be my #1 favorite game.
There, I enjoy free thinking and expressing myself. I am free from abuse. I'm free from judgement from men and women. I can spend hours modding and making my world beautiful.
Another great one. I really love your songs about the troubles of getting into a guild raid team. They remind me a lot of what I went through when I first started playing the game and tried to get into raiding. I had no idea what raiding was all about (I'd never played an MMORPG before WoW) and there really aren't a lot of good guides out there for beginners. I had to put up with getting kicked out of a few guilds altogether before I really got the hang of it
why was this in my recommendations?
Best video!!!
sadly this one kinda strikes home with what my guild told me… I get no raids unless it's pugging EN
My story: Started out at the end of BC with my two friends, all of us as mages. they chose human, I chose gnome. With a huge amount of luck, I got from anvilmar, to IF to SW and caught up with them. Max level later, I did horrible DPS, nobody said anything, but I soon found recount. Rerolled as a rogue, Same thing, low DPS. after trying more classes, and not raiding cata rolled around. I chose a warrior, and started doing lfrs tanking, loved tanking and healing on a low lvl priest alt but hated warrior tanking. Helped go all the way up to 3rd boss heroic DS with a druid for the OT. MOP came in, same story for a little bit, but my guild my friend would come to own. (Both went DK) With the pre-release of WOD I got the 90 boost. Rolled a druid tank. Loved the playing, symbiosis (give it back blizz!) And I did really well. Love not just tanking but also healing on it.
what is with the mockney accent? u Australian?
It couldn't be because your hotbar takes up 1/4 of the screen and you're clicking the buttons as unholy. Please tell me that wasn't your actual UI, and great vid ^^
Shea khan
maybe no invite since your a woman most women i seen in wow always play helpless and need help whit every single thing only way women get in raids and so on is by playing the sexual card lol well most of them anyway some women do decent but most need help whit everything just like in real life!
I love this chicks voice
Every time I've seriously raided I've always been #1. Now before you take that the wrong way, I've been in guilds that I know won't ever do full mythic aka old heroic clears but I enjoyed vents so much I just stayed. I'd reject all poachers or people leaving and whispering me if I wanted to come.
He touched me very strong
Forever Team 2, dont call it the B team, we know what you mean 😀
-Preacher from Preachgaming