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The War Within Alpha | Delves – Feature Overview

Dive into Delves! Get ready for dynamic experiences and endgame rewards in The War Within’s all-new system of open world adventures. Join us for a sneak peek and a breakdown of World of Warcraft’s most flexible pillar of progression ever!

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  1. TOO MANY NUMBERS!!!!! No need to have 30 different damage things going off… Make white hits more viable and enough with the more things that do small amounts of damage and instead less things that do more damage

  2. Rogue alchemists could do tradeable poisons from materials that can inflict poison or rare drops and hunter alcs for arrows, priests/locks could maybe study disease mobs and inflict,cure or make resists for em from materials

  3. Tanaris could have some sandworm bosses few different depending on year, maybe some tomb could be open some part of year, maybe some magical seals osmewhere and portal opens on some parts of year and having some different coordination stones it would take to different places some unkown ancient stuff

  4. Maybe dont tell everyting in patch notes or in advance, maybe some event happens and some secret hidden raid tunnel opens somewhere some part of year and maybe next year somewhere else, all expansions places could have underground secrets? Or very rare some info scroll and take with guild shop to some island and there is something

  5. All could also have all profs if leveled, and when using the equip could also very slowly get inventions to upgrade that type of gear for himself maybe unlocking some new stuff

  6. Guy that has killed 100 dragon bosses with sword could have some permanent bonus against em with those weapons and extra defense against dragons, maybe special moves

  7. Raids could come up with different difficultys so guys with raid stuff previous expanions upgraded and with more attributes talents could go on harder ones from start

  8. Like every tier 8 item could have bit extra stats and special effects from having gotten legendary, some special bigger one and bit extra stats from t1-7 epic items, maybe few special procs and gem slots etc enchant slots, could maybe have option each tier and pick one that sticks to new one available ones, like there would be 4 different t3 weapons all with different stuff that you could carry on with blacksmith and rare mats

  9. Like guy that has rare belt of might he managed to get levels in outland and he could get from outland instances belt that upgrades hes belt some but he keeps some might bonuses, also he could get from ssc new belt but still have might bonuses and t2 and naxx, so some would be kept like extra effect slots per tier would be nice ift hey would be rarer

  10. Maybe grandmarshal could have some aura, and maybe they could also grand something for lower ranking ppl in party and everyone, paladins, shamans, priests, druids could also maybe give some special prayers / protections, every rank would have own, maybe lowest 2 dont have any for others, just personal, like scout could be faster and get buffs from higher rankings and so on, if higher rankings die, maybe could also buff party or click some bloodlust kind of thingys or protects, maybe more of em could summon some aid with cooldown, maybe winning bg/sieges could give some points to use for em, maybe those points could also open some expedition point event to go on some new location, start big siege? Could maybe randomly alert some big monsters nearby that comes try to cause chaos and drop special loot

  11. Could be some quest boosting jim the uncapable thru molten core he needs to revenge on all raid bosses, is on wheelchair and can only spam frostbolt or auto-attack with bow and cant move from aoe needs to be moved, also takes 1 player to move him and he cant do anything else, could be harder mode so that many ppl maybe most would have it same time, maybe could be healed in end maybe would be some special event in naxx where he is useful, gets rewarded, ranked, celebrated and some entity would heal him

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