Music is “Silk”, Free Royalty Free Music by
Watch at highest quality. I hope you like the video.
This is my first attempt at making a timelapse within a game. No modifications or cheats were used; everything was captured on Windrunner US server in real time. Very few scenes were captured on Public Test Realm server.
A total of 88 zones are shown in random order. Here are the zones in the order they appear in the video:
00:00 Duskwood
00:06 Grizzly Hills
00:08 The Storm Peaks
00:13 Uldum
00:19 Arathi Highlands
00:21 Shattrath City
00:24 Elwynn Forest
00:26 Isle of Quel’Danas
00:29 Kezan
00:31 Teldrassil
00:36 Kelp’thar Forest
00:41 Zul’Drak
00:46 Westfall
00:49 Zangarmarsh
00:57 Orgrimmar
01:01 Terokkar Forest
01:06 Dragonblight
01:13 Wintergrasp
01:18 Hrothgar’s Landing
01:22 The Hinterlands
01:26 The Cape of Stranglethorn
01:33 Crystalsong Forest
01:36 Darkshore
01:41 Stormwind City
01:46 Felwood
01:48 Ruins of Gilneas City
01:51 Searing Gorge
01:53 Badlands
02:01 Tol Barad
02:03 Eversong Woods
02:08 Borean Tundra
02:16 Darnassus
02:19 Winterspring
02:24 Northern Stranglethorn
02:30 Northern Barrens
02:38 Thousand Needles
02:43 Icecrown
02:53 Durotar
02:55 Shadowmoon Valley
03:00 Tol Barad Peninsula
03:03 Shimmering Expanse
03:13 Eastern Plaguelands
03:20 Silvermoon City
03:23 Feralas
03:28 Twilight Highlands
03:36 Howling Fjord
03:44 Hellfire Peninsula
03:49 Swamp of Sorrows
03:54 Wetlands
03:57 Abyssal Depths
03:59 Ironforge
04:02 Bloodmyst Isle
04:04 Blasted Lands
04:12 Sholazar Basin
04:17 Dustwallow Marsh
04:22 Nagrand
04:27 Silithus
04:32 Tanaris
04:37 Southern Barrens
04:44 Un’goro Crater
04:49 Mulgore
04:52 Blade’s Edge Mountains
04:59 Undercity
05:02 The Exodar
05:04 The Maelstorm
05:07 Desolace
05:12 Azuremyst Isle
05:17 Ruins of Gilneas
05:20 Ashenvale
05:25 Redridge Mountains
05:30 Thunder Bluff
05:32 Hillsbrad Foothills
05:40 Loch Modan
05:45 Silverpine Forest
05:50 Stonetalon Mountains
05:57 Deadwind Pass
06:02 Ghostlands
06:05 The Lost Isles
06:10 Azshara
06:13 Deepholm
06:24 Burning Steppes
06:31 Netherstorm
06:36 Dalaran
06:39 Moonglade
06:44 Tirisfal Glades
06:48 Western Plaguelands
06:53 Mount Hyjal
06:58 Dun Morogh
Programs used to create this video:
– AutoHotkey: To move the mouse (rotating) and to press keyboard buttons (moving backward and pressing the screenshot button fast). Also, to create a lot of scripts to automate tedious tasks.
– Fraps: To take high quality screenshots.
– Adobe Photoshop: To add watermarks on all images.
– Windows Explorer: To rename thousands of images.
– QuickTime Pro: To combine all images together, add music, and export finished video.
– Microsoft Excel: To automate subtitle file creation using formulas.
– Notepad: To create batch files to automate folder creation and other tasks.
– Calculator: To calculate tons of numbers like frames and time.
Fun Facts:
– Over 100,000 screenshots taken.
– Screenshots saved in nearly 950 folders.
– More than 100 GB of space consumed.
– Around 900 scenes were captured. Only 164 scenes used.
– It took only few seconds to few minutes to capture most of those scenes.
You really should make a new one
This is so insanely fucking cool
watched this in 2017, great memory from wow player lvl 60-85
Fascinating! How did you do this?
Hey what was the place between 05:16 and 05:18?
That's awesome. I have the same idea ,to make this, for months. But I didn't had the time 🙁
Amazing! Love this!
the MOST beautiful video about Warcraft.
i just thought of this´s great to see someone has already done it but this doesn´t have enough views
No dislikes?
Great ones mate! 🙂 That flying mount gives you such an advantage in shooting some of those!:)
so amazing
Amazing work!! feels like Azeroth in Parallel universes! love it
Amazing video, I never thought that the Azeroth would be so beautiful. I love it.
youku already call me back. They will remove the video whit in 48
hours. I beg you for a couple more hour. Please please :"|
Very, very nice! The music goes very well with the video!
So this is screen shots that you edited together so it looks like its recorded?
3:07 if you know what i mean 😉
Dang this is nice yea, even if i look how much time and gig it did cost, like it man good work.
hey any chance you know the name of this song?
@DeathFlavored i am wondering the same thing
the world is just beautiful. i wear my explorer title proudly
What is the name of the composer of this song? I can't find it anywhere 🙁 there are many song titles by the name of "Silk"!
this is why I want to be a game designer !!! Great work !
7 777 <- check out my quatriples
Most players tend to be wrapped up in their own world, trying to level up as fast they can, running instances, raiding, or sitting in their home city not doing anything at all. It makes us forget how beautiful this game actually is. We do not take the time and look at what the game designers actually made. Thank you for this video, and for revealing what all of us have been missing in-game! It is absolutely stunning.
Ah-Mai-Zing vid-dee-oh! One of the best wow videos I have ever seen. Beautiful shots – -make more! Great Job!
Beautiful video…..
That one is great. 🙂
Im not sure if it would be better if the movements were slower but if i could i could use it as a screen saver. 🙂
What an amazing video! Thank you so much for it, I'm gonna watch it with my guild master and have a race to see who can name the areas first!
What a great job you've done, congrats and keep up the good work!
100,000 screenshots wow!
@TheGingerNerd Jerky movement is mostly caused by my computer not being able to keep up at high graphics settings. I used a macro program to automate screenshot capture and key pressing to move. I updated the video description with more information.
Awesome video! How did you make the camera move without making it too jerky?
@burberrybitch Thank you. I'm glad you liked it 🙂
Awesome, well done!