World of Warcraft Secret Quests

Hidden, secret, test, old and GM quests in WoW.

-This video just showing secret quests that were datamined from the live servers and ,mostly on the test sandbox (with GM power, of course…) nothing more (note for retards who don’t uderstand video info and movie title), so comments like “private server” or “fake” is stupid because does not make sense, all these quests are real. You can try it yourself datamining. These quests exist in the wowhead database, but the normal search does not find most of them, you must know the exact name or id… Or do you must have a link. None of these quests never been available for normal players. Designer Island, Programmer Isle and Development Land is real zones, but are not accessible to normal players (more on my channel).

– But don’t worry be happy 🙂 For each obtain some quest in wow is there some way. For example, my shaman has a “Clayton’s Quest: Extreme!!” and “Blood Knight Tabard” although it is not possible…
Wowhead Secret Quests List Download (links)

– You can actualy link of these quests ingame and click to see. Is a method for you to verify that these quests are real.
Celldweller – Goodbye/We Will Rock You (Cellmate Mix)
Mindless Self Indulgence – Tom Sawyer
Pendulum – Self Vs Self (feat In Flames)
Sony Vegas 7a, Fraps 3.4.7, WoW Machinima Tools

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  1. Everything about this was crap , even the music, which is I guess the most impressive part of this whole thing, making queen as bad as you could get them with that shitty remix to match the lazy low quality bullshit you are calling a Secret. The only secret I can speak to having maybe witnessed would be your clear ignorance to the definition of secret.

  2. Just of today in ashran, I got a quest named 'Darren's Bombing Run of Awesomeness, checked it on wow head and it's there! Can you explore this and figure out where the player got it and shared from?

  3. This music was rather distracting :/
    Also saddening the first 2 remakes. 1st rule of remaking Queen music: you do NOT remake Queen music. And yeah. Tom Sawyer shouldn't be remade either. It's like the only REALLY good song by rush

  4. Awesome stuff, hopefully they finish that one big Ammonite structure on Designer's Isle. Dragon Isles I think the concept art called it! Thanks for uploading, and God Bless!

  5. AWESOME job, putting all together with wowhead screenshots, really cool. It could have hade more "inspirational" music rather than this one, not of my taste.

  6. Holy squirrel balls! I just realized how to get to GM island and Designer Island! Just go to isle of time or whatever it is in pandaland and go get the special item that shoots you into to the distance mixed with the garrison engineering item that does the same thing but gives you a goblin glider!!!!!

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