WoW 9.2: Play World Of Warcraft FREE With These 5 Goldfarms

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In todays world of warcraft patch 9.2 shadowlands goldfarm video, we are looking at 5 different goldfarms that you can do to make easy gold solo in wow 9.2 . The video is featuring solo goldfarms that you can do in order to play wow for free, by purchasing wowtokens for gametime rather then paying.
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  1. Thanks for all those usefull informations. I have a question tho : why would anyone buy old material like volatile water or the skin from Uldum ? Thanks !

  2. Can anyone BUY me membership so then I can replace that with a wow token? I have FG on D2JSP and can easily get one for someone willing to help me….

  3. I'm here thinking for the newer players who cap at lvl 20 and don't have new content.
    There's no way for them to get anywhere enough gold. Even if they find an incredible farm, they can't access the auction house without first paying $15.

  4. Two things, first what about ardenweald paedrum and vigil torch? I used to do that and it was pretty alright especially with multiple accounts , it was convenient, but now price's are horrible so I'm looking for alternative and I hoped you would help a noob like me , second thing is how do you deal with mobs? I know it might be an incredibly stupid question but ardenweald had a mushroom thingy that mad you invisible and I don't see that in other places

  5. You need to learn how to pronounce your words correctly. There's no such thing as savage letter. Or a Revendreft.

    Maybe try spending less time tryng to sound cool your intros and gain a better grasp of the English language.

  6. Hey! Im a returning player that has started all fresh at a new server. So are leveling my first char there. What and where can i farm while leveling so I can work for that token? Suggestions?

  7. I was farming in wintergrasp and got solid amount of titanium and saronite ore but couldnt sell it on ah. I wasnt turning it into bars tho, so could that be that big of a reason for such a low selling rate?

  8. These videos always seem like bad trade info. specially when 13k plus people see it and and all do the same thing and if you guys really want to know his secret to gold making is AHKBBF(Auto Hot Key Boomkin Bot Farming).

  9. Short Version:
    Current content mining & herbalism. Depends on realm and when you farm.
    Old world farming materials. Depends on realm and when you farm.

    All of this could be explained within 1 – 2 minutes if you would get to the point. Best way to figure out if something's worth farming? Thats what addons are for. As example: WorthIt. If you're a straight up "NO ADDONS!"-Person. You have to rely on long drawn out informations like this video. Good informations, nontheless, but drawn out to an extreme…

    Every Addon it's the same and it will stay that way: Want it safe and easy? Old & Current Content materials. Thats it. It's boring and mindless but if you can do it for 1 hour per day you wil lhave enough gold to finance you enough tokens for playing free and getting new addons for free – Well: You pay with your life. If the time & effort is worth to you, go for it.

    Stay crunchy.

  10. Studen, loving the videos. Quick question for you! In the old TSM it was possible to filter out item suffixes for transmog (of the aurora, of the eagle, of the…) is that possible now with TSM 4? I was fiddling around with the settings but couldn't figure it out. Keep up the great content, and thanks!

  11. the most helpful WoW Player in all the world, that should be a title and it should be yours, i need to earn enough gold for a token in a week, so i need to get going to these farms.

  12. As always insane good video man! I would love to add One thing to The herb and mining farm. And its that its a really good way to lvl up more Alts while getting materials for crafting at your new army of fresh 60s to get all proffs lvld up.

  13. One thing about cobalt, people think it takes 2 ore for a bar, and it doesn't, but because all the other ore/bars seem to work that way…. pricing them can be quite lucrative.

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