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XDefiant secret tips & tricks that NO ONE is talking about


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  1. The simplest and easiest anyone should know is:
    – Aiming while jogging(not-sprinting,just your regular movement) lets you ADS quicker
    – As well as Sprint Slide Canceling,which will ironically speed up your ads time.(You must jump as soon as you slide then aim down to see this effect).

  2. The m60 is the most fun weapon in xdefiant. I think people write off lmgs for being slower and clunkier compared to the other classes but they’re movement penalties are not that bad in this game, plus the kills you can get on choke points and stuff are crazy.

  3. Shoutout to BT’s Pokémon showdown days! I have a distinct memory of you dominating the ladder with a double regenerator core team using Amoongus and Alomomola

  4. I play with a 23 sensitivity with controller and a 1.95x speed multiplier so basically I run around and snap with a 44-45 sens but aim with a 23 if that makes sense lol

  5. any idea why it keeps making me slide after i jumped out of a slide, while not pressing the slide button? so i sprint, slide, jump, and want to land and just keep sprinting, but somehow i instantly start sliding again right after landing.

  6. Brooo…. I literally rarely ever comment on stuff like this, but I literally implemented jump shots as soon as I finished this video and I starters winning like every gunfight. Gonna try to implement the other tips too slowly over time, thanks man I didn’t think it would make a big difference!

  7. Holy shit dude! I used to watch your Pokemon Showdown videos while listening to Approaching Nirvana so many years ago. I had even forgoten your name. Did't know you were into fps now, cool stuff. Glad you are still making videos, nice seeing you again.

  8. I knows it's nitpick, but I feel like games should take both weapons into account for movement speed. Why is it that putting the big heavy gun in your backpack instead of your hands seems to make it weightless? Doesn't make sense to me.

    I also wish, and this is more xdefiant specific, that you could choose to not equip a primary or secondary weapon in favor of either another attachment or something. Kind of a throwback to black ops 2's pick ten system, but without perks because xdefiant has no perks.

  9. hey, sort of noob question
    how tf can you be precise with controller? when I try to be precise i have to be so slow and with high sensitivity its almost impossible, and if i lower it i'm too slow
    btw, i've never played fps with controller, i've always used mouse and keyboard
    i'm just trying controller

  10. I cannot stand Arena. But as you say take time figure it out. It will pay off in the end. I am a completions. Grind for all the gun camo's. Definitely trying put these suggestions. Thanks for the content that actually helps the lower deck plebs.

  11. Seeing blame truth do tips and tricks on a game shows you he’s actually enjoying the game keep doing this bro shit bring back even solid gameplay videos without the shitting on cod narrating I think you’d enjoy the content side again

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