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What do you think of the Logo? Fake or Real? twitch.tv/MrGM
i love it how you used krysik's dragon isles map from the modding community, yet didn't give any credit… classic mrGM…
Cataclysm 2 electric boogaloo
The trademark and rights icons could be used bc of all the NFT stuff going on now.
i really want the next Expansion to take us back home and id love to see more stuff with the dragons
And why are you exacly happy?? They will deliver shadowlands 2.0 cause it is made by the same people you guys are delusional.
Not mentioning that the thumbnail is taken from WoW modding community? Dragon Isles made by Krysík. Additionally all leaks so far has been stolen content from other wow modding sources
Empire of dragons is dog ass name. Logo looks cool though.
Im confused why you say the Rights reserved logo hasn't appeared on any of the logos since WoD…. its on all of the logos. Im looking at the bnet launcher right now with the shadowlands logo and the R is there. Its also on every single logo you show at 2:25. The "Tm" also appears on every logo that is more than one word. Wrath of the Lich King, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, and Battle for Azeroth all have the TM.
Who cares. U all should of stopped playing.
It's not even a debate it's 100% fake lol
In addition, something interesting about this logo is that the upper part of the world icon looks broken, that is, Northrend looks broken. and well this is interesting because if we remember in that little in-game cinematic that leaked from the new band of 9.2 it looks like the jailer attacking Northrend, so I think this is a detail that gives credibility to this leak
Actually, it did appear on MMO-C first (but let's ignore that part).
The 1st source I could track for this leak is the user "Bagina" from MMO-champions, claiming that it's from a mysterious discord with no link.
So AFAIK, this IS an mmo-champion leak.
should be named more work for you
"Empire of Dragons" sounds a little bit weird and perhaps something what Blizz devs would not use, however, logo itself looks good, especially colors and void/light/elune theme.
If it is fake, The person who made it "HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE"
thank you for always bringing "spicy" leaks/news haha have a good day
Another cataclysm vibe? about the aspects again?
The letter 'R' in front of "World of Warcraft" & "TM" in front of expansion names isn't only specific to "Warlords of Draenor". Both have appeared in every expansion except WoTLK & Shadowlands. Your own video shows the 'R' & "TM" markings infront of other logos if you pause & check. And you may also cross confirm from logos-world net website too if you want.
Now as for the logo being real or fake, I believe it's fake & remade using the Cataclysm logo. Because the azeroth image behind "World Of Warcraft" has never appeared cracked in any expansion but Catacalysm. So it's highly unlikely that art team would use a cracked azeroth figure again.
Just let this game die already and stop covering it, move on.
Well, what was data mined was the title “Rise of the Aspects”. Sounds to me like since that title was spoiled and leaked all over they are now changing it to “ Empire of Dragons”. I could wrong but that’s what it looks like to me.
I will say that the celestial like Stars in the sky motif Is present in some of the textures that wow head got a hold of. As well as the dragon theme from prior "dragon isles" leaks.
We already have a EoD – end of dragons gw2. Think its fake.
Do I care? Not really. I am so "done* with WoW, at this point. The ever-increasing verticality to endgame, combined with endless piss-poor desgin decisions, has led me to other games, and I ain't coming back. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice (and countless times afterwards), also shame on you Blizzard. Not gonna fall for that crap again. I've found so many other games that actually respect my time, and don't shove dumb things, like essences, covenants, Torghast, etc. down your throat. Never again.
I hope so and I hope it is entirely focused on Azeroth. Yes the cosmos chart is interesting especially with the updated one in shadowlands but it's only interesting for world building. In terms of expansions no. No more cosmic threats,no more "Oh I was behind everthing here is 500 retconns to just barely have it make sense." I want to play World of Warcraft. Not Cosmos of Warcraft.
"Now" me says it's definitely fake. "Future" me will come back to edit this post if necessary.
cant wait to hear about this laugauhr!!!
Literally ripping off guild wars lol
Its probably a draft or treatment.
Bro you didnt even talked about next expansion you just talked about that loggo 😐
6:27 and you didn't say a thing
EoD. Sounds pretty crap when saying it out loud. Ive heard they care what the shortened version of an expansion name sounds like.
I dunno why we can't just be on Azeroth in big zones that aren't just islands.
Twilight dragon colors fr background and color for letters etc chromatic dragon color, kinda makes sense, and kinda don't at the same time xd
One thing i will say is one or 2 of the fake logos looked really good and appealing to be real, e.g. Reigns of Azshara (could have been an idea for an expansion from blizzard and got leaked). I think whatever the next expansion is, we will probably find out by the date you mentioned in march due to OW2 early beta for OWL would need to be announced officially with information. This would be a good time for all the IPs with new content coming to be announced officially.
I like the color, that they finally use purple and not another blue or green logo…
Let’s have Empire of Mr GM !