With the recent 3 million sub drop I’ve been thinking of ways Blizzard could save the World Of Warcraft from further decline, so I decided to make this video talking about things I’d add/change about the game if I was in charge of WoW, let me know in the comment’s what things you wanna see added to the game!
Intro Music: “Toast Of The Town” – ProudAardvark: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/292798
(Music Provided By Monstercat)
Song 1: Eminence – Where The Light Is – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sy9_2Mp_ys
Song 2: Eminence – Ocean City – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMpiIeyBFSE
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In this video I talk about various features and things I’d add to the World of Warcraft if I was in charge of Blizzard, let me know in the comments what you’d do!
If you’d like to suggest a topic for a future discussion or top 10 please comment or tweet me via the links above.
Legal footnotes
– All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated.
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
If I Was In Charge Of World Of Warcraft
I love that library idea!
Usually i say to haters "what you would do instead".
But i must say these idea are very interesting that improves alot of mechanics and add stuff that not only interesting, fan but also not going agenst wow.
I really hope that blizzard will listen to this ideas or they will hire you. I sure that you are talented man with alot creativity.
The Goblin Casino will raise the ESRB rating, I don't think the rest of Blizz will allow you that.
Didn's saw anything about tuskar and riding whales 🙁 good vide though c:
i wish you were in charge
If i was in chargebof Wow i Would employe ThelayePEON
Fuk yeah nobble + Morgan freeman would b epic
If i were in charge i would make the game pay once and remove the monthly subscription
Lol former glory while everything listed is insanely different than the Glory days.
Some interesting ideas though 🙂
Every idea in this vid sound great and I would love to see these ideas implemented in WoW.
The 3 mln drop was because of the PANDARIA – the panda is a sacred animal for some nations (a big % of the WoW players too…)
everyone share this to blizzards pages on twitter insta etc I honestly think the lazy peon should be one of the people in charge and make these great ideas real #respectforpeon
Morgan freeman as a narrator
Thats gra]eat
If I was in charge of WoW, it would die because I'm still only 13…
Are you a gambling addict?
Besides the jokes at the end i rly think those are great ideas but the theater would probably be a little hard to manage and you have to remember that players want to be immersed also the old engine would make hard to do so what I would do is have the theater a guild perk that they can unlock and they can watch more stuff as they progress and have an explanation like signals sent from somewhere else in the universe broadcast on the screen so it's not as unrealistic
i would allow goldshire rp, jk!
A lot of good ideas in here!
Itd be awesome if theyd actually make atleast 3arenas and 3 bgs like your idea
if I was in charge of WoW I'd make every mager non playable race playable you know those races that show up alot but are never playable
guild housing? in the form of airships? that is genius! why not post that in the forums?
They should have guild housing like if your horde you can pick themes for your base like iron horde or normal orgrimmar theme or if your alliance you can pick normal storm wind theme or dwarven theme
For a wow idea if you complete a heroic raid first try you get 10% more gold and have a 5 percent chance of getting that one mount or armor peice.