World Of Warcraft burnout is an issue we’ve all been faced with at one point, in this video we’re gonna look at a few things you can do to mitigate this feeling so you can get back to enjoying WoW as normal whether it’s pvp or raiding you’re into
Intro Music: “Toast Of The Town” – ProudAardvark:
Song 1: Fractal – Atrium
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In this video I talk about the issue of being burnt out in World Of Warcraft and offer some advice with how to deal with it so you can get back to enjoying the game as normal.
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– All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated.
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World Of Warcraft: Dealing With Burnout
Soloing raids…?
I came here for realistic solutions, this is not one.
wow twink for bgs is dead lol
I never found nice people in wow, peon. That's why I didn't continue playing it and that's sad because I was a new player :'(
Watching this during Legion.
I'm burned out on both PVP and PVE, pretty much gave up on my character till 7.1.5.
love the music!!!
When you leave WOW for a while but are to broke to come back :/
I've breaked for over a year now, it's time to start playing again I reckon 🙂 This video nade me decide to get back into it 🙂 thanks heaps man.
lol i get burnout so much that i still don't have a level capped character (I have been playing for 3 years XD)
+TheLazyPeon apparently u made this video but you also burnout with WoW , we will see u ever come back before Legion ? Why you don't grow your balls and try again the IronMan challenge …..I really miss these videos ….well I guess we will have to wait for Legion to see u bk playing WoW 🙁
@thelazyPeon Can you make a video about what YOU think the future of WoW will be ? been playing on and off since 2005 so had been intresting, i have a feeling that i should stop it, but at the same time i dont know how life will be without wow xD
what the fuck happened blizzard.
My burnout got to the point where WoW basically killed MMOs for me. When new MMOs came out I tried them, of course, but WoWs fanbase are zealous addicts and those MMOs quickly became ghost towns as they all ran back to their 80s/85s/90s and caches of gold because the game had new mechanics and no huge "get to current content" XP boost..
Am I the only one who actualy reads ALL of the quests and does them 1 at a time? Am I the only one who plays the game because I am excited at questing more than raiding? I am lvl 40 btw..
If you could do some of that stuff in private servers
achievement hunting is the best hint.
My burnout is more of a nostalgia burnout. I may actually look at private servers because I (and much of the playerbase, if sub numbers are a clue) much preferred the experience then.
WoD PvP sucks so if your burnt out. wait till legion
s/o runescape lmao
Are you from Australia or the UK?
I just cancelled my subscription last night. Figured that, I haven't had any constructive social interaction for a while now, and I feel totally burned out with the game. Hope to get back in a few months, or when legion releases.
Alas! Is been ages since i resisted the addicting grip of wow after few weeks in wod i quit bored..and something emerge from the shadows! oh yes a new expansion…Resistance is futile is only a matter of time and will before i re enter this endless cycle of addiction.
Also another tip just make a alt or main in moonguard ally me you never be born cool rps in SW or you can sit all day and see general chat in elwynn pretty cool.
Anyway if you excuse me i shall wait with great impatience for the new expansion.
TheLazyPeon you should consider making a tutorial for socializing, and online etiquette for WoW. Socializing is sort of straight forward, and easy most of the time, but sometimes people might not be that great at it so they might need advice.
0:10 … what player frame is that?
omg its so true !!! Im in love it u videos again hwo do u do that ?! peon !!! how u make u fans to love u videos so much 😀
What i personallydo to deal with burnout , i do some archeology , its relaxing ^_^