World of Warcraft: Human Tavern Music

Just a looping video from inside ”The Lions Pride Inn” in World of Warcraft.

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  1. I've been playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance, which has music similar to this. Funny thing is, every night when I stop playing, the only song in my head is this one :). Played WoW for on and off for 10 years, and it's been at least five years since I've been in a tavern like this one, but this song still stays with me 🙂

  2. I started Alliance but went Horde, so I haven't heard this song in over 8 years. I heard it as the backing for another video, and was hit with a massive wave of Nostalgia and just had to find it. Spent so much time in Goldshire just chatting with people in our small server community. It was a different, simpler time in MMO history.

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