How to Easily Level Cooking 1-450 in the World of Warcraft!

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This video shows an overview of how to easily leveling cooking from 1-450 in the World of Warcraft!

I hope this guide will help you get rich in World of Warcraft but at the same time free up farm time so you can actually enjoy the game for what it is meant to be; fun! So, don’t sit at your computer 24-7 just to make gold. Go out, raid, PvP, whatever, just make sure to have fun (^_^)v.

Special thanks to all my friends, subscribers, Adobe, Blizzard, Fraps, and anyone I left out (^_^)v.

Added Thanks to Collin for the Intro.

Added Thanks to Dotaa for the 2v2 Outro. The best DK in the World … of Warcraft!

“Now go PvP or something!”

Copyright 2009 © Tarou’s WoW Guides
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®

Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

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  1. Guide "use the auction house" thanks I never would've guessed that

    He makes good points tho. Solid guide. The raptor recipe can also be bought at Grom gol at the Genral goods vendor and they have raptors too.

  2. He said you can either fish or do a quest for 275-300, yet never tells us the quest…
    That's a good guide? Sure, if you wanna waste gold on AH, if you don't you're fucked. Find it yourself, loser

  3. If you are stuck at around 295, go and buy the Baked Salmon recipe from the auction house, then buy the Raw Whitescale Salmon meat from the auction house or farm it until 320. Then get the Barbed Gill Trout, go to Shatt where that bar is in lower city and buy the next recipe

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