World of Warcraft Cataclysm All Changes – Leaked Alpha (HD)

World of Warcraft Cataclysm all zones in one HD video! Patch 4.0 .. Enjoy! 🙂

pendulum-hold your colour
Kryptic Minds Leon Switch More Like You (Unknown Error VIP 2)

Video includes: Durotar, Echo Isels, Orgrimmar, Azshara, Hyjal, South and North Barrens, Mulgore, Desolace, Thousand Needles, Stonetalon Mountains, Dustwallow Marsh, Tanaris, Twin Peaks, Skywall, Gilneas, Abyssal Maw, Vashj’ir, Darkshore, Felwood, Ashenvale, Ungoro Crater, Feralas, Deepholme Dungeon, Deepholme, Blackwing Descent, Blackrock Cavern, Grim Batol, Kezan, Throne of Tides, Halls of Origination, Lost Isles, Stranglethorn Vale, Blasted Lands, Deadwind Pass, Swamp of Sorrows, Redridge Mountains, Badlands, Blackrock Mountain, Twilight Highlands, Loch Modan, Wetlands, Westfall, Dun Morogh, Stormwind, Tirisfall Glades, Undercity, Western Plaguelands, Eastern Plaguelands, Tol Barad, GM Island, Character Creation, Interface, Etc …

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  1. Man, so much has happened from the time this video was released, to now. I was so excited for Cataclysm… before I found out the hard way that Blizz broke my class…

  2. magicWoW? You mean MoltenWoW, and seriously you are the only lamer here. You have no idea how hard it is to scrpt cataclysm. There are quests that require more scrpting than ICC. And btw, Frostwolf IS cata now;) 3x blizzlike.

  3. @Anidem9 YES, I knew I wasn't the ONLY ONE who has mostly forgotten what OLD azeroth used to look like. I'll probably be visiting a private server just to explore the old world !

  4. well I don't play world of warcraft anymore and in my opinion its best times are over for a whilte now but I have to admit that the creative minds behind blizzard are really respectable and its interesting to see how they change their world. I really like the style of their nightelf villages 😉

  5. I like the changes they did they kinda open my mind to what wow really is.. it doesn't matter what happens cause the game will always be changing but it will only get better

  6. i used to play vanilla wow and my parents made me stop the game.. i started playing recently with my friends acc and all i can say is that old-school wow was better.. 5 hour long AV, you needed skills to get good gear, had to spend weeks on leveling, all that is gone now, BUT, blizzard knows what they are doing.. they brought these changes to make the game more fair to everyone so players wouldn't lose interest to the game.. i understand their changes and wow will always be the best game!

  7. I really enjoy this video, music is very cool! I "finally" purchased Cataclysm expansion yesterday. Just waiting for my new gaming laptop to come in the mail. Then i'll be able to login in for the first time in a long time.

  8. i wish they did this differently. cataclysm should have been a WOW2 kinda game. one which characters could go to wow1 or 2. since now barrens and everywhere else will never be the same 🙁

  9. @PunkBuzter If you want a good game w/o the "Toon-Like" graphics, check out DDO. Thats what I've been playing every so often and it is also very challenging between 6-20. Rift looks great too! I have been paying on a game, but it too has "Toon-Like" graphics (hehe). For myself, lately I jump around between MMORPGs and will continue to do so even when I return to WoW.

  10. Being upset w/most of the changes; being one of the vanilla age players, I quit WoW almost a year ago. But I have grown quite a bit curious. I figure since I started playing Horde; then switching to alliance for the majority of the time, I would resurrect myself back to horde as Goblins are my favored choice now. I can't wait to check out these refurnished zones in Azeroth from the air. Looks cool/cool music, thx for post=]

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