10 custom Death Knight gear sets for transmogrification on your characters! Enjoy the video/series? Feel free to drop a like or comment they help a lot and are always appreciated. 🙂
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Sxc Playlists
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🎵 Track Info:
Song: Catas & Kasger – Blueshift [NCS Release]
Music Provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_C1dfBeo374
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/blueshift
📃 Music License: https://www.ncsmusic.com/usage/
📃Video License
The visual content used in this video is from the game World of Warcraft by Blizzard, I am allowed to use this content in youtube videos as stated here: https://www.blizzard.com/en-gb/legal/2068564f-f427-4c1c-8664-c107c90b34d5/blizzard-video-policy
“Blizzard Entertainment reserves the right to use its products for all commercial purposes. The only exceptions to this rule are if you participate in partner programs with YouTube, Justin.tv, Blip.tv, Own3d.tv, or Ustream.tv (the “Production Websites”) whereby a Production Website may pay you for views of a Production if you are accepted into their partner program.”
As someone who just returned from Wrath I've got to say this is a God send for mogging my DK
Set # 7 was awful but the rest was great
Classic DK BEST DK!
DK is the only class where the starting gear set is the most fitting of all. The plate Acherus hood is the best item in game.
Don't mind me , just commenting random stuff to help the chanel .
love the vids keep sending them please. just decided too main dk so been checking all your vids for ideas 😛
O.o. I want them. Too bad, so sad.
1:47 boots don’t fit with that :/