Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we hop on a Venomancer and showcase everything this class has to offer in Conquest of Azeroth. Have any thoughts about the class? Let me know in the comments!
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0:00-1:47 – Intro
1:48- 3:40 – The Basics
3:41-4:27 – Talent Tree
4:28-5:45 – Fortitude Venomancer
5:46-7:22 – Stalking Venomancer
7:23-8:26 – Rotweaver Venomancer
8:27-9:52 – Vizier Venomancer
9:53- 12:33 – Design Hurdles
12:34-13:10 – Conclusion
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Quick correction: (I'm super busy and just messed this up) They can wear up to Mail, not up to Leather. I was thinking of Druid too much when I said it.
Thanks for this video! I hope COA goes well
please do the guardian
Welcome to another session of "THE STRONGEST *Insert Role Here*"
Imagine someone trying to master their fear of spiders and becoming the venomancer. Just like Batman lol
tbh i was waiting for a shapeshifter or a hots healer and seeing them together i can say … COA HYPE !
night elf still paid tribute to their wild spirit (LOA), so it still cannon lmfao.
Barbarian next! Then KoX. K, thanks.
Man this si truly innovative!
Ngl rotmancer might just be the caster main
Every video I think I have a new main. You're doing a great job with this videos
I really liked venomancer however i feel the anub’arak evolution would fit better on the tank spec
That bright scorpion's aoe should to go. And how spider loa connected to snakes? Serpent lord should be glyph/skin imo
Other than that seems cool. DOT ranged dps is more fitting for class than boomy for druid. Also I don't get why some hate on forms for rotweaver and vizier. They are neat.
Can't imagine how much work has done into these showcases. 21 videos covering 69 specialisations is nothing to scoff at. Great work, if you ever need an extra editor then hit me up and I'll show you my portfolio. Shameless plug aside, you've been my go to when it comes to CoA and other private server content
Gnomes should be able to be venomancers as they are inherently toxic
Ngl all of the tank specs so far shown seem very busted and overloaded
They made a mistake to release all classes at same time
I swear every spec of everyclass is "one of the best among CoA" according to Mcdoubles.
These videos are perfect for someone who just got CoA and has been testing out all the classes.
Also the carapace tank mechanic is pretty great!
ngl its feels like not every class should have a tank spec a mele and ranged spec and a healer spec
Man you saying "but this class shines in the right hands" and "well played class has a lot of power" type things kinda scares my noob ass off,,,, is there like a class that will be easy to use and good? I feel like every game need a starter class to be honest, and thats for people like me,,,,
Omg a poison healer!
A poison healer!
Making sense or not, grasping for straws, swinging for the fences to make every new "class" have absolutely all the roles in the game…
"Allright patients, gather round. It's time for the mass injection!"
Old: Doubling this Fang Venom causes it to affect an additional enemy near your primary target, and doubles the duration.
New: Doubling Fang Venom causes it to affect an additional enemy near your primary target and last twice as long.
"this" and Doubling and Doubles, in the same sentence is a bit odd sounding imo. Could just be me.
When release
I wonder if perhaps they'll add the new nerubian from tww as a form
i wonder if they're doing to add new raids and new zones and quests
he said plethora again
Damn that green is bright!
What is the sethrak form for?
when does coa launch"?
I know Mcdoubles was so happy to get the serpent lord with actual clothes on it lol.
you made a tank that take more damage over time? even with the heal this seems very weird
Shadra more like Chad-Ra
So I like the venomancer idea but some things just seem off. So foritutde becomes a scorpion and stalking becomes a spider great, rotweaver becomes a spider body with human torso and vizier is like the neurbian priest that are tall standing humanoids with 4 insect legs. so you have 2 that are just animals and 2 that are humanoid animal hybrids. It just seems off like the other two specs already get their evolved forms. I think vizier should have been base character form and becomes a snake for better escape and attacks while losing out on healing unless they are in the snake lord form so the player is swapping between safety and more damage. Have the cryptweaver form be the snake lord form to really feel like you evolved as a long range casting spider while avatar of shadra changes the look to be barbed spiders like how shadra's post cataclysm look. That way any evolved form you choose you get something new that's unique to you as a stalking venomancer and all are spiders. I would think to have the vizier model be for rotweaver just because the current rotweaver looks more spider like and my idea was to have the stalking vneomancer be all about spiders. Giving all the spider love. I think the gameplay is great but not the ideal rp flavor i'd want
is there will be option to switch specs at any time? asking cuz i was about to start Starcaller-tank and then get something like runemaster-rog or reaper, but now…. if there will be option to switch specs iam totally goes with Venomanser main.
The class is very cool but I think there's too big a visual difference between the scorpion/spider forms and the caster and healer forms. I think the stratholme nerubian would make a better caster form while the healer form could just not exist. Maybe unpopular opinion, idk.
if i end up not liking cultist as much as i want to this is what im playing
Toxic class.
Toxic class.
i want to play venomancer i dont want to play night elf… that sucks