Call of Duty

Call of Duty 4 – Shotgun Tips and Tutorial

my updated shotgun setups that I use:

Grip / Bomb Squad
Juggernaut / UAV Jammer
Extreme Conditioning / Dead Silence

Sleight of Hand / Juggernaut
Steady Aim

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  1. I am a shotgun beast and I can't stand players posting videos about shotguns and are also using other weapons like SMGs and Assault Rifles in the same video. A real shotgunner does not use secondary weapons.

  2. No, is hate it thats why i play it dumbass.

    PS Why u get always a topcomment by saying something like that, people wouldnt watch this vid if they didnt like COD4.

  3. Grip is obviously really useful, but it excludes 3x stun, which is good to have, because you can flank enemies while their movement and aim are immobilized.
    If anything, 3x stun is propably the best Perk1 choise Marksman II challenge. (not yet having the grip)

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